Thursday, August 31, 2017

1 Thessalonians 3:7-13, Psalm 90:3-5, 12-14, 17, Matthew 24:42-51


Stay awake!
For you do not know when the Son of Man will come. Mt. 34:42, 44

1 Thessalonians 3:7-13, Psalm 90:3-5, 12-14, 17, 
Matthew 24:42-51

1 Thessalonians 3:7-13

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

What a great joy it is to Paul and his companions when they hear reports that the Thessalonians who have accepted You as Lord are growing strong and vibrant in their faith. We are all called to evangelize and if we work sincerely and our work bears fruit we too will have this experience. We who believe are called each in their own way to be witnesses to  the Truth and by our example we ought to touch the lives of those around us. We must be constantly aware that people are looking at us and expecting us to reflect You because we are Your followers. Like Paul, we must have concern for one another and do all we can to ensure that those who are entrusted to us grow strong in the faith. We must keep a watchful, prayers interest and be alert to correct any errors that may seep in through ignorance. We must strengthen the weak, and accompany them, even if they are far away from us, with our prayers just as Paul did. As members of Your Body we are called to be responsible for one another and we will be held accountable if they fail to grow in faith and holiness because we have turned our back on them.

Psalm 90:3-5, 12-14, 17

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

Time is short because we are mortal and no matter how many years are granted to us in the end we will die and we will come to You the only righteous judge. Keep me mindful O Lord that my destiny and my eternity will be decided by the way I live my life in the time granted to me.

You have saved me it is now my responsibility to give back to You that which You have redeemed at the cost of Your life. May I be aware from moment to moment that I no longer belong to myself but to You and to allow You to use me in any way You wish. Keep me faithful. Continue to grant me grace that I may strive to love You as I ought and to love my neighbor as I love myself.  Keep save and prosper those You have entrusted to me and together we will praise You all the days of our life.

Matthew 24:42-51

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

Today You are speaking not to the crowds but to Your disciples. Those who desire to have a deep and committed relationship with You. It is easy to become lazy and indifferent, to give in to the flesh and forget our higher calling to be holy and perfect as our Father is holy and perfect. This is why You instruct us to stay awake for death comes like a thief in the night and we must be prepared at all time for we do not know when You will call us home. We who believe are accountable for we will be judged according to our knowledge of the truth and the gravity of our transgressions. I am called to be faithful, I am called to be alert, no excuse is acceptable if after I have been warned I become lax. 

You reveal the qualities of a wise and faithful servant. If I am to be counted among these then I must bear fruit in season and out of season for as long as I live. I must choose my companions wisely, and I must give witness to the truth always not matter how inconvenient or dangerous it may be.

Keep me safe O Lord in Your love all the days of my life.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

1 Thessalonians 2:9-13, Psalm 139:7-12, Matthew 23:27-32


Whoever keeps the word of Christ,
the love of God is truly perfected in him. 1Jn 2:5

1 Thessalonians 2:9-13, Psalm 139:7-12, Matthew 23:27-32

1 Thessalonians 2:9-13

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

How privileged we are for the tireless efforts of the Apostles and disciples to preach and teach the Good News even in the most hostile environments. They bravely encountered all hardship and opposition so all who heard the Gospel and believed could be saved. They lived exemplary lives and despite persecution and opposition were steadfast in their witness to the love of God. 

Today Paul shows us how we too as parents, teachers, catechists, evangelists, and as members of Your Body out to carry out the same mission that we too have received - we are called live devoutly, justly, and blamelessly. We are called to be sensitive, loving, caring, kind, forgiving, patient, understanding, in every situation as we encourage those entrusted to us to live as children of God. Our reward is this, that those who hear the Word of God believe and are transformed by it.

Psalm 139:7-12

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

I am glad of Your intimate knowledge of me. I am glad that You know that without You I am nothing and can do nothing. I am weak, a sinner, unable to help myself, all I am capable of is to cry out to You to lift me up and save me.

I desire always to be in Your Presence so Your gaze is always on me. No matter where I go I am comforted by the knowledge that I am ever in Your sight and I can never hide myself from You. I know that with You to hold my hand to guide and lead me, I will not be devoured by the enemy.

