Friday, January 25, 2019

Acts 22:3-16, Psalm 117:1BC, 2, Mark 16:15-18


Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, Apostle

I chose you from the world,
to go and bear fruit that will last, says the Lord. Jn 15:16

Acts 22:3-16, Psalm 117:1BC, 2, Mark 16:15-18

Acts 22:3-16

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

The conversion of St. Paul is truly breathtaking. It is proof that You call anyone no matter what their past may be, and make of them a new creation. It is so easy to be prejudiced and critical because we make pre-conceived judgments of people based on hearsay or on other non-relevant bases. What matters is that we must be aware that God calls whom He chooses and we have to be open to the Holy Spirit and recognize that it is You who are at work in them.

St. Paul is honest about who he was before his encounter with You on the road to Damascus. Christians feared him and so did Ananias for his reputation had preceded him and struck terror in his heart. But he was prepared to put aside his fears and to trust You. For this, he was rewarded, for it was through Ananias that Paul was given knowledge of the great mission that was to be entrusted to him.  

Paul who was blind spiritually was not only given new sight but became an Apostle to the Gentiles. 

Truly, Beloved, You are a God of the impossible. You choose who You will for Your purposes. Let me always be alert to the sound of Your voice and to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 117:1BC, 2

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

This is the mission that is given to all the baptized, 'To go out into the world, and tell the Good News.' 

What is this Good News? It is this, "The Father so loved the world that He sent His only Son, not to judge or condemn the world, but to save it through His once-for-all, perfect Sacrifice on the Cross."

As Your disciple and follower, I too am called to lay down my life in imitation of You.  I am called to preach the Good News in season and out of season. When it is convenient and when it is not. I am called to be steadfast in kindness and faithfulness just as You are always faithful and kind.

Stay with me Lord, and keep me faithful and kind to the end.

Mark 16:15-18

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

You equip those who are baptized. By our very baptism, we become missionaries and we have a divine mandate to live the Gospel by the way we live our daily, ordinary, humdrum lives.

This is why we have to be aware that we are surrounded by saints, our Christian neighbours, co-workers, those who serve us in all walks of life who have been baptized are also living the mission given to them. We must recognize that we are all a divine work in progress and help and encourage one another. 

You have equipped us with spiritual weapons just as You equipped the Apostles. Filled with an abiding faith in Your Word great signs will accompany those who believe in Your Name which is above every other name. A Name at which demons tremble and heaven prostrates in worship and adoration.  

I believe Beloved, strengthen my faith so I can put all my trust in Your Word. Amen.

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