Sunday, June 23, 2013

Zechariah 12|:10-11, 13:1, Galatians 3:26-29, Psalm 63:2-9, Luke 9:18-24

Zechariah 12|:10-11, 13:1, Galatians 3:26-29, Psalm 63:2-9, Luke 9:18-24

 Zechariah 12|:10-11, 13:1

My Beloved, long before You came into the world to redeem us the Father sent prophets to prepare His people for Your coming.  They prophesied about You and they foretold all that You would accomplish through Your Life, passion , death and glorious resurrection. Through You God has redeemed and saved the world.

Galatians 3:26-29

My Beloved, before the Father sent You into the world, He chose one of the most insignificant of all nations whom He would prepare over a long period of time to receive You.  The ripple effect would embrace the ends of the earth.  Through You we have become the adopted children of the Father and heirs to the Kingdom of God.  The price You paid to make this possible is incomprehensible to human minds but God thought we were worth saving at that exorbitant price - Your Life, the Life of the Son of God was given up to redeem the world and all of mankind from the first to the last.  Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Psalm 63:2-9

My Beloved, how well the Psalmist describes the longings and desires of those who love You.  It is a thirst like that of a land in drought, the heart, mind, soul and body strain toward You and look to You to satisfy that longing as only You can.  All earthly pleasures satisfy momentarily but You satisfy fully and perfectly.

Fill me O Lord this morning with Your goodness, mercy and love and I will glad all day long.  My joy is letting my mind and my thoughts linger on You and Your goodness and love all the time.

Luke 9:18-24

The secret of living with joy the Christian live is not really a secret for You have revealed it to us.  If we wish to follow You more closely every day we ought to pick up the cross everyday and come after You.  In this alone is life.

You are the Son oft he Living God, the Savior of the world, the Messiah whose second coming we long for.  You are the Bridegroom of the Church.  You are my Lord and my God, Beloved of my soul and I adore You.

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