Memorial of St. John Bosco, Priest
A lamp to my feet is your word,
a light to my path. Ps 119:105
Hebrews 10:19-25, Psalm 24:1-6, Mark 4:21-25
Hebrews 10:19-25
My Love, Beloved of my soul,
Every day draws us closer to the hour when life here on earth will cease and we will come into Your Presence. You have made it possible for us to have a foretaste of heaven by the institution of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. We enter the Holy of Holies through Your Flesh for we have been washed clean by Your Blood.
We have Your assurance that death will end in life because You tasted our death and in exchange, we have the hope that we will live eternally with You.
Keep me and all I love faithful to the end. Grant me the grace to share what I believe so that others too may come to know the truth and share in Your promise of eternal life.
Psalm 24:1-6
My Love, Beloved of my soul,
I join the longing of my heart with that of the psalmist and I say with him, with all the yearning of my soul, "Lord, I belong to the people that long to see Your Face."
God created the whole world and everything in it by uttering the Word that reposed in Him eternally. The fullness of the Word is given to us and we feast on You Beloved at the Banquet table of the Eucharist.
You invite us to approach You and celebrate what You have done for us, how You saved us, how You snatched us from the jaws of death and made us Your inheritance. Because of what You have done for us Beloved we now dare to call God, Abba. It pleases the Father to grant us a share in the Kingdom of Heaven as we have been adopted as children of God.
Mark 4:21-25
My Love, Beloved of my soul,
Your Word illumines our lives and that light which You have kindled in us must radiate in the world. We are called to be witnesses to the Good News that You came into the world to save us. There is no Name given to us by which we can be saved but the Name that is above every other name.
If we hide Your Light then the world remains in darkness, the darkness in which sin and evil breed. All of us who have been saved by the power of Your Name will be held accountable if we have not shared the Truth by the witness of our lives. We have Your assurance that all we need will be given to us if we take our mission seriously. The more we labour in Your vineyard the greater will be the gifts granted to us to be more fruitful for the glory of God and for His Kingdom.
Grant my Beloved that all of us who are called by Your Name serve You faithfully all the days that are granted to us; so we may glorify Your Name eternally in the life to come. Amen.
Memorial of St. John Bosco, Priest
A lamp to my feet is your word,
a light to my path. Ps 119:105
Hebrews 10:19-25, Psalm 24:1-6, Mark 4:21-25
Hebrews 10:19-25
My Love, Beloved of my soul,
Every day draws us closer to the hour when life here on earth will cease and we will come into Your Presence. You have made it possible for us to have a foretaste of heaven by the institution of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. We enter the Holy of Holies through Your Flesh for we have been washed clean by Your Blood.
We have Your assurance that death will end in life because You tasted our death and in exchange, we have the hope that we will live eternally with You.
Keep me and all I love faithful to the end. Grant me the grace to share what I believe so that others too may come to know the truth and share in Your promise of eternal life.
Psalm 24:1-6
My Love, Beloved of my soul,
I join the longing of my heart with that of the psalmist and I say with him, with all the yearning of my soul, "Lord, I belong to the people that long to see Your Face."
God created the whole world and everything in it by uttering the Word that reposed in Him eternally. The fullness of the Word is given to us and we feast on You Beloved at the Banquet table of the Eucharist.
You invite us to approach You and celebrate what You have done for us, how You saved us, how You snatched us from the jaws of death and made us Your inheritance. Because of what You have done for us Beloved we now dare to call God, Abba. It pleases the Father to grant us a share in the Kingdom of Heaven as we have been adopted as children of God.
Mark 4:21-25
My Love, Beloved of my soul,
Your Word illumines our lives and that light which You have kindled in us must radiate in the world. We are called to be witnesses to the Good News that You came into the world to save us. There is no Name given to us by which we can be saved but the Name that is above every other name.
If we hide Your Light then the world remains in darkness, the darkness in which sin and evil breed. All of us who have been saved by the power of Your Name will be held accountable if we have not shared the Truth by the witness of our lives. We have Your assurance that all we need will be given to us if we take our mission seriously. The more we labour in Your vineyard the greater will be the gifts granted to us to be more fruitful for the glory of God and for His Kingdom.
Grant my Beloved that all of us who are called by Your Name serve You faithfully all the days that are granted to us; so we may glorify Your Name eternally in the life to come. Amen.