Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Acts 14:19-28, Psalm 145:10-13ab, 21, John 14:27-31a


Acts 14:19-28, Psalm 145:10-13ab, 21, John 14:27-31a


Acts 14:19-28

My Beloved, why is it that Christians who preach the Good News are hated with such vicious hatred?  Does goodness like a mirror reflect  how corrupt they are so they seek to deny the truth about themselves and instead turn on those who stir their conscience?  

St. Paul was almost stoned to death but he continued to preach and teach the Gospel.  This is the task of those who call themselves Christians.  We are called to encourage and strengthen one another.  Nothing must hinder us from doing God's work and we must never forget that prayer and fasting come before we can even put a step forward.  All we do must be in concert with the Holy Spirit and must be in line with the teachings of Holy Mother Church.  We must pray alone and as a community for we are members of Your Body and members of God's family. In responding to Your invitation to call Your Father our Father we become Your brothers and sisters and brothers and sisters to each other as well.

It is also most important to speak of the marvels that God has wrought through us; our testimony and witness strengthens our faith, the faith of those who hears us, the Church and it glorifies God.

Psalm 145:10-13ab, 21

We are the work of Your hands and we must render You thanks.  Just as the lives of the Saints speak compellingly of what can be accomplished if we give our life in total humility and obedience to You, so too must we strive to live lives that glorify You.  Give me a disciples tongue and may I never cease to proclaim how good You are to me and have been since I first drew breath.  May every breath I breathe, every word I speak, every thought I think give praise and honor to You my Lord and my God.

John 14:27-31a

"Peace be with you.  I give you my peace."  

My Beloved peace in the world is as elusive as trying to hold on to quicksilver.  Without You peace is impossible - not the kind of peace that is lasting, abiding and is present in the heart despite the circumstances we may be in.

My Beloved, You are the perfect image of the invisible God that is why You could say in Truth that whoever sees You has seen the Father.  You and the Father are One for You are begotten by the Father and are one in nature - the nature of God.  Thank You for Your reassurance to me today to be neither troubled nor afraid.  I won't be Lord - in this is peace that I take You at Your Word.  I know I shall not be disappointed. 

If I do all that You have taught us to do and which the Church teaches and keeps faithfully alive until You come again, I too will be doing what the Father taught You to do which is to love as You love - agape love, sacrificial love that pours itself out without counting the cost to self.  


Monday, April 29, 2013

Acts 14: 5-18, Psalm 115:1-4, 15-16, John 14:21-26


Acts 14: 5-18, Psalm 115:1-4, 15-16, John 14:21-26


Acts 14: 5-18

My Beloved, human beings are vain, emotional, fickle creatures that can be made to do anything when they are stirred by passion.  The mob mentality has been the cause of much violence resulting in death and destruction.  Those in power so often manipulate this tendency using the crowed to carry out their evil intentions by subtly controlling them and egging them on.  

You are always on the side of those who desire to do good and those who  have consecrated themselves to You.  Your mighty protection covers them and Your Holy Spirit is their Guide as we see so beautifully and powerfully demonstrated in the lives of Paul and Barnabas.

Wherever we go, we are called to continue to do the work You have apointed us to do.  St. Paul and Barnabas were passionate about spreading the Good News and they knew that faith makes all things possible as the crippled man also discovered that day.  So often our spirits and our minds are crippled by our fears, emotions and anxieties but You can always bring healing and freedom if we only have faith in You.

The people of Lycaonia said, "God has come to us in human likeness." This can only be said of You my Beloved.

Psalm 115:1-4, 15-16

How often my Beloved we try to steal the glory that rightfully belongs to You alone.  We do it stealthily attributing to ourselves the power and goodness that is solely Your own.  We are only Your instruments.  Heal us of this craftiness Lord and let us not fool ourselves or anyone else but acknowledge that all power comes from You.

May everything we say, pray and do be directed to You in praise and thanksgiving, giving You always the glory that is rightfully Your and which You so richly deserve from Your creatures.
John 14:21-26

The one proof, the one irrefutable proof that I love You is if I keep Your commandments in season and out of season, whether it is convenient or not.  Even when I am afraid and my heart is pounding inside me, I still do what You have commanded which is to love You with all that I am and to love my neighbor as my own self.  It isn't easy Beloved but then You never said it was.  The reward of keeping Your commandments is Your promise that You will reveal Yourself clearly to us and that we will be loved by the Father just as You lvoe us.  

