Friday, June 28, 2013

Genesis 17:1, 9-19, Psalm 128:1-5, Matthew 8:1-4

Genesis 17:1, 9-19, Psalm 128:1-5, Matthew 8:1-4

Genesis 17:1, 9-19

My Beloved, God is the God of the impossible.  He can do anything - a 99 year old man will sire a son from his 90 year old wife.  It matters not that she is way past her child bearing years God can cause her womb to be fruitful.  The Spirit is timeless and when He is permitted to possess us we find that we too can do all things in You. We often ask You to work our plans to fulfill Your purpose as did Abraham who asked that God's plan be fulfilled through his son Ishmael born to the slave Hagar.  But our God who is the God of the spectacular, the glorious, the awesomely impossible and Your way is always better than our own.

Give me the courage my Beloved to trust You even when it seems that things are impossible and hopeless.  YOU ARE GOD!

Psalm 128:1-5

My Beloved, those who follow You and never depart from the Way of Truth will live lives sheltered in Your Presence and enjoy Your protection.  They will bear fruit in season and out of season and You will bless every member of their household as well. Thank You!!

Matthew 8:1-4

My Beloved, You desire that all of us whom You have redeemed remain clean from the leprosy of sin.  When we approach You with humble and contrite hearts in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, trembling and anxious, You reach out and touch us.  You calm our fears.  You make us whole.  You fill us with Your grace.  You pour Your Holy Spirit on us.  You do it all and You restore us whole and happy again to our place in the family of God.  Thank You my Beloved!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Genesis 16:1-12, 15-16, Psalm 106:1-5, Matthew 7:21-29



Genesis 16:1-12, 15-16, Psalm 106:1-5, Matthew 7:21-29

 Genesis 16:1-12, 15-16

My Beloved, God is always faithful to His promises but we cannot expect Him to act in accordance with our agenda.  He can and will act in His perfect time.  When we make our plans without God we will make a total mess of things. It is better to wait patiently and trustfully, confident that He will fulfill all His promises to us.

Psalm 106:1-5

Thank You my Beloved for all the favors You have granted me and mine.

Matthew 7:21-29

My Beloved our House is built on the Rock of Peter and the gates of Hell shall never prevail against it.  Many have built houses in accordance with their own spirit and we see their houses splinter, divide and even fall apart.

In our Home we are taught with authority - the authority of the Magisterium that can never teach error because we have Your guarantee that she never will.  Thank You.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 105:1-9, Matthew 7:15-20

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 105:1-9, Matthew 7:15-20

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

My Beloved, those who belong to God need not be anxious about anything for the Lord walks with them.  he is their anchor,their shield and their reward.  Abraham received all that God promised him and so too will who who believe received.  You have made a Covenant of Love with us and You will remain true to it forever.

Psalm 105:1-9

My Beloved, may all my thoughts, words and deeds praise You for all the ways in which You have helped me and loved me.  I offer You a grateful heart.  May my lips tell of Your merciful love to me and mine.  You are a faithful God my Lord and You never abandon those who belong to You.

Matthew 7:15-20

My Beloved, God created us to know Him, love Him and serve Him,  In this is perfect happiness.  Because we are creatures of the senses and He knows how hard it is for us to love something intangible, He sent You, His Son into the Word.  His Word became Flesh and dwelt among us.  You took upon Yourself our human misery, guilt and shame and nailed it to the Cross.  With Your death You washed away our iniquity.  We we know You, touch You, taste You.  You h ave become our Eternal and Living Sacrament and through the Presence of Your Holy Spirit within us we have a perennial stream of grace flowing in us.

Keep us close to Holy Mother Church for in the world wolves in sheep's clothing are multiplying at a terrifying rate ready to pounce upon and kill all that is true, good, noble and edifying.  They are bent on caricaturisation everything and doing their utmost to make lies the truth.  

You ask us to watch for the fruit in order to know whether the works of someone are good or bad - the fruit of the wicked are either rotten or they are barren.  THose who belong to the Kingdom of God will always produce life-giving, good and abundant fruit.  Fruit that will last.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Genesis 13:2, 5-18, Psalm 15:2-5, Matthew 7:6, 12-14


Genesis 13:2, 5-18, Psalm 15:2-5, Matthew 7:6, 12-14

Genesis 13:2, 5-18

My Beloved, Abraham was truly a man after the heart of God.  He was not  greedy but generous with his nephew Lot.  He gave him the first choice of the land.  He was a man of peace.  He was a man who believed that God was for him. He also trusted the word of God.