Matthew 23:27-32

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

Keep me from hypocrisy of any kind. Keep me childlike in all things. You have said that unless we become like little children we cannot enter the Kingdom of God.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

1 Thessalonians 2:1-8, Psalm 139:1-6, Mark 6:17-29


Memorial of St. John the Baptist

Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Mt. 5:10

1 Thessalonians 2:1-8, Psalm 139:1-6, Mark 6:17-29

1 Thessalonians 2:1-8

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

St. Paul was a man of great passion. Just as he had thrown himself wholeheartedly to the persecution of Your followers so did he with equally great passion follow You after his encounter with You. He understood the mission he was privileged to receive and he carried it out with single minded devotion. He was prepared to suffer anything, give up everything, spend himself totally to the Good News which he preached tirelessly. The Holy Spirit gave him the ability to speak and write of the love of God revealed to a sinful world through You and You in turn made it possible for us to strive for holiness and perfection in imitation of the Father because You sent Your Spirit.

Help me too Lord to fulfill my own mission by the way I live my life. All that You ask of me grant that I may do it with as great a passion as Paul even though all You ask of me is to shed my poor, flickering light just where I am.

Psalm 139:1-6

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

I thank You for your intimate knowledge of me. You know me and You understand me. You know all my weaknesses, my limitations, my inability to exercise my will when I am faced with temptations and yet You stay close to me. You help me from moment to moment. You breathe in me the breath of life. You hold my hand should I stumble and when deliberately walk away from the path of life and fall You come to me, lift me up, cleanse and restore me and comfort me.

Thank You for Your unfailing love and Your constant Presence in me. Thank You for the Food of Yourself with which You feed me and strengthen me. Any good I do is because You help me do it. Thank You for Your assurance that You will never leave me and will be with me in time and eternity.

Mark 6:17-29

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

In today's Gospel we read the account of how John the Baptist who feared no man and was righteous and holy lost his life for the sake of the truth. He was unafraid to confront those  in high places and publicly denounce them for living lives contrary to the law of God. He was imprisoned and an unrepentant, angry woman waited for the moment when she could strike him and when the opportunity presented itself she took it. She was prepared to use her daughter in a way no mother should in order to destroy John the Baptist. 

Like Herod we make foolish oaths and promises in moments of weakness and then instead of allowing commonsense to prevail we do what we know it wrong in order to save face with the world. Forgive me Lord for all the times I was silent when I ought to have spoken up for the truth and by my very silence colluded with error. Help me Lord to preach and teach the Gospel every moment of my life in the way I live it. Thank You.

Monday, August 28, 2017

1 Thessalonians 1:1-5, 8B-10, Psalm 149:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6A, 9B, Matthew 23:13-22


Memorial of Saint Augustine, 

Bishop and Doctor of the Church

My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord;
I know them, and they follow me.  Jn 10-27

1 Thessalonians 1:1-5, 8B-10, 
Psalm 149:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6A, 9B, 
Matthew 23:13-22

1 Thessalonians 1:1-5, 8B-10, 

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

Today the Church celebrates the feast of Saint Augustine whose conversion was in large part due to his mother's tears and prayers for him. When we look at his life we see that sinners can be saved. No matter how great our sins there is always forgiveness and mercy for the repentant and contrite of heart. Once he fell in love with You Beloved, there was no turning back. He used the gifts that God endowed him with to preach and teach the Gospel that saves us all. 

St. Augustine spoke and wrote candidly about his sinful life, of the sorrow he caused his mother St. Monica. Once converted he lived an exemplary life of grace. Thank You for his witness which us hope that God is good, merciful, faithful, and kind and desires that everyone be saved. 

Psalm 149:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6A, 9B, 

Dear Love,

You delight in us because we are Yours. How much more then do You and the Church delight in those who are faithful, who walk in Truth. We thank You for all Your Saints whose marvelous witness gives us poor, weak creatures hope.

