Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Acts 11:19-26, Psalm 87:1b-7, John 10:22-30


Acts 11:19-26, Psalm 87:1b-7, John 10:22-30


Acts 11:19-26

God uses everything for His glory and to further His Kingdom on earth.  The persecution of Christians caused them to move out of Jerusalem and Israel and they took the Word of God with them, preaching the Good news wherever they wen.  They attracted new followers to Christ not only among the Jewish diaspora but to Gentiles as well. 

The work of evangelization is the work of the Holy Spirit we are only instruments as verse 21 points out.  God calls, chooses, appoints, empowers and sends as we see in the case of Barnabas.  All we need to do is to respond to God's call and be willing to go where He sends us.  He will equip us with all that we need to do is respond to God's call and be willing to go wherever He sends us.

Psalm 87:1b-7

We who belong to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church are born of water, the Holy Spirit and Fire.  She is the Bride of Christ and was formed from the pierced side of Her Bridegroom when He was raised on the Sign of Contradiction.  She is the gate to the Kingdom and her Gatekeeper is the only Son of the Most High God.  Only of those who are born into His Church and are members of His Body can it be said that they possess the fullness of Truth.  The untainted, unvarnished, untarnished Truth.  It is not watered down to cater to the flavor and fashion of the season.  We the faithful who are born of her rejoice for God has His eye on us.  We are His possession.

John 10:22-30

 My Beloved, how plain is plain to those who have no desire to believe.  To those who have no inclination to know the Truth, even less to accept and embrace it,  no sign is good enough, verse 26 speaks about this so clearly.  But to those who belong is given the sheer joy of knowing that the Father Himself has appointed You as our Good Shepherd and to us Your sheep is given all that You have to give.  Fullness of life here on earth and eternal life in union with God and His Saints in the hereafter.

The Son and the Father are One.  The Son and we are One.  We are One in the Father and the Son through His Holy Spirit.

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