Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Judges 9:6-15, Psalm 21-2-7, Matthew 20:1-16


The word of God is living and effective,
able to discern the reflections and thoughts of the heart. Heb 4:12

Judges 9:6-15, Psalm 21-2-7, Matthew 20:1-16

Judges 9:6-15

Dear Love, my Soul's Beloved,

When we choose our leaders we must do so wisely if not we will find ourselves without help, without protection, and without guidance. The people we choose must be people of sterling faith, God-fearing, humble, and prepared to lead with integrity. 

When we look at our world today we see that the leaders we choose seem powerless to bring unity. Nations have never been as polarized in every way as they seem to be today. They make empty promises and once they come into power do everything in their power for personal gain forgetting the oaths they have sworn to serve rather than be served.  Having chosen the worst can we honestly blame God for the state our world is in today in almost every sphere and area of our lives? Yet, Lord You still have the power to write straight on our crooked lines. Thank You for never abandoning us no matter how foolish we have been. 

Psalm 21-2-7

Dear Love, my soul's beloved,

The psalmist praises the king who has all the qualities of one who is fit to rule. He is the complete opposite of the one that Jotham described in the reading of today.

A true king, one chosen by God relies on Him for everything and gives glory for all his victories and successes to the Most High. In turn God grants him all he needs to rule with wisdom and strength and he is given blessings both spiritual and temporal. He is honored and respected and he never fails to be kind to those who are the smallest and the weakest.

There is no King O Lord like You. On You the Father has conferred Kingship, glory, honor, power over all that is, was and ever shall be. All that lives shall praise You Beloved, in time and in eternity. 

Matthew 20:1-16

Dear Love, my soul's beloved,

The parable in today's Gospel provides much food for thought and gives us an insight into the way God operates. He acts in a way that is sometimes difficult for us to fathom, He surprises us, and He does what He wills and no one can deny Him the privilege of acting just as He thinks fit.

Here we see how God gives everyone of us a chance to repent, to be fruitful, in order that we may receive the inheritance that He desires to grant us. Five times during the day the owner of the vineyard went out and finding people loitering about every time He hired them.  He agreed with them to pay them the daily wage however at the end of the day when they were to be paid the last received the same amount as those who had labored longest in the sun. They grumbled because they expected to receive more although they had no reason to do so. They were not cheated they got exactly what they were told they would receive. 

Thank You my Beloved, that all of us are given a chance and when we encounter You and give our lives to You no matter how late it may be You give us all as generously and liberally as those who have always been faithful to You. Thank You Beloved that we receive of Your goodness and not as we truly deserve.

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