St. Augustine, like the prodigal son, found forgiveness and mercy despite his gravely sinful past and so can we. To those who return to You with a repentant and contrite heart You will forgive and bless. You used a former sinner powerfully as a witness to the Truth grant O Lord that in my own little way I too shed the light of the Gospel wherever I may be.

Matthew 23:13-22

Dear Love, beloved bridegroom of my soul,

If there is one thing that You abhor it is a hypocrite. We may succeed in deceiving people by our outward show of piety and by making known publicly our acts of charity in order to receive praise and honor from those who see us but we can never deceive You.  You see our hearts, You know our motives, You despise and condemn those who blow their own trumpet. You tell us bluntly that there is no room in God's Kingdom for such as these.

Grant O Lord, that my witness to You may be free from all that would bring shame, disgrace, or dishonor  instead of glory and praise to You.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Isaiah 22:19-23, Psalm 138:1-3, 6-8, Romans 11:33-36, Matthew 16:13-20


You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church
and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. Mt 16:18

Isaiah 22:19-23, Psalm 138:1-3, 6-8, 
Romans 11:33-36,  Matthew 16:13-20

Isaiah 22:19-23

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

God has created each of us for a life of good works that He has already planned for us us to do. Should we fail Him He will choose another. I am created by God to love Him, to serve Him, to give Him glory, honor, and praise in this love and He in turn assures me to take me to Himself where I will be happy with God forever. 

What God did for Eliakim is a foreshadowing of the role that Peter will be given by You. He will be granted the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and He will be given a share in Your authority by binding and losing and a place of honor in the household of God. God will uphold Peter's authority for he stands sure and strong upon the Rock of all Ages, the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

Psalm 138:1-3, 6-8

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

May I never delay in giving You the praise, honor, and glory that is due to You. May I join together with heaven in singing Your praises all my days as I come into Your Presence together with all Your people to offer You a Sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise and to worship You.

May I praise You with every breath I breathe. May I always make known Your kindness to me. Leading me from darkness to light and for making the truth known to me. Truth that sets me free. Thank You for always coming to my help and for strengthening me when I had no strength of my own.  I exalt You, and I thank You for watching over me and never forgetting me even though I am unworthy of Your graciousness toward me. 

Romans 11:33-36

Beloved Father of My Lord Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God, I desire to thank You today for picking me up from the gutter, for washing me in the Blood of the Lamb, for filling me with Your Spirit and for clothing me with grace. I know I am not worthy of such favor but You do not consider my unworthiness but instead treat me in according with Your loving kindness and infinite mercy. Undeserving as I am You continue to love me, care for me, and bless me and those I love. You choose to love me not for any of my merits, for I have none, but simply because You are Love. Your nature is Love. Grant me the grace to never forget You and to give You glory, honor, thanksgiving, worship, adoration, love, and praise until my last breath. Amen.

Matthew 16:13-20

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

Each of the Baptized is asked this question at some point in our faith journey, "Who do you say that I am?" Like Peter we would have come to understand that You are truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God. And having come to this knowledge we are called not to keep it to ourselves but to proclaim it from the rooftops.  I am called to make this personal discovery of who You are for myself after all that I have experienced of Your very tangible Presence in my life and of Your tender, compassionate, merciful, love for me.

Peter made his confession of faith inspired by the Holy Spirit and to him was entrusted the Keys of the Kingdom. We are called to listen to him and abide by all that the Church teaches. This is the will of the Father, that Peter be granted Your authority as the visible head of the Church that is founded upon You. The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is the means through which we will not only come to the knowledge of Truth but eventually to our final resting place in Your most Sacred Heart.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Ruth 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17, Psalm 128:1-5, Matthew 23:1-12


You have but one Father in heaven;
you have but one master, the Christ. Mt 23:9, 10

Ruth 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17, Psalm 128:1-5, Matthew 23:1-12

Ruth 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

The story of Ruth in today's Gospel is heartwarming and reveals how God rewards those who are kind, compassionate, and faithful. Ruth followed her mother-in-law who like herself was a widow, she was young enough to go back to her own country and find another husband from among her former people. However, after having married Naomi's son she embraced her family and her people as her own. She was prepared to go with her to a strange land and to care for both of them for she was young and strong. 