In a world where everyone looks to get the best and the lion's share of everything, it is good to bear in mind that when we are humble and trust God then we can be certain that He will take care of every need and bless us abundantly.

Psalm 15:2-5

My Beloved, I am not left to muddle on my own in my journey to the Kingdom.  You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.  I must follow You who have lived the Way, I must imitate You who are the Truth and I must be open to receive the Life that You give me at every worthy reception of the Sacraments.

To have Truth in the heart is to have Your abiding Presence in it.  I must walk in Your way and freely choose to do what is right, true, good and beautiful.  I must exercise self-control in my works.  I must help not hinder my neighbor.  I must not gossip about the failings of others especially when I am fully aware that my own are legion.  I must respect and esteem those who live honorable lives because they are pleasing to You.  These I must imitate and not sinners and evil doers.  I must give without expecting to receive with interest.  I must never use whatever power I may have to do injustice to the innocent.  

Empower me my Lord and I will never stray from the Way.  I will be guided by the Truth and I will be filled with Your Life received through Your Holy Spirit.

Matthew 7:6, 12-14

My Beloved, Your Word is Truth, the Word is God and Faith to believe is a Gift.  It is a grace not everyone receives and without it the Beauty of Truth is unfathomable to them.  Through the ages we have seen verse 6 come alive.  Those who are spiritually blind, deaf and disabled, those who refuse to even try to understand because of their narrow beliefs have turned like a pack of rabid wolves and have profaned the Truth.  They viciously turn against those who speak it and destroy them this is why You ask us to exercise prudence for not everyone is ready to receive the Pearl of Great Price.

Thank You for reminding me that we journey to the Kingdom through the Valley of Tears.  The Way is narrow and hard and few choose it but I am not alone You go with me.  You make grace available to me through the Sacraments. The Way to the Father is the Way of the Cross.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Zechariah 12|:10-11, 13:1, Galatians 3:26-29, Psalm 63:2-9, Luke 9:18-24

Zechariah 12|:10-11, 13:1, Galatians 3:26-29, Psalm 63:2-9, Luke 9:18-24

 Zechariah 12|:10-11, 13:1

My Beloved, long before You came into the world to redeem us the Father sent prophets to prepare His people for Your coming.  They prophesied about You and they foretold all that You would accomplish through Your Life, passion , death and glorious resurrection. Through You God has redeemed and saved the world.

Galatians 3:26-29

My Beloved, before the Father sent You into the world, He chose one of the most insignificant of all nations whom He would prepare over a long period of time to receive You.  The ripple effect would embrace the ends of the earth.  Through You we have become the adopted children of the Father and heirs to the Kingdom of God.  The price You paid to make this possible is incomprehensible to human minds but God thought we were worth saving at that exorbitant price - Your Life, the Life of the Son of God was given up to redeem the world and all of mankind from the first to the last.  Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Psalm 63:2-9

My Beloved, how well the Psalmist describes the longings and desires of those who love You.  It is a thirst like that of a land in drought, the heart, mind, soul and body strain toward You and look to You to satisfy that longing as only You can.  All earthly pleasures satisfy momentarily but You satisfy fully and perfectly.

Fill me O Lord this morning with Your goodness, mercy and love and I will glad all day long.  My joy is letting my mind and my thoughts linger on You and Your goodness and love all the time.

Luke 9:18-24

The secret of living with joy the Christian live is not really a secret for You have revealed it to us.  If we wish to follow You more closely every day we ought to pick up the cross everyday and come after You.  In this alone is life.

You are the Son oft he Living God, the Savior of the world, the Messiah whose second coming we long for.  You are the Bridegroom of the Church.  You are my Lord and my God, Beloved of my soul and I adore You.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Psalm 34:8-13, Matthew 6;24-34


2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Psalm 34:8-13, Matthew 6;24-34

2 Corinthians 12:1-10

My Beloved, heaven is a place and we are on the way to our eternal home.  It is here that You have promised a place for all.  To some is given the extraordinary grace and privilege to glimpse it, their experience of it is so different from any human experience in this created world that there are no words to describe it, no way to convey what heaven is like. All we know is that it is beyond our human understanding.  But what we do believe is that there is such a place and that is where we will spend eternity - in perfect union with God and with one another.

