Wednesday, December 31, 2014

1 John 2:18-21, Psalm 96:1-2, 11-13, John 1:1-18


1 John 2:18-21, Psalm 96:1-2, 11-13, John 1:1-18

1 John 2:18-21

My Beloved, it is most fitting that we end this year with this solemn reminder that it is the last hour.  It will do us all well to remember this at the beginning of each new day then we will live every moment aware that we must continue to  work as long as it is day.

John was an old man when he wrote this letter and in it he warns that the antichrist would come - in fact he says many have already come.  Who is the antichrist? Anyone who does not walk in the the Light of Truth revealed in You, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, is the antichrist.  John says that these antichrists have gone out from among them and this is how we know that it is the last hour. We too have many antichrists who have gone out from among us.

My Beloved, it has been the last hour ever since You came into the world.We are in the age of the Kingdom of God and each one of us is called to bring it about in our hearts and in our lives only then will it become visible in the world. Everyone who causes division, any one who fragments the Body of Christ, as long as there are those who work against unity, such a person is the antichrist.

Verses 20-21 remind us that as God's anointed we have received  the Holy Spirit and true wisdom and so we walk in Truth.

(But you have the anointing from the Holy One, so that all of you have true wisdom.
 I write to you, not because you lack knowledge of the truth, but because you already know it, and lies have nothing in common with the truth.) 

Psalm 96:1-2, 11-13

My Beloved, we are invited by the psalmist to sing new song everyday.  Our whole lives must be spent in praise of the One true God, the Creator, the Savior and the Sanctifier.

The whole of creation gives You exultant praise in just being what You intended each to be. The stars, sun, moon, the heavens, the oceans and all that lives in it. The birds of the air, the animals, the mountains, rivers and valley and above all man the marvel that God created in His image and likeness; must live, breathe and move in praise of God who has not only created us in love, for love but for a glorious, eternal destiny which is to remain one in love with Love eternally.

John 1:1-18

Berashith - In the beginning was God and with God was the Word which was with God and in God from the eternal berashith.  Through His Eternal and only Word uttered in love, all that is, was and ever shall be was loved into existence. There is nothing known or unknown that came to be that He did not cause to be.  In the Word dwelt the fullness of Life and all that received life received it from Him who is Life - this Word of God is Love and Life and from it emanates Light which dispels darkness.  This Light is the Light of Truth.  

The brilliance of the  Word of Love, Light and Truth enables those who walk with the Word to walk in the Light which darkness has tried in vain to put out.  Where there is the Light of God there is no fear. The children of the Light are in God and walk with God for they are one with the Word who is One with God.

Before the Word pierced time and rent it God sent a witness to prepare the Way so we would be awake when He came and revealed Himself so we could receive Him and welcome Him.

The Love of God, the Light of God, the Life of God, the Truth of God and  the Word of God was already in the world which came into existence when God uttered His single, solitary Word and all creation exploded into being.  The same Word that man refused to acknowledge and receive.

But thanks be to God - all who did have become the children of God and in believing are empowered by His Word, His Life, His Love, His Light, His Truth; for to each is given the fullness of His own Spirit.

In Him we too are born of God through water and the Holy Spirit.

Today as an old year comes to a close and a new one is about to dawn we recall how the Invisible became Visible clothed in human flesh and made His home with us.  Those who walked with Him in time witnessed His glory at several intervals in their lives so we might believe their testimony and believing might also receive the fullness of His Truth and loving kindness.

In Him God has been pleased to give us grace upon grace and favor upon favor for we have believed in the One He sent, His Son, the Beloved in whom God became Man so we could see Him, touch Him, listen to Him and now even eat Him and so become truly one with Him and through Him with the Father.  There is nothing more to desire for in Him every desire and longing of the heart is satisfied.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

1 John 2:12-17, Psalm 96:7-10, Luke 2:36-40


1 John 2:12-17, Psalm 96:7-10, Luke 2:36-40

1 John 2:12-17

My Beloved, this is indeed good news -  all my sins are forgiven in You.  I rejoice that I know You and that You, the Father and the Spirit have known me eternally.  Your Word O Holy One abides in me and I have conquered and I am victorious because the Eternal Word has make a home in me.  The world with all its allurements can certainly beguile the fruit of all that it has to offer is emptiness and bitterness for nothing holy or sacred is of the world.