God will always reward those who love faithfully and tenderly, generously and selflessly. So it was with Ruth. Boaz her future husband admired her for loving her Naomi and for giving up her own people in order to live and care for her. He watched for her and protected her and in the end married her. Their union was blessed with a son who would become the father of the most famous of kings, king David from whose line You descended.

God sees all and rewards more generously than we could ever imagine or ask for.

Psalm 128:1-5

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

In today's word You revealed that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and in the words of the Psalm You confirm all that You have said. To fear You is not the kind of servile fear we offer a tyrant but the fear born of a grateful heart for all the mercies that God shows us even though we are unworthy.

To those who follow God and obey His commandments God rewards generously and without measure. All that we do He blesses a hundredfold. If we are faithful He is even more faithful. His favor rests on those who desire to please Him in all things.

Beloved, those who have You in the very centre of their lives and allow Your Holy Spirit complete control will receive every good and perfect gift from Your loving hands. Blessings will fall over all and their children will be a blessing. Every day will see new blessings that cause us to bless and praise God with every breath we breathe.

Matthew 23:1-12

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

Today You want us to obey and follow the commandments faithfully. You want us to be humble. To care for one another to ease another's load. You desire that we not make an outward show of our spirituality so  people can praise us. You remind us that whatever good we do must be done secretly and not done openly so all can see us and praise us. We are called to be the least, to take the lowest place, to quietly and unobtrusively serve God and one another. To be hidden while doing all that we ought. The last verse sums up the way we ought to live perfectly, 

"The greatest among you must be your servant.
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled;
but whoever humbles himself will be exalted."

Friday, August 25, 2017

Ruth 1:1, 3-6, 14-16, 22, Psalm 146:5-10, Matthew 22:23-40


Teach me your paths, my God,
guide me in your truth. Ps 25:4, 5

Ruth 1:1, 3-6, 14-16, 22, Psalm 146:5-10, Matthew 22:23-40

Ruth 1:1, 3-6, 14-16, 22

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

The story of Ruth is one that warms the heart.  It is the story of a woman who was loyal and loved truly and how that loyalty and love was rewarded.

We are all called to make choices constantly and the choices we make have consequences. Ruth chose to stay with Naomi and to remain faithful the God she embraced when she married her Jewish husband. When she was widowed she chose to stay with her mother-in-law and return with her to her homeland Bethlehem. God rewarded her abundantly, in time she met and married a good, God fearing man and she would  be named as one of Your ancestors.

Guide me also Beloved to listen to You and allow Your Holy Spirit to direct me always.

Psalm 146:5-10

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

The psalmist reminds us that if we keep faith in the Lord and allow love to direct all our thoughts, words and actions God will be with us and bless us. He will care for us and never abandon us. You have set us free and if we choose to remain free rather than enslaved to our weaknesses then we will soar on the wings of the eagle and find our home in Your Sacred Heart. It is You who satisfy the hungry heart, who blesses and gives sight in order that we may see through Your eyes. Grant that I may always look gently, kindly, and with compassion on everyone I encounter that they may experience the love, mercy, and compassion that I have received from You.

Matthew 22:23-40

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

People constantly set out to test and trap You and You were always able to silence them with irrefutable words of wisdom. You have assured us that we too need only to rely on the Holy Spirit and He will give us the words we need when we are surrounded by the enemy. The Pharisees knew the answer to the question they posed to You for it was revealed in the first of the 10 commandments they received from Moses. We too have the answers to the questions we ask but we pretend not to know for whatever deceitful reason.

However, You gave us the answer once again clearly so there would be no doubt ever again the question, "Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?" To which You replied, "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your mind.
This is the greatest and the first commandment.
The second is like it:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments."

May I keep Your response every before me and allow it to rule and direct my life always.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Revelations 21:9-14, Psalm 145:10-13, 17-18, John 1:45-51



Rabbi, you are the Son of God;
you are the King of Israel. Jn 1:49

Revelations 21:9-14, Psalm 145:10-13, 17-18, John 1:45-51

Revelations 21:9-14

Dear Love, my soul's beloved,

The twelve Apostles were chosen, called and empowered to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Their mission was to preach and teach the Good News of our salvation to the whole world and thus increase the numbers of those who were to be baptized into Your Body, the Church, who is Your bride. 

