Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Hebrews 10:11-18, Psalm 110:1-4, Mark 4:1-20


The seed is the word of God, Christ is the sower;
all who come to him will live forever.

Hebrews 10:11-18, Psalm 110:1-4, Mark 4:1-20

Hebrews 10:11-18

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

Thank You for putting to end the Old Covenant of laws, sacrifice and rituals by the will of the Father. Thank You for Your humility and obedience in becoming the Sacrifice to end all sacrifices by the offering of Your Life as a willing, spotless, Victim. Thank You for taking upon Yourself the sins of the whole world and all the evil that men and women are capable of, and paying the ransom for our debt with Your life. We have been forgiven much Beloved, grant that we may be always grateful for the debt we owe You is one we can never repay.

We now have the Father's assurance that He will not remember our sins and our evil because You took them upon Yourself and paid the heavy price of sin which is death, and in exchange, You gave us Your Life. Thank You, Beloved.

Psalm 110:1-4

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

Before the foundations of the world, from eternity to eternity You have been the only begotten Son of the Father. Complete in the Holy Trinity God has not needed our love and yet He created the world and created us to have dominion over it. From all time God knew that we would use His gift of free will to choose self-interest over loving and childlike trust in His Word.

It is a wonder that God did not just sweep us into oblivion in righteous anger but instead, He gave us His Son who would Himself be both High Priest and Victim who would restore all things to even greater glory.

There is no way that we can repay the Father for what He has done for us in sending You to pay the price for our wickedness. There is no way we can repay You for laying down Your life in our place and dying for us. There is no way we can thank the Holy Spirit for making His Temple in us and enabling us with our daily struggles as we journey to the Kingdom. However, we can try. We can strive daily to overcome all the difficulties we are faced with each day with joy, courage, and grace and help others who are struggling as well; as we journey together from this life to the next. 

We long for the day of Your coming Beloved. Marantha!

Mark 4:1-20

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

We have heard this parable, read this parable, heard preachings and teachings on it so often that we can begin to feel a little weary when we have to hear this Gospel passage again when it comes up in the Liturgy. Not only did You explain the parable to the disciples but we have heard it explained so often, we begin to feel ho-hum about it since we think we already know what You desire to convey through it to us today.

This is not true. Your Word is alive and this is why the Holy Spirit is always able to give us new insights as to where we are placed in the parable and how it applies to us in the present moment. 

To which part of the crowd can I identify myself? Am I  there only to listen to You because of Your popularity? Am  I there because You have touched my life with Your words and I desire to know more about how to be pleasing to God? Am I there because I have personally experienced Your touch and have been healed or have witnessed a miracle in someone else's life? Am I there because You have invited me and I responded to Your invitation?

As I hear You speak about the Sower and the seed how can I identify the type of soil in my heart? It's easy. I can look at my past life and see to what extent I have permitted Your Word to affect me each day. 

There is the great sea of opportunities and challenges facing me every day, will I just plunge in without the life jacket of Your Word or do I equip myself with it before I do? Having equipped myself with it will I use it to assist me, guide me, strengthen me or will I let I trust myself? When troubles, doubts, and terror strike me will I give up and allow myself to be overwhelmed or will I cling to the promises of the Word and let it help me stay afloat? 

When the crowd has gone will I stay behind with You, the Eternal Word of the Father, in order to have a better understanding of how to allow the Word of God to shape and influence me so I may conform more each day to You?

Help me Beloved! You have given me the Sacraments and Your Holy Spirit - may I use all the gifts You have given me to enter into a deeper relationship with You each day. Amen.

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