My love for You or my lack of it is revealed by my willingness to keep Your Word.  If I do love You that I can be certain that You will make Your home in me.  Where You present are also present the Father and the Holy Spirit.  Thank You for the promise and the Gift of Your Holy Spirit who reveals the Truth to us and helps us in our weaknesses.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

1 Peter 5:5b-14, Psalm 89-2-3, 6-7, 16-17, Mark 16:16:15-20


1 Peter 5:5b-14, Psalm 89-2-3, 6-7, 16-17, Mark 16:16:15-20


1 Peter 5:5b-14

My Beloved, to be humble is an acknowledgement of who God is and who we are.  Creator and creature.  We are because God causes us to be.  He sustains us, He upholds us, He breathes in us and animates us.  Should He withdraw His Help and His breath we who are but a puff of wind would be no more.

To the humble God pours out His grace.  The humble hearts trusts the Lord and refuses to allow anything to bring him low because he knows that God never fails those who put all their hope and trust in His love and tender compassion.

Keep us safe from the snares of the devil.  Cover us in Your precious Blood and fill us with the wisdom, power and truth that comes from living in intimacy with Your most Holy Spirit.  

Christians will always be persecuted, help us to stand firm on the Rock that is Peter, on the foundation of the Apostolic Church and the Cornerstone which is You.

Thank You for the hope I have of eternal happines with You once my life on earth is at an end.

Psalm 89-2-3, 6-7, 16-17

 16 Blessed is the people who know your praise. They walk in the light of your face. 17 They celebrate all day your name and your protection lifts them up.

I am blessed because I belong to You.  I praise You because I know You.  I walk in the Light that radiates from You.  I celebrate Your Name because it is the only Name given to us by which all are saved.  Your mighty protection sustains all that You have created.  Hold me close to our heart and do what You will with me.
Mark 16:16:15-20

 My Beloved, I have a mission.  You have commanded that my whole life be a witness to Your marvelous love that has saved us from the jaws of eternal death.

Your Name is above all other names and by its mighty power signs and wonders are possible in every day and age.

Lord I believe, may my faith be so compelling that it draws others to the fullness and knowledge of Truth and Love.  Empower me in Your Name so I may spread Your message of love and mercy to everyone I encounter today and everyday.  Amen.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Acts 12:24-13:5a, Psalm 67:2-3, 5-6, 8, John 12:44-50


Acts 12:24-13:5a, Psalm 67:2-3, 5-6, 8, John 12:44-50


Acts 12:24-13:5a

All the work we undertake to spread the Good News must always be under the guidance and prompting of the Holy Spirit in order for it to bear fruit.  My Beloved, when we allow ourselves to be the instruments of God, humbly submitting to His will, He can work mightily in us and bring about His good purposes.  Prayer, fasting and laying on of hands is how we can discern Your will and do it.  Whatever we do, it must be in concert with the will of the Triune God.

Psalm 67:2-3, 5-6, 8

My Beloved, cover us with Your grace, blessing and peace.  Keep Your Face uncovered so we may look to You and be saved.  We will let our voices unite with everyone who believes and we will praise Your mighty deeds and tell everyone of Your saving help.  Watch over the people You have chosen and keep us close to Your heart always.

John 12:44-50

My Beloved, You who are the Word of the Father and who reposed in Him eternally was sent to us so that we may believe that we are God's children with an eternal destiny.  You are the Way to the Father's House.  This is what He intended - that we see Him who has no Form is Imaged and revealed perfectly in You.  He who see You sees the Father, He who hears You hears the Father.  He who does what You command obeys the Father.  You have come to save the world from condemnation You have revealed God's love.  In choosing life over death and love over hate we are open to Your invitation to love and obey in order that we may enjoy eternal  life beginning in the here and now and extending into eternity.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Acts 11:19-26, Psalm 87:1b-7, John 10:22-30


Acts 11:19-26, Psalm 87:1b-7, John 10:22-30


Acts 11:19-26

God uses everything for His glory and to further His Kingdom on earth.  The persecution of Christians caused them to move out of Jerusalem and Israel and they took the Word of God with them, preaching the Good news wherever they wen.  They attracted new followers to Christ not only among the Jewish diaspora but to Gentiles as well. 