The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, is built upon the sure foundation of the Anointed one of God, and the twelve who were given the honor of being the means through which all those who accepted You as their Lord and Savior would enter into the New City of Jerusalem. Where God is there is the fullness of joy and all who believe will enter into that joy forever. 

Psalm 145:10-13, 17-18

Dear Love, my soul's beloved,

You have completed the work of salvation and have become the means by which the whole world is redeemed. However, You have called first the Twelve and next all who are baptized to continue the mission that the Father entrusted to You. We are called to tell the whole world how God became one of us, entered into our frailty and became as all humans are in all things save sin, in order to restore to us that which our first parents had so wantonly destroyed.

We who have tasted the goodness of the Lord and who believe are called to live out our faith and so shine Your light in the world. Your Kingdom will never end and we are all invited to receive a share of Your glorious inheritance and splendor. However, we must always bear in mind that You are holy, perfect, and sinless and nothing unclean can ever enter Your Presence this is why we must strive to be like You always. Thank You for showing us the Way to the Father's House, for revealing the Truth that saves us, and for the new Life You have given us by laying down Your own life to redeem the life we had lost forever.

John 1:45-51

Dear Love, my soul's beloved,

Like Nathanael or Bartholomew as he was called, we too can be skeptics or have preconceived ideas which are wrong and cloud our judgement. We could scoff at the truth because it does not fit into our own mistaken notions of what the truth should be. What could can come from Nazareth? he asked but when he encountered You he was prepared to accept Philip's testimony of You and more. "Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel." He came to believe so completely that he was prepared to give up his life in order to carry out his apostolic mission with zeal. 

May all I know of You and all my experience of You enable me to be just as generous as Bartholomew was in giving up all for Your sake and the sake of the Gospel. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Judges 9:6-15, Psalm 21-2-7, Matthew 20:1-16


The word of God is living and effective,
able to discern the reflections and thoughts of the heart. Heb 4:12

Judges 9:6-15, Psalm 21-2-7, Matthew 20:1-16

Judges 9:6-15

Dear Love, my Soul's Beloved,

When we choose our leaders we must do so wisely if not we will find ourselves without help, without protection, and without guidance. The people we choose must be people of sterling faith, God-fearing, humble, and prepared to lead with integrity. 

When we look at our world today we see that the leaders we choose seem powerless to bring unity. Nations have never been as polarized in every way as they seem to be today. They make empty promises and once they come into power do everything in their power for personal gain forgetting the oaths they have sworn to serve rather than be served.  Having chosen the worst can we honestly blame God for the state our world is in today in almost every sphere and area of our lives? Yet, Lord You still have the power to write straight on our crooked lines. Thank You for never abandoning us no matter how foolish we have been. 

Psalm 21-2-7

Dear Love, my soul's beloved,

The psalmist praises the king who has all the qualities of one who is fit to rule. He is the complete opposite of the one that Jotham described in the reading of today.

A true king, one chosen by God relies on Him for everything and gives glory for all his victories and successes to the Most High. In turn God grants him all he needs to rule with wisdom and strength and he is given blessings both spiritual and temporal. He is honored and respected and he never fails to be kind to those who are the smallest and the weakest.

There is no King O Lord like You. On You the Father has conferred Kingship, glory, honor, power over all that is, was and ever shall be. All that lives shall praise You Beloved, in time and in eternity. 

Matthew 20:1-16

Dear Love, my soul's beloved,

The parable in today's Gospel provides much food for thought and gives us an insight into the way God operates. He acts in a way that is sometimes difficult for us to fathom, He surprises us, and He does what He wills and no one can deny Him the privilege of acting just as He thinks fit.