Humility is the Key to unlock the heart of God which is the Holy Spirit.  He enables us to see You and this my Beloved is heaven.  Tasting You in the Eucharist, reconciled and forgiven by You in the Sacrament of Penance.  Walking with You everyday is a joyful adventure, it is here we experience moment by moment how Your loving protection guards and guides us.

Help me not to be ashamed of my weaknesses for when I am aware of these I know that I cannot do anything of myself but need to rely on Your strength to save me. 

Psalm 34:8-13

How do I taste You my Life?  I taste You at each worthy reception of the Holy Eucharist and I experience Your Goodness in giving me Your Flesh that I may live. 

You have given me a Guardian Angel,strong, powerful, whose only task is to pray for me and help me on my journey.  He is faithful although most of the time I am quite forgetful of his presence with me 24/7

We do not come to You alone, in isolation, my Beloved but as a body animated by Your Holy Spirit, joined to You as the Head and we live gloriously the divine life in and through You along with the Church militant, the Church triumphant and the Church suffering.  One in You we lack nothing when we have You.

Matthew 6;24-34

 Beloved this is true of any relationship - we cannot offer either the God we love or the people we profess to love, a divided heart with divided loyalty.  One will always will suffer at the expense of the other.  The most important thing in our life, our raison d'être is to know You, love You and serve You joyfully n this life and eternally in heaven.

If God is Abouna, our Father, and we are His children, our perfect Dad will supply everything we need both temporal and spiritual.  All creatures look to Him for food and drink and He who does not fail the birds of the air and the lilies of the field will never fail us whom His Son has redeemed and whom His Holy Spirit sanctifies.

If we live we live You my Lord and if we die we die for You my Lord.  We are heaven bound in a time frame on earth, for a space in time we are here but journey's end is heaven - WHY WORRY!!!!   

Friday, June 21, 2013

2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30, Psalm 34:2-7, Matthew 6:19-23


2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30, Psalm 34:2-7, Matthew 6:19-23

2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30 

My Beloved, it is possible to be boastful and prideful in our labor for the Kingdom. We can blow our trumpet subtly to let people know all that we do in the church and making it seem that we are better than others because of it.  We can even seem humble while doing it yet all the while we know exactly what our motives are.  It is because there is a belief, like the Pharisees, that we are somehow better than everyone else and because our motives in serving You are all wrong that we act they way we do.  St. Paul shows us how foolish this is .  Not many have suffered as he in spreading the Good News but he knows that to boast about his sufferings as  if they had any merits of themselves is foolish.

Psalm 34:2-7

If we boast Lord we must boast about You.  It is through grace that we are able to do all that is pleasing to You.  Our motive is love and our reason for joy is because we are grateful for the mercy shown to us.  You are never far from the sound of our cry and You hasten to deliver us.  Than You.

Matthew 6:19-23

My Beloved, when we look at how the financial situation around the globe is crumbling we see the wisdom of Your words.  Earthly treasure is worthless and can go up like a puff of smoke any time while eternal treasures stored in the Kingdom of God only grow more beautiful.  Our treasure is God in You, Christ Jesus our Lord and our heart is where our treasure is and that is with You, the Beloved

Keep me free from grave sin lest my body weakens and my senses grow dull and useless.  May the Light of Your Truth shine through me and shed its light not only for me alone but for those around me as well.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

2 Corinthians 11:1-11, Psalm 111:1b-4, 7-8, Matthew 6:7-15


2 Corinthians 11:1-11, Psalm 111:1b-4, 7-8, Matthew 6:7-15

2 Corinthians 11:1-11

My Beloved, I have been promised to You in marriage.  I am betrothed to You and will be espoused to You in heaven.  I am presented to You as a pure virgin and this is why the devil is in an uproar.  For what is true for me is true for every Christian.
The work of the Apostles that ended in the shedding of their blood for the sake of the Gospel has borne fruit.  We stay faithful  awake and alert to the very real dangers of false prophets who speak a message and preach a doctrine alien to the one that has been entrusted to Holy Mother Church.

Our Papa Francis is leading the way to You through the path of humility demonstrating to the world and teaching us anew that humility, love and service go hand in hand as we live the life of the Gospel.

Psalm 111:1b-4, 7-8

My Beloved, thank You for Your goodness, justice and love.  You are worthy of trust and You never fail.  Your Word is Truth and it is eternal.  It is the same yesterday, today and forever.  It is unchanging.  I put all my faith, hope and trust in You and I know that You will never fail or disappoint.