Preserve me Beloved from the lust of the flesh,  the enticements of the eyes which leads to unholy desires and vain pride for all I have that is worthy is given to me by You.

The world is decaying each day and those of the world will perish with it but we have Your promise that those who seek Your will ad do it will remain with You forever.

Psalm 96:7-10

My Beloved, anyone who calls You Brother, calls God Father and who is given  the Holy Spirit must strive to live for the glory of God alone.  The gifts granted to us come from God and are to be used in order to bear fruit for His glory and His Kingdom.

How blessed and privileged we are to come to Your Banquet each day and to feast on Your bounty as we celebrate the Sacred Liturgies. God comes down to us, heaven stoops low over the altar as You come to us and become one with us.

You have won the victory over the world and no power can ever take away what belongs to You.  Your reign is already established over all creation and we rejoice.

Luke 2:36-40

My Beloved, Anna is a good example  of what we are called to be.  She lost her husband after only 7 years of married life and was a young widow instead of living a frivolous life in the world she dedicated her life to the Lord.  She was now 84 years old and spent all her years fasting and praying.  

No matter how many years are granted to us, it will do us well to remember that they will pass and death will come us all no matter how vigorously we try to postpone the hour.  Anna's reward was to have gazed on the Face of God as her eyes gazed on You as a little Baby.  her joy in recognizing the promised Messiah filled her heart with praise and she spoke of You to everyone she met.

As for Your parents Mary and Joseph they were obedient in everything that heir faith demanded and having fulfilled all that was required by the religious customs, they returned home.  There they raised You in Galilee and they watched the Son of God and the Son of Man growing in wisdom and grace.

If we are obedient to all that God asks of us and if we carry You everywhere, we too will receive the joy of knowing and loving You and sharing in Your wisdom and grace through the Word, the Church and the Sacraments.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

1 John 1:1-4, Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12, John 20:1:1-4


1 John 1:1-4, Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12, John 20:1:1-4

1 John 1:1-4

My Beloved, we do not believe in a legend or a myth we believe in a Person and we so on the testimony of reliable and trustworthy men who knew You.  They were witnesses to all that You said and did.  They lived with You, walked and talked with You.  They shared meals and laughter with You, they saw how intimate You were with Your Father, they saw how the Holy Spirit worked in You.

The beloved apostle was the disciple of John the Baptist but when he saw You and pointed to You saying, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world."  He left the Baptist and followed You.  When You turned to him and his companion and asked them what was it that they wanted and they desired to know where You lived You said, "Come and see."  They did and from that day forward John never left Your side.  He was only one of the 12 who was found at the foot of the Cross.

John was the one whom You loved most because he offered You a wholehearted, undivided response to Your love and was privileged to rest upon Your breast. This is the sweet resting place for all who desire to love You to the exclusion of all else.

You who existed from the beginning the apostles saw with their eyes, heard with their ears, touched with their hands. They knew that life emanated from Your and all who touched You received it; even the dead were raised to life at Your Word.

Eternal Life, Eternal Love, Eternal Truth - they testified and were prepared to suffer the most heinous and painful death to defend what was revealed to them and they did so that we may believe and believing may live in fellowship with them and with God and thus experience perfect joy.

Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12

My Beloved, You live, Your rule, You reign and because You do we rejoice  and not just we but the whole of creation exults with joy and all that lives praises You.  At Your Word mountains of sin and all obstacles to grace melt like wax.  Nothing that comes against You will succeed and those who place their hope and trust in You will never be disappointed for the God of Justice works mightily in their favor.

You are Light and those who walk with You will never walk in darkness.  Grant my Beloved that I may be a disciple like John who the beloved.

John 20:1:1-4

My Beloved, John always referred to himself as 'the disciple whom Jesus loved. 'If I want to identify myself as such I must be like him who on hearing the Good News of the empty tomb went to see for themselves if hat they heard was true.  A moment ago they were scared and grief stricken, now with hope rekindled they went out together to the tomb. John being young ran excitedly ahead and on reached the tomb only looked in but did not enter.