Here we see how God gives everyone of us a chance to repent, to be fruitful, in order that we may receive the inheritance that He desires to grant us. Five times during the day the owner of the vineyard went out and finding people loitering about every time He hired them.  He agreed with them to pay them the daily wage however at the end of the day when they were to be paid the last received the same amount as those who had labored longest in the sun. They grumbled because they expected to receive more although they had no reason to do so. They were not cheated they got exactly what they were told they would receive. 

Thank You my Beloved, that all of us are given a chance and when we encounter You and give our lives to You no matter how late it may be You give us all as generously and liberally as those who have always been faithful to You. Thank You Beloved that we receive of Your goodness and not as we truly deserve.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Judges 6:11-24, Psalm 85:9, 11-14, Matthew 19:23-30


Jesus Christ became poor although he was rich
so that by his poverty you might become rich. 2Cor 8:9

Judges 6:11-24, Psalm 85:9, 11-14, Matthew 19:23-30

Judges 6:11-24

Dear Love, my Soul's Beloved, 

Thank You for reminding me today that God chooses who He will to do His work, it is He who will equip and empower and He will give victory through the might of His hand. All we need to do is allow ourselves to be used by Him. God is always with us. The Angel revealed Your Name as Emmanuel, addressing Mary, Your Mother, he said, "The Lord is with you." This is the assurance we all receive as Your anointed, Your chosen people, that You are always with us. Nothing must frighten or overwhelm us for we must trust that no harm will come to those who are grafted into Your Body.

The Angel of the Lord reminded Gideon that it is God who sends us and it is God who abides in us and with us. God hears and answers all our prayers and He gives us victory.

On our part we are to give You praise, honor, thanksgiving, and worship for You are worthy and all You do is exceedingly worthy of praise. Gideon praised God because he saw the Angel of the Lord face to face, how much more must I praise You my Beloved for I see You face to face each time I visit You in the Blessed Sacrament and I feast on You in every Eucharist. Thank You for the life of grace that I receive from You always. 

Psalm 85:9, 11-14

Dear Love, my soul's Beloved,

Give me an attentive ear to Your Voice and I will always hear You speak to me; encouraging and helping me to choose wisely so I may walk in Your way all my days. 

When we look at the world it is easy to lose hope and confidence but You assure us that You have triumphed over the Enemy. You are victorious and in the end we will see that You have indeed vanquished Satan and have obtained for Yourself, all the nations of the world.  You are King and we are Your people, the sheep of Your flock. You are the God of Justice and Peace and Your rule is established forever in heaven and on earth. We are saved, redeemed, sanctified and claimed by You and for You eternally.

Matthew 19:23-30

Dear Love, my soul's Beloved,

Being rich is not evil but it is is being possessed by our riches that leads to our eternal destruction. All we have received comes from You and we are called to give with an open hand, a liberal heart, so we can have the joy of sharing magnanimously what we have received from You. 

Our possessions tend to narrow our vision, and close our hearts and ears to those who are less fortunate than we are and this is why You say that it is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of heaven.  You have shown us how to give - to give all, even to the laying down of one's life and in doing so You gained authority, Kingship, and power over all.

Peter raises a legitimate concern - they had given up everything family, home, friends, to follow You what would be their reward? You assured him that they would be rewarded more than they could ever imagine. Eternal life is assured to those who heed Your call and follow You wherever the Holy Spirit leads. But You always warn us that if we are not humble and generous we might find like the foolish virgins that we had missed the hour when the Son of God had visited us.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Judges 2:11-19, Psalm 106:34-37, 39-40, 43-44, Matthew 19-16-22


Blessed are the poor in spirit;
for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Mt 5:3

Judges 2:11-19, Psalm 106:34-37, 39-40, 43-44, Matthew 19-16-22

Judges 2:11-19

Dear Love, my Soul's Beloved,

Despite all that God had done for the chosen people, despite all the marvels and the miracles, they still sinned grievously over and over again. The sin of Adam has wounded and weakened us to such an extent that we tend to revert to godlessness every time we place ourselves in the way of temptation. 

Looking at the world today, at the violence, the evil, the loss of all sense of sin and shame, at the way we twist wrong with words to make it sound right and thus deceive ourselves we have played right into the hands of Satan. Despite all the progress the world has made we have used that progress to take us even further away from You and from the path of holiness. 