Matthew 6:7-15

My Beloved, prayer is also just being in Your Presence in perfect silence.  My full heart is an open book before You.  There is nothing I can confide in You that You do not already know.

You ask that I possess a childlike spirit.  I come to You to ask with the confidence of a child who depends on the Father for everything - food, security, guidance, love and protection.  Only one barrier can come between us and that is withholding forgiveness to those who have wronged me.  In the measure that I forgive and give will I be forgiven and given.  This is a truth I must keep always before me.    

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

2 Corinthians 9:6-11, Psalm 112:1bc-4, 9, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18


2 Corinthians 9:6-11, Psalm 112:1bc-4, 9, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

2 Corinthians 9:6-11

My Beloved the secret of living a life that is always be pleasing to You is to be a giver.  All we have received through the generous hand of God is given in order that we experience the pleasure of giving it all away just as You did.

Those who give half-heartedly without stretching the arm and giving with an open hand will receive only a little in return.  God is a generous and bountiful Giver and we must imitate Him.  

The Church makes no demands on us  with regard to tithes - love does not demand nor does it restrict the extent to which one lays down one's life for another in a total gift of self.  Each gives according to their desire there is no obligation in giving. It is an act of love and God who cannot be outdone in love or in generosity will give us as only He can give without measure. He will exaggerate our generosity and heap upon us grace upon grace in this life and eternal happiness in the next. 

Psalm 112:1bc-4, 9

My Beloved, each baptized Christian is called to be another Christ.  We must image You in everything if we are to be pleasing to the Father and He in turn will bless us and our children in full measure.

Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

My Beloved, God sees the heart and He cannot be deceived.  He looks for the motives behind my actions and if they are not what they should be then He has no interest at all in my acts of generosity and piety.  If my sole desire is to be praised by people and to this end I make a great outward show of my acts of charity and spirituality, I have already received my meagre reward and can expect nothing more from You.

Every good deed, word and prayer must be done for the sole purpose of pleasing You and must be prompted by genuine love.

Keep me cheerful always my Beloved so You will be pleased with me.      

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2 Corinthians 8:1-9, Psalm 146:2, 5-9a, Matthew 5:43-48

2 Corinthians 8:1-9, Psalm 146:2, 5-9a, Matthew 5:43-48

2 Corinthians 8:1-9

My Beloved, everything about the Kingdom of God and of Divine Love is a contradiction.  When I am weak I am strong.  When I give I have in abundance.  When I cling to things I lose everything.  When I die to self, I live.  When I am persecuted for the sake of the Kingdom I know peace and joy that is beyond human comprehension. 

Anyone who desires to take the Gospel seriously  will find the Pearl of Great price and will gladly lose everything in order to possess it.  Grant my Beloved that I put myself completely at Your disposal so You can use me exactly as You will my Love.

"Excel in generous service." 

Verse 9 sums it all.  What better example of a Perfect Giver do we have than You my Lord.  I do not have much my Lord but all I have and am is Yours.

Psalm 146:2, 5-9a

My Beloved, You put a song of praise in my heart because You love me and I am privileged to respond in love.  In this is my joy.  to know I am loved, to love in return and to rest secure in Your love for me.  I have tasted Your goodness, I have experienced Your forgiving love and the power of Your touch which heals and makes whole again.  

If I have done anything that You consider praiseworthy it is only because Your love for me and mine for You prompted it.  To love You is my life, my hope and my joy.  In loving You I am satisfied as at a banquet.  In You my Beloved all receive the fullness of Your generosity and compassionate love. 
Matthew 5:43-48

My Beloved, You first show us how much You much You love us.  Once we know the full extent of Your love, we respond with all the fervor that we are capable of.  True love demands a total self-giving, a total emptying of self.  It means pouring oneself out constantly for the other and seeking the good of the other always and all the time.  

We do not pick and choose those that we love but are called to love everyone and most especially those who do not care too much about us.  These are particularly hard to love.  I am not called to be a self-righteous judge and nit pick the faults of another rather I am commanded to be righteous and perfect in the same manner that Abouna in heaven is righteous and perfect.  You have set the bar impossibly high my Beloved but that's because You supply the grace and united with You and empowered by Your Holy Spirit nothing is impossible.

