Friday, June 28, 2013

Genesis 17:1, 9-19, Psalm 128:1-5, Matthew 8:1-4

Genesis 17:1, 9-19, Psalm 128:1-5, Matthew 8:1-4

Genesis 17:1, 9-19

My Beloved, God is the God of the impossible.  He can do anything - a 99 year old man will sire a son from his 90 year old wife.  It matters not that she is way past her child bearing years God can cause her womb to be fruitful.  The Spirit is timeless and when He is permitted to possess us we find that we too can do all things in You. We often ask You to work our plans to fulfill Your purpose as did Abraham who asked that God's plan be fulfilled through his son Ishmael born to the slave Hagar.  But our God who is the God of the spectacular, the glorious, the awesomely impossible and Your way is always better than our own.

Give me the courage my Beloved to trust You even when it seems that things are impossible and hopeless.  YOU ARE GOD!

Psalm 128:1-5

My Beloved, those who follow You and never depart from the Way of Truth will live lives sheltered in Your Presence and enjoy Your protection.  They will bear fruit in season and out of season and You will bless every member of their household as well. Thank You!!

Matthew 8:1-4

My Beloved, You desire that all of us whom You have redeemed remain clean from the leprosy of sin.  When we approach You with humble and contrite hearts in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, trembling and anxious, You reach out and touch us.  You calm our fears.  You make us whole.  You fill us with Your grace.  You pour Your Holy Spirit on us.  You do it all and You restore us whole and happy again to our place in the family of God.  Thank You my Beloved!

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