How much longer Beloved, will we continue in  the way that leads to death? When will be regain our moral compass and return to the Way of the Lord? Grant that it may be soon before it is too late.

Psalm 106:34-37, 39-40, 43-44

Dear Love, my Soul's Beloved,

It would seem that from the earliest times after the fall men and women have sinned willfully and terribly. They have deliberately turned away from You, the God of Love and chosen to wallow in evil and depravity. Despite all that You have done for us, despite sending You to us and redeem us, despite pouring out Your Holy Spirit on us and making it possible to lead holy lives, there is that terrible legacy received from our first parents that draws us, attracts us and invites us to make sinful choices.

St. Paul lamented, and we lament with him, who can free me from my sinful flesh? We echo his answer, "Thanks be to God in Christ Jesus who has won the victory for us." Stay with me Beloved, or else I too shall be lost.

Matthew 19-16-22

Dear Love, my Soul's Beloved,

The young man who approached You in today's Gospel was on the horns of a dilemma. His spirit longed to do what was good but his flesh could not give up what it craved. We are no different at least I know that I am very much like that poor rich man. I want to please God. I want to obey the commands and walk in the way that leads to life, to choose the narrow  path which is difficult and which few tread. I know the choices I ought to make that will make me happy and will lead to eternal life, and yet, and yet, how often, I given into the cravings of the flesh. I refuse to exert my will to choose what I know I ought. I lack the discipline that ought to make me turn away resolutely from temptation. 

I come to You morning after morning and like the young man I ask, "Beloved, what good must I do to gain eternal life?" And You reply and You tell me all I ought to do and instead of staying close to You, acknowledging that I cannot do it on my own, and clinging to You like a limpet so You can live, move, and act in me, I turn away from You sad, because I would rather drink from murky, stagnant pools to slake my thirst than to permit You to lead me to fresh streams of living water where I can revive, and refresh my dropping spirit.

Have mercy on me O Lord and help me for I find I cannot help myself.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Isaiah 56:1, 6-7, Psalm 67:2-3, 5-6, 8, Romans 11:13-15, 29-32, Matthew 15:21-28


Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the kingdom
and cured every disease among the people. Mt 4:23

Isaiah 56:1, 6-7, Psalm 67:2-3, 5-6, 8, Romans 11:13-15, 29-32, Matthew 15:21-28

Isaiah 56:1, 6-7

Dear Love, My soul's Beloved,

Thank You for inviting me into a relationship with You. Thank You for saving me and calling me to serve You. I belong to You and to Your Church. Thank You for calling me from darkness and granting me every grace I need to walk in the light of Your love and truth. Thank You for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where I can approach Your holy altar and unite the sacrifice of my poor sinful life with Your holy, perfect, once for all, Sacrifice for the expiation of my sins of the sins of the whole world. Thank You.

Psalm 67:2-3, 5-6, 8

Dear Love, My soul's Beloved,

If the Father had not found a way to save us because of His immense love for us we would have been lost forever. Thank You for Your obedience to the Father and for laying down Your life for us. Grant all who believe the grace to take our vocation and our mission seriously to spread the good news of our salvation wherever we go so that all may believe and together the whole world rejoice and give praise to God for all He has done for us in You.

Romans 11:13-15, 29-32

Dear Love, my soul's Beloved,

St. Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles understands that God can use any situation to bring about good. The Jews rejected You and the Gospel and this is why the message was carried to the Gentiles, for You came into the world to save all Jews and Gentiles alike. The great persecution of the Christians compelled the Apostles and disciples to flee and they carried with them the Gospel of Life.

Beloved, no matter what difficulties may come my way may I always remember that You have the power to draw good out of every situation. I can trust You always.

Matthew 15:21-28

Dear Love, my soul's Beloved,

The Gospel reminds us today not to be caught up in our own hurt feelings and reminds us that there God does not reject us even though it may appear to be so. We must persist beyond our natural human emotions and when we do we will find that God always intended good no matter how bitter the situation. It would have been easy for Canaanite woman to wallow in self pity and turn away in bitterness at the perceived rejection but there was too much at stake. Her daughter was possessed and she believed that none but You could heal her. She implored You loudly to take notice of her, to hear her and to grant her petition. Her faith was rewarded and she went home to find her daughter healed.