Monday, June 17, 2013

2 Corinthians 6:1-10, Psalm 98:1-4, Matthew 5:38-42


2 Corinthians 6:1-10, Psalm 98:1-4, Matthew 5:38-42

2 Corinthians 6:1-10

Living the life of an authentic Christian is to live a life filled with apparent contradictions.  Anyone and everyone who is baptized into the Body of Christ, the Beloved, is God's helper.  We offer to others the same help that we ourselves have received.  We show the same mercy and loving compassion that God has extended to us.  The same gentleness in helping the sinner repent and come home.  Everyday every hour every moment is the acceptable time to be saved from death.

We must have a great care about how we conduct ourselves lest it be said of us that we are a stumbling block for those with weak faith.  We are called to minister in love not only by word and deed but also by example.  In times of persecution, we must endure relying on His help, His grace and His strength.

We must be unfailingly good, kind, gentle, forbearing.  It must be evident that our knowledge and our exemplary life, our patience, all flows from a life lived under the influence and guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Whether we are praised or ignored it ought not to effect our mission.  We must be witnesses to the love of God in Christ Jesus through His Holy Spirit in season and out of season.

Psalm 98:1-4

You will never forget You love us now that You sent Your Son into the world and who became the means by which we are all saved.  You now see us through Christ colored glasses and You will never forget the price paid for our redemption.

Thank You my Beloved for all that You did for me in love.  Thank You Father, thank You Holy Spirit - in turn I offer You a loving and grateful heart.  

Matthew 5:38-42

Beloved, You teach us that we can take the wind out of the sails of those who oppose us with love, kindness and gentleness.  Offer good for evil, love for hate. A gentle answer turns away wrath.  We are called to be instruments of peace in the world.  If someone strikes me, spits on me, maligns me, is malicious, mean, unkind even viciously evil, I must not retaliate in kind but reveal the Face of God which is Christ Jesus.

I am called to be light, leaven and salt in the world even if my influence is small because I am only a bruised reed a flickering wick I am still required to burn myself out for the love of God in imitation of You my Lord.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13, Galatians 2:16, 19-21, Psalm 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11, Luke 7:36-8:3


 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13, Galatians 2:16, 19-21, Psalm 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11, Luke 7:36-8:3

AMAZING LOVE.................
2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13

My Beloved, You have given us everything we need for our salvation and to be happy always but we are greedy, it is never enough.  The weakness of our flesh is so often the cause of our downfall when we do not make a serious effort to resist temptation.  Lust clouds our judgment and we seek ways to facilitate the sins of the flesh.  This sin often involves more than one person - the sinner, the one with whom one sins and the one who is sinned against and You.

All I need to do is admit my guilt no matter how grave and say I am sorry and You hasten to forgive me.  Thank You my Beloved

Galatians 2:16, 19-21

Obeying a set of rules carefully and diligently has no power to save if my obedience is devoid of love.  Every faith has its set of rules and laws and these could very well be quite contradictory to people of differing faiths and could very well be the cause of division, animosity, hatred and violence.  St. Paul testifies this of himself before his conversion.  However when we encounter the Person of Jesus Christ and we accept Him as the One sent into the world to save and redeem us - the Son of God who laid down His life or  us and bore our guilt, sin, shame and punishment we begin to understand that the law does not save but love does.

Psalm 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11

Truly Beloved the one who is forgiven much loves much.  I have wallowed in the slime of sin and You have come for me time and time again and saved me.  You washed me and restored me.  I thank You for such wondrous care for me.  Grant that I may love You more each day.  I hide in You Lord and You keep me safe from evil.  You give me grace through the Sacraments that help me to resist temptation.  you make me happy because in You I am justified before God.  I claim Your merits and I am saved.

Luke 7:36-8:3

My Beloved may I never give You cause to pull me up as You did Simon the Pharisee, because I failed to show the most common and civil courtesies, love and respect for my neighbor.  You have said as long as I neglected t do it to one of Your little ones I neglected to do it to You.  I love You - let it not be just lip service my Lord.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

2 Corinthians 5:14-21, Psalm 103 1-4, 9-12, Matthew 5:33-37


2 Corinthians 5:14-21, Psalm 103 1-4, 9-12, Matthew 5:33-37

2 Corinthians 5:14-21

My Beloved, You had no sin but the Father made You bear the sins of all mankind in order that though You and in You we might also share Your holiness.  We have no excuse not to strive after holiness and perfection because You make it possible.  We are reconciled to God our Father through You who became like me in order that I may become like You.  Thank You!