The work of evangelization is the work of the Holy Spirit we are only instruments as verse 21 points out.  God calls, chooses, appoints, empowers and sends as we see in the case of Barnabas.  All we need to do is to respond to God's call and be willing to go where He sends us.  He will equip us with all that we need to do is respond to God's call and be willing to go wherever He sends us.

Psalm 87:1b-7

We who belong to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church are born of water, the Holy Spirit and Fire.  She is the Bride of Christ and was formed from the pierced side of Her Bridegroom when He was raised on the Sign of Contradiction.  She is the gate to the Kingdom and her Gatekeeper is the only Son of the Most High God.  Only of those who are born into His Church and are members of His Body can it be said that they possess the fullness of Truth.  The untainted, unvarnished, untarnished Truth.  It is not watered down to cater to the flavor and fashion of the season.  We the faithful who are born of her rejoice for God has His eye on us.  We are His possession.

John 10:22-30

 My Beloved, how plain is plain to those who have no desire to believe.  To those who have no inclination to know the Truth, even less to accept and embrace it,  no sign is good enough, verse 26 speaks about this so clearly.  But to those who belong is given the sheer joy of knowing that the Father Himself has appointed You as our Good Shepherd and to us Your sheep is given all that You have to give.  Fullness of life here on earth and eternal life in union with God and His Saints in the hereafter.

The Son and the Father are One.  The Son and we are One.  We are One in the Father and the Son through His Holy Spirit.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Acts 11:1-18, Psalm 42:2-3, 43:3-4, John 10:1-10


Acts 11:1-18, Psalm 42:2-3, 43:3-4, John 10:1-10

Acts 11:1-18

There will always be those who are critical of Your goodness and generosity in embracing all even the most abject of sinners and the most notorious outcasts.  All are welcome in Your love for You died for all.  It is we who make distinctions and reservations.  We must not dare to exclude anyone, for God's invitation to the Kingdom through You is extended to all who believe.

Keep me ever attuned to Your Holy Spirit who dwells in me and may I be sensitive to His promptings and guidance.  May I be led by Him always and may I obey Him promptly and joyfully.  The message, the Good News is one that saves - let us speak it boldly for we are our brother's and sister's keeper.  The Holy Spirit is given to anyone that God desires - let us not put any obstacles in the way of God and His Spirit.  God is the Giver of Life - let us celebrate this life not only in us but in others as well.

Psalm 42:2-3, 43:3-4

How beautiful these verses are my Beloved Lord and they are my song and my prayer to You today.  I too long for You.  I hunger and thirst for Your love.  Fill me with the power and fire of Your Holy Spirit.  Let me walk in the Light of Your Truth.  Take me up Your holy mountain.  Lead me to the Altar where You my Beloved are the Sacrificial Victim of love incarnate and there I will unite my poor sinful life with Yours and remain with You forever.

 John 10:1-10

The Gate to the Kingdom of God and the Sheepfold is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church there is no other.  You are the Gatekeeper and You open the Gate to all who hear Your Voice and respond to Your invitation.  You go ahead of us and we follow You, we know You and You know us.  You love us and we trust in Your love.  You feed us in the Eucharist and we are satisfied.  You lead us to pasture and to streams of living water.  In You we have fullness of life.  Thank You.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Acts 13:14, 43-52, Revelations 7:9, 14b-17, Psalm 100:1-3, 5, John 10:27-30



Acts 13:14, 43-52, Revelations 7:9, 14b-17, Psalm 100:1-3, 5, John 10:27-30

 Acts 13:14, 43-52

My Beloved the power of Your Word attracts and draws people to the beauty of the Good News.  This is why it has always aroused jealousy in vested interests who are afraid that if the Word of God is allowed to be preached openly then many would come to believe and would leave their old beliefs behind and embrace You as their Lord and God. They realize the power of the Word and so they seek to muzzle it.

Women can be pretty powerful and also they can be manipulated into using that power to bring harm rather than good especially if they believe that they are right. 

My Beloved, grant us Your wisdom so we may always walk on the side of Truth.

Revelations 7:9, 14b-17

My Beloved, thank You for saving us.  Thank You for the hope we have in You.  Thank You for the place You have reserved for us in heaven which has already begun on earth for when we eat Your Body and drink Your Blood, we have Your Life in us.  We are one with You, where You are the Father and the Spirit and where the Triune is ther is heaven.

Thank You Lord that our vale of tears here lasts but a brief time and we have a glorious eternity filled with unsurpassed joy waiting for us. 