A true disciple will always wait for Peter and will follow him.  With Peter we will never be led astray from the path of Truth revealed in Your Person.Together with Peter we will see and on seeing we too will believe and believing we are saved.

Thank You my Beloved for showing us that no matter how far we run ahead, we must wait patiently to discern  whether Peter is with us and when  we know he is we can walk with perfect confidence and become one with the Truth revealed in You.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24, Psalm 25:4-5, 8-10 & 14, Luke 1:57-66


Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24, Psalm 25:4-5, 8-10 & 14, Luke 1:57-66

Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24

My Beloved, just as God sent prophets to prepare the people for Your coming, just as He sent John the Baptist to prepare the way for You, so too am I called to be a messenger and herald of the Good News.  Wherever I go, I must create an atmosphere that is conducive to Your arrival.  Our hearts must be ready, open and waiting for You. 

You came into the world as our Redeemer, Savior, Brother and Friend but when You come again it will be in awesome power and majesty to judge the world. Grant that we use this time of preparation wisely so when the day of the Lord comes, we will not be frightened but will rejoice at Your coming.

Psalm 25:4-5, 8-10 & 14

My Beloved, how blessed I am for I have God on my side who helps me, who teaches and instructs me, who listens to me and answers when I pray.  You guide me in the way I should go; providing all I need for the journey so I do not get lost or weary.  You love me with a love beyond all imagining and even  when I turn from You, You remain faithful.  You have given me Your own Holy Spirit who points the way in which I should go.  Grant me a quiet, docile spirit so I may walk in the way of the Lord all my days.

Luke 1:57-66

My Beloved, there is a time for everything that God has ordained and all comes to pass according to His plan.  All we need to do is be alert, prepared, attentive, ready and obedient to do all that is asked of us and we will see great things happen as God's wonderful plan unfolds.

When the time had come for Elizabeth to give birth to her son the whole neighborhood rejoiced; so too must we share in the joys and sorrows of those around us.  When they asked what the child was to be named  Zechariah wrote 'John' the people were surprised since they expected that he too would be called by his father's name.  

In naming him John God asks us to step out of the old way of thinking and be ready to do the new thing He is asking of us.  He wants us to taste the new wine for it is only by breaking away from old, stale, dead habits can we be free to do the new things God asks us to do.

When we obey God we give Him the freedom to act in us.  The marvellous things God does for us must be a testimony to everyone what God can do if we only let Him.

Here I am Lord! Do with me what You will.  Amen!

Monday, December 22, 2014

1 Samuel 1:24-28, 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8, Luke 1:46-56


1 Samuel 1:24-28, 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8, Luke 1:46-56

1 Samuel 1:24-28

My Beloved, Samuel is the child of many tears  and great longing. Despised because she had no children her husband who loved her very much tried to console her. She cried out to God ardently imploring Him to hear and bless her and remove her shame at being childless.

Every child is a gift from God and yet in our culture today they are seen as a right to be had at any cost if we desire them or to have them at a time and in a way that is convenient to our agenda or even to murder them in the womb if they are unwanted. Swinging from one extreme to another, children are seen as a choice and its worth is determined by everything other than the intrinsic value of the child itself. 

Hannah, like so many women in the Bible who were unable to bear a child and who prayed night and day to conceive were blessed with a baby, some were conceived miraculously (every baby is a miracle.)  It is God who opens the womb and causes life to be.  Hannah gratefully and generously gives back to God the son of her longing, so he can serve the Lord all the days of his life.

This ought to be the prayer of every parent.  Children are blessings we receive from God. They belong to Him and are given to us as a sacred trust. After fulfilling our duty to love, raise and nurture them in the ways of God we must gladly return them back to Him content that we have done our part.

1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8

My Beloved, we can either exult with joy like Hannah as so many in Scripture have done and never more gloriously than Your Own Mama, at the gift of a child, or we can rue the day they were born as so many have done when we have failed to raise them in the love and fear of the Lord as we ought. 