Psalm 103 1-4, 9-12

My Beloved, we receive forgiveness of sins through You.  All my sickness resulting from my propensity to sin are healed.  You have saved my soul from eternal damnation.

I can count on Your infinite love for me always even though I am not worthy.  You blot out my sins from Your memory once I am forgiven.  In You I am a new creation the past is forgotten and forgiven.  You do not care about what I was but what I am and can be in You.
Matthew 5:33-37

My Beloved, You desire us to be childlike before You.  No subterfuge, no pomposity just openness and simplicity.  You want us to be truthful.  We do not need fancy words or make a garish show we must just be so trustworthy that when we say yes or no it carries the weight of honor with it.  That is all that is necessary.  When we know You, love You, serve You and live for You then we will understand.

Friday, June 14, 2013

2 Corinthians 4:7-15, Psalm 116:10-11, 15-18, Matthew 5:27-32


2 Corinthians 4:7-15, Psalm 116:10-11, 15-18, Matthew 5:27-32

2 Corinthians 4:7-15

The glory of God our Father in our Lord Jesus Christ through the power of His Holy Spirit is poured into our hearts. This all surpassing power is held in clay jars so there can be no doubt at all that this Gift of God is given to us because He is the Giver of everything good and perfect.

 is because we possess the Spirit of God we are able to bear any difficulty that we may experience without being bowed down. We may not always know the reason why things happen but the answer is not important. It is enough to know that God abides in us and this is what gives us peace in the midst of our trials. Discriminated by many because we believe in You, follow You and are called Christians we may even be persecuted but we know that God is always with us. Nothing that Man can do to us will overwhelm us or crush us. We carry within us the power of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. His life in us is visible because of its radiance that glows from us. Every martyr whose life was crushed or ground like grapes in a wine press or wheat in a mill, have left us a powerful testimony of how to live and die.

The Holy Spirit is poured into us and He helps our faith, love and hope to grow as our knowledge of Him who lays down His life for us increases. No matter what happens to us in life we ought never to forget that all things work for the good of those who love God and through our willing submission to Him grace is poured abundantly upon us and our lives are filled with thanksgiving for all our God has done for us.

Psalm 116:10-11, 15-18

My Beloved, how often in the past I have put my trust in humans and have been crushingly disappointed.  In time, I learned to place all my hope in You and I have never been dismayed.  You have set me free from the slavery of addiction to bad habits.  You have rescued me and had You not, I would have died in my sins.  You have me a faithful servant giving me all that I need to encourage me and help me grow from strength to strength even if my progress is minuscule.  Your Holy Spirit is my ever present help.

offer You a Thanksgiving Sacrifice everyday as I participate in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist – a Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving.  Grant that I may be obedient to all You desire of me my Lord and my God and my only good.

Matthew 5:27-32

My Beloved, You call us to divine excellence in our thoughts and deeds as well as in our relationships.  Our spousal union images the relationship You have with Your Bride the Church.  This call to perfection is possible because You make it possible through grace poured into our hearts through the Sacraments.  We are not left on our own to muddle as best we can.  You have given us a Guide, a Comforter, a Helper, Your Own Holy Spirit.

In a world where Satan is orchestrating the destruction of that union that best reflects God's relationship with us, marriage and its fruit children, we will not be afraid because we know that no matter how grim life looks You have won the victory.  You have triumphed and we can hope with faith.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

2 Corinthians 3:15-4:1, 3-6, Psalm 85:9-14, Matthew 5:20-26



2 Corinthians 3:15-4:1, 3-6, Psalm 85:9-14, Matthew 5:20-26

2 Corinthians 3:15-4:1, 3-6

My Beloved, You are the Glory of the Father, the Eternal Word from Whom all things come, in Whom all things have their being and to Whom all things return.  If we have not encountered You my Lord as the Son of God who came into the world to reconcile all things to the Father, then Scripture remains veiled and hidden in mystery to us.

Through Baptism and the Gift of Faith the veil is removed and we receive wisdom to understand.  Unless we receive Your Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, we will never comprehend what God has accomplished for us through You.  The Father went a step further.  Everything You did was in keeping with His divine will from the Incarnation to the Passion, to Your death, through the Institution of the Holy Eucharist for our spiritual nourishment, through Your glorious Resurrection and Ascension and finally the Pentecost at which You sent Your own Holy Spirit to make His dwelling in us.  All was in accord with the Father's plan which You carried out most faithfully, obediently and joyfully.