Help me beloved not to have silly pride or to be easily hurt at perceived slights but to be meek and humble of heart, confident that all I ask for in faith will surely be granted to me.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Joshua 24:14-29, Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 11, Matthew 19:13-15


Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth;
you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom. Mt 11:25

Joshua 24:14-29, Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 11, Matthew 19:13-15 

Joshua 24:14-29

Dear Love, my soul's beloved,

Joshua, speaking to the chosen people, bid them to fear God and to serve Him utterly and sincerely. There were to rid themselves of false gods for God desires no part of a divided heart. Irrespective of what those around us may choose to do we are called to serve You faithfully for as long as we live.  All the good things we have received come from You and we are called to love You and serve You humbly and wholeheartedly. 

You are faithful and kind, slow to anger and rich in mercy. May I remember always that there is no sin so great that I cannot run into Your arms with a contrite heart and know that You will forgive me.  Thank You for calling me to serve and grant me always to do so humbly and gratefully.

Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 11

Dear Love, my soul's beloved,

You are My Cup, My Portion, You have seen fit to make Yourself my inheritance. Sinner though I am and unfit to come into Your holy Presence yet, You love me with a love that is infinite and greater than I can comprehend.

Thank You for keeping me as the apple of Your eye, hidden in the shelter of Your Sacred Heart. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who counsels me tirelessly. Thank You for Your Presence in the Holy Eucharist, in our tabernacles, for making Yourself available and accessible to me an unworthy sinner. Thank You for granting me the privilege to drink my fill of Your delights and to abide always in the shelter of Your wings.

Matthew 19:13-15

Dear Love, my soul's beloved,

To have the heart of a child is to ensure a place always by Your knee, to have Your  hand on my head in benediction, protection and love. You will not allow those with a childlike heart and disposition to be removed from Your Presence and You assure Your little ones that Your Kingdom is ours as well. Keep me little, keep me humble, keep me as Your own little nothing always.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Deuteronomy 10:12-22, Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20, Matthew 17:22-27


God has called you through the Gospel
to possess the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thes 2:14

Deuteronomy 10:12-22, Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20, Matthew 17:22-27

Deuteronomy 10:12-22

Dear Love, my soul's most beloved,

Once again, as always, You confirm in today's Liturgy what You spoke to me in Your Word today. You have chosen me, You called me by name, and You have granted me favor upon favor but I have been weak and wayward even to this moment. Yet, You are patient and You renew Your Covenant of Love with me once more. Truly You are faithful to this poor faithless creature. Once more You invite me to love, serve and follow You with my whole heart and my whole soul. Your patience with me has been untiring. You who are God could so easily have given me up long ago but You have not. In fact the older I get the more You have shown me gentleness, kindness, tenderness, and compassion. 

Once again I implore You to help me battle with greater courage to overcome my propensity to sin. Thank You for Your everlasting faithfulness and continue to hold me up for without You I can do nothing.

Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20

With the help of Your Holy Spirit, my soul's beloved, I shall praise You at all times. Thank You for blessing me and not only me but all who belong to me. Thank You for the life You have ordained for me and all the joy I experience every day. Thank You for giving me all that is good, holy, and perfect, for holding my hand lest I should stumble or fall. Thank You for Your Word that gives me courage and hope and which sustains me every day.

Matthew 17:22-27

Dear Love, beloved of my soul,

As a member of Your One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, I am subject of the Kingdom of God. Heaven belongs to me because I am a child of God, redeemed by You, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. You have paid the price that makes me a subject not an alien. 

The world has no power over those whom God has marked for Himself through the Cross. Thank You for paying the price that made it possible for me to claim the inheritance that You so generously share with me.  Thank You for making provision for me to receive all the graces I require in the Sacraments which helps to strengthen me and help me as I journey from this life to the place You have prepared for me. Thank You.