Psalm 100:1-3, 5

My Beloved all praise, glory and honor belong to You, for You are great and all Your works are great.  Your faithfulness is everlasting as is Your merciful love and tender compassion.

All those who believe in You will be saved.  They will never be disappointed.  Thank You my Beloved for the joy that comes from knowing You, loving You and serving You. 
John 10:27-30

My Beloved thank You for Your loving assurance that I am Your sheep.  I belong to You.  I recognize Your voice and I will follow You and no other for You are my Good Shepherd.  You will not allow me to be lost or to perish.  You know better than I, how weak I am and although I desire never to be parted from You. I do not have the strength to be all You desire me to be and so You provide the  food I need to sustain me and should I fall because I am weak You will pick me up and carry me close to Your heart, Your arms wrapped around me.  I am content.  There is no place this silly sheep would rather be than safe in the arms of my Lord and my God.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Acts 9:1-20, Psalm 117:1bc-2, John 6:52-59



Acts 9:1-20, Psalm 117:1bc-2, John 6:52-59

Acts 9:1-20

 My Beloved, Saul's conversion to Paul is one of the most inspiring conversion stories.  We may all have our own plans and agendas but You can so easily enter and make all those plans come to naught.  In a world marked by terror and violence where death lurks in unexpected places and springs upon us without warning causing bloodshed, mayhem, carnage and destruction we would be hard-pressed into believing there is  hope yet this is a lie and we must not give into the lie spawned by the devil.

You entered dramatically into Saul's life and changed it forever - a most unexpected conversion of one whose terrible reputation as a persecutor of Christians preceeded him.  But we are not to judge people by their past.  We take them as they are in the present moment thus we give them the gift of accepting them as they are and not as some one else said they are.  Our response to Your call despite our apprehensions is, "Here I am."  And when You say, "Go." We go at once.

We can trust You to heal the spiritual blindness of those for whom we have been praying for  years.  Jesus my Beloved, I trust in You.

Psalm 117:1bc-2

May my life asleep or awake be one of praise to You.  with all the people everywhere I shall praise You my Lord and my God for Your love is great and Your faithfulness eternal.

John 6:52-59

You give us Your Flesh to eat and Your Blood to drink and You who are God tell us that if we do not eat You and drink You, we have no life in You.  You have also said that You are the vine and we are the branches, apart from You we have no life and can do nothing.  It is imperative that we believe Your Word and believeing we obey and partake of the Food You provide in order that we may live.

When we receive You in the Holy Eucharist, we become one with You and since You are one with the Father, You unite us through You to the Father as well and to the Holy Spirit.  We are drawn into the Divine embrace for a while and for a brief moment in time we are in heaven. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Acts 7:51:---8:1a, Psalm 31:3cd-8a, 17 & 21ab, John 6:30-35


Acts 7:51:---8:1a, Psalm 31:3cd-8a, 17 & 21ab, John 6:30-35


Acts 7:51:---8:1a

A closed heart is one that is perverse and stubborn.  It refuses to believe and resists the Truth that is self-evident.  It would rather believe a convoluted lie than the unvarnished, untarnished Truth which is as clear as the light of day.  A closed heart prefers the night and the dark so its evil deeds are cloaked and hidden, it deceives itself that even God cannot see the evil that it plots.  Darkness leads to death and darkness seeks to kill, murder, pillage and ravage. It blindly refuses to see and acknowledge the true, good, wise and beautiful and ultimately it is incapable of seeing and recognizing the good.  All the black hatred in the heart rises like a miasma and suffocates with murderous rage and destroys.  

But the pure heart that believes is a heart filled with the love of God.  It rejoices in good and hates evil.  It is full of grace, goodness and courage.  It is not afraid to stand up for the Truth.  It is bold and noble and will not be silenced.  It will not cower and is prepared to lay down its life for what it knows to be the Truth.

A heart that believes is a heart this is a reflection of the Son of God and because it lives in Him, it is invincible and victorious.

Psalm 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17 & 21ab

My Beloved, those who believe in You will find that You are our rock, refuge, fortress and safety. Our stronghold and our guide. We are safe in You and we yield joyfully in glad submission to Your most holy and perfect will, for we know that it is You who have first loved us.  You redeemed us and You O Lord our God are faithful and so we trust in You.  

Your love O Lord is our food and drink.  In the knowledge of Your love, our soul is filled as with a banquet and we are satisfied. 