If Your Bride, the One, Catholic and Apostolic Church possesses the fullness of life and truth my Beloved it is because the TRIUNE GOD makes it possible.

You have conquered and overcome the tinpot gods of this world.  They are vanquished and although they are in the final death throes they still have enough power to do considerable damage in spreading lies and half-truths.  But in You we are more than conquerors as St. Paul reminds us.  We have You, we image You, we reflect You as we preach You by the witness and testimony of lives, conformed to Your Spirit.  Your Light is in our hearts and we reflect and make known the Glory of God by reflecting You.

Psalm 85:9-14

Peace is the symbol and the hall mark of God's people.  It is the imprint on our souls.  It is His promise to all who believe and who are baptized into His Body, for He Himself is the Prince of Peace.  We possess peace when we remain true to God's promises and we lose it when we sin and disobey God's law of love.

Thank You my Beloved for the Gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation through which Your salvation is restored to us as we confess our sins and receive Your forgiveness.

My Beloved, Love and Faithfulness, righteousness and peace are all found in You in fullness.  The Cross is the sign of Your faithfulness in carrying out the will of the Father.  Planted on God's Holy Mountain it touches the heavens from earth and at every Eucharist the justice of God is satisfied as the Father bends down, stooping low from heaven to embrace us who are now reconciled to Him through You.

He gives us every good and perfect gift in order that we become fruitful.  The God of Justice walks ahead of the Prince of Peace bearing in His Body, the Church of which we the baptized are members.

Matthew 5:20-26

My Beloved, You call us to go beyond the letter of the law to its heart.  We become Your Living Love Letter in the world as St. Paul has said.  If we fail to love we will not enter the Kingdom of God.  We do not just stop short and do the absolute minimum but we have to become an oblation like You.  Pouring ourselves out for the good of the other.  We must resist the things that dulls the soul lest we become a stumbling block to our brother.  We are instruments of peace not instruments of division.  Peace is your Gift to us and we must share this peace with everyone we encounter.

God is a just judge and if we fail in love then we will have to render a strict account and make restitution.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

2 Corinthians 3:4-11, Psalm 99:5-9, Matthew 5:17-19


2 Corinthians 3:4-11, Psalm 99:5-9, Matthew 5:17-19

2 Corinthians 3:4-11

My Beloved, St Paul tells us that I am Your letter and this letter is written on my innermost being with the Spirit of the Living God.  The way to be sure of God is in and through You.

All that I am capable of being and doing comes from God.  The ministers of the New Covenant of Love are no longer dependent on a written text because what is written kills, but is dependent on the Spirit of the Living God which gives life for today and hope for tomorrow.  This new ministry has power which is poured into our  hearts super abundantly through the Sacraments and helps us to strive after the holiness and perfection of God our Father.  This New Ministry is  given to us by God through Christ who empowers us through His Own Holy Spirit and possesses an enduring and lasting glory.

Psalm 99:5-9

I will praise You.
I will bless You.
I will sing Your praises Lord for You are holy and You are mighty.  
And I will worship You my God.  

The priests of old called Your Name and You hastened to answer them.  You spoke to Moses in a pillar of cloud.  You gave them the commandments to keep them from sin.  You punished them when they went astray from Your Law.  But to us You have given Your Son.  He in turn has sent His Holy Spirit to live in us.  We are blessed for He has not given us a set of laws to obey but has written on our hearts His rule of love.  He binds us in love and will never leave us.  We extol our Lord and our God and as we ascend  His Holy Mountain and fall on our face in worship and adoration, He gives us Himself to us as Food and Drink.  Thank You Lord!

Matthew 5:17-19

My Beloved, the law was written on stone tablets by the Finger of God.  The people of the Old Covenant knew what not to do in order to  avoid sin, it also made them aware that they were sinners and that despite their best efforts they fell time and time again because they had only their own poor strength to rely on.  The streams of animal sacrifices and birds did nothing to help them overcome sin until You came and You showed us how not to break the commandments not even the very least of them by giving us the law of love.  You forged a Covenant of Love with us and You give us Your Holy spirit who pours rich graces into our hearts through the Sacraments which help us to begin anew no matter how often we fall.

With God on our side and empowered by Your Holy Spirit the Kingdom of Heaven is already ours.  Keep us as light and salt in the world.