Let Your Face shed its light upon me my Beloved and may I reflect this same light in a world darkened by sin.  Your love has saved me, this is the Good News that I must share with others too.  You shelter me in Your Presence.  You clothe me in Your Love. You safeguard me from the wiles and plots of those who set traps for me. You enfold me in Your heart.  Thank You!!

John 6:30-35

The miraculous sign is the Sign of the Cross, the Sign of Contradiction, the Sign of the Son of God lifted high above the world.  The Holy One pierced for our sins becomes our Food and our Drink.  He is the Bread of Life.  We approach the Banquet that He sets for us at the Eucharistic table - He is the Altar of Sacrifice and the Lamb of Sacrifice.  A willing Victim offered for the sins of the world.  In response to our cry, "Give us this Bread always." You respond, "Here I am. The Bread is My Own Flesh and the Wine is My Blood - eat and You will never know hunger again, drink and You will never thirst.  Thank You my Lord and my God.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41, Revelations 5:11-14, Psalm 30:2-6, 11-13, John 21:1-19


Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41, Revelations 5:11-14, Psalm 30:2-6, 11-13, John 21:1-19


Acts 5:27-32, 40b-4

The Holy Spirit is given to those who obey God.  Obedience and humility are the two keys that unlock the treasures of the Kingdom of God.  All goodness creates a response of violent anger in the hearts of the wicked.

There is wisdom in the natural order even if one professes not to believe in God.  Even if one professes another faith one need only to listen to the natural impulse of the human heart or conscience as they serve as a good and wise guide. 

Gamaliel spoke wisely and truly.

The life of the Spirit is a life of contradiction.  We rejoice when considered worthy to suffer for the sake of Christ and the Gospel.
Revelations 5:11-14

All that lives, all that is in heaven, in the universe and any place else that man knows not of praises, glorifies and honors the Lam who freely gave up His Life as a pleasing sacrifice to the Father in expiation for the sins of all from the first Adam to the last.

Psalm 30:2-6, 11-13

In the end, the scoffers and the unbelievers will be effectively silenced for they will see how God has rescued us from peril and danger and has given us a place with Him.  He heard our cry for help, saved us, and gave us eternal life.

Death no longer has the power to overwhelm us with sorrow.  Sin no longer has the power to keep us ensnared and in captivity. The Son of God has come and He has set us free from sin and death.  In Him we are victorious and we sing a song of victory.  Our praise to Him is unceasing. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Acts 5:27-33, Psalm 34:2, 9, 17-20, John 3:31-36


Acts 5:27-33, Psalm 34:2, 9, 17-20, John 3:31-36


Acts 5:27-33

Peter and the Apostles knew no fear - they preached the Good News and they were so effective that all who heard them preach were touched.  They were commanded by You to preach and teach and so they did, in obedience to Your command.  Our first allegiance is to God not to any human authority.

The Truth always stirs a response the good will be moved to repent and believe the wicked will be moved to seek to destroy and kill the Truth which is impossible, but they will spend the last ounce of their energy and resources to do so. Ultimately they will find that they are battling the wind and that they can never succeed.

Psalm 34:2, 9, 17-20

 Verse 2, 9, 18-20

I will bless the Lord all my days;
his praise will be ever on my lips.

Oh, see and taste the goodness of the Lord!
Blessed is the one who finds shelter in him!

18 The Lord hears the cry of the righteous
and rescues them from all their troubles.
19 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves the distraught.
20 Many are the troubles of the just,
but the Lord delivers them from all.

Beloved, Your justice is righteous and Your judgments are true.  The wicked will find nowhere to hide from You.  Have mercy on Your poor, broken fallen world, a world You redeemed with Your Blood and continue to sanctify through Your Spirit; a world that the Father created in love and loves passionately.  Hear our prayers Lord and grant us wisdom, ears to hear, an intellect to understand and a will to obey.

John 3:31-36

Those who believe that You came from God into the world to redeem it have been given the grace to become children of the Light and of Truth. To us God has poured out the Spirit without measure.  The Spirit of God flows from You to us through the Beloved and we are caught up in the eternal embrace between Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Lord God, hear the prayers of those who cry out to You night and day to save the world from its iniquities.  Cleanse us from our sins in order that we may not perish in the wrath of God that will be visited on the earth because of the wicked.  For the sake of Your sorrowful passion be merciful to us O Lord and protect and save us.