When You bless us with children we have a grave duty to receive them with love and raise them in the shadow of the the Presence of God.  Our home must be the first church where our children learn all that is good and holy and where the building blocks of their faith are learned at the knees of their parents.  It is only when we fulfill our duty by raising God-fearing children we too can sing our own Magnificat like Hannah, Zechariah and Your Mama Mary did. 

Luke 1:46-56

My Beloved, Mary's hymn of praise to God contains the exultant joy of all longing and hope fulfilled by God in the hearts of all people from the first to the last. This is why the Magnificat will resonate and throb with love and gratitude till the end of time because the promises made by God have come to pass.  From age to age we see how people of faith believed against the greatest odds that God will do exactly as He has promised even when it seemed that there was no hope and everything conspired against the promises being fulfilled.

God can level mountains, fill up valleys, part the seas and cause life where none was possible.  He casts down the haughty and boastful and raises the littlest ones seating them on thrones.  We have an awesome God and those who trust Him will sing His praises in triumphant and exultant joy for our God saves.


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Jeremiah 23:5-8, Psalm 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19, Matthew 1:18-24


Jeremiah 23:5-8, Psalm 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19, Matthew 1:18-24

Jeremiah 23:5-8

My Beloved, we thank God our Father for sending You to us to rule, redeem and save us.  A new era has dawned since Your coming into the world.  You are the Way, the Truth and the Life and without You there is only death, destruction and darkness.

You opened a way for all.  Divine justice is available to all.  The poor and the weak have a mighty God to battle on their behalf, hear their cries for justice and grant them victory over their oppressors. 

You bring peace,You unite inviting all who had wandered far from God, to return and find a home and a loving welcome.  You came to save the lost, heal the sick, bind the wounded, comfort the brokenhearted and to establish Your Kingdom and rule from one end of the earth to the other as Sovereign Lord over all.

Maranatha Lord Jesus! Maranatha!

Psalm 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19

My Beloved, justice is something that is often the prerogative of those with power, wealth and influence. The poor, the widow, the orphan, the marginalized and the weak routinely have their rights trampled upon. Their cries are stopped midway, they are too frightened to appeal for what is rightfully theirs. To such as these a new day has dawned for in You all receive the dignity of being children of God and they have You, who are the Son of God, as their Judge who will decide in favor of the Truth.

You came to bring peace.  Justice and peace are the sign of Your rule over the hearts of men so even in the midst of turmoil You reign and establish Your rule among Your people who will not be shaken or overcome for they have placed their hope, trust and love in You.  The poor have a Friend in You, their cries are heard and justice is assured.  Those who place their hope in You have God on their side.  A God who is victorious and works mightily to save all who belong to Him.

Praise the Lord!

Matthew 1:18-24

The greatest event in the whole history of mankind is narrated in short, simple phrases. An event that shook the very foundations of the world unfolded far from where the haughty, rich, the powerful, the influential, the intelligentsia congregate. God does His best work in an environment where simplicity, humility and obedience abound. Among those who are pure and humble of heart, those who do not see with the eyes of the haughty.

In a small town a young Virgin living a quiet, hidden life suddenly finds herself at the centre of the greatest love story ever told. Unknown to her, God had chosen her and fashioned her in secret from the moment of her conception, with extraordinary grace. She was His secret garden in which every grace  and virtue flourished with abandon. She was to be the Mother of His only Son.  She was betrothed to Joseph a good, gentle, humble, holy, chaste, obedient righteous man. Lowly, yet coming from the illustrious line of David who was the greatest king of his time.

Upon discovering this wonderful thing God had done for Mary in accordance with the hope and longing of Israel, Joseph believed that his dearest dream for a life with his beloved Mary, was to be set aside for the sake of God's immense plans and will for her.  But he had no need to be anxious for her sake or to be sad for his own. They would have it all and so much more for God would come to them, make His home with them. They would have the privilege of watching Him grow first in the womb of is Mother the new Ark of the Covenant and when He was born they would both have the extraordinary joy and privilege of caring for Him, teaching Him, hearing the Eternal Word lisp His first baby words. They would look on with pride as God who who had planted His foot on the waters and no one saw His footprints, would take His first, faltering baby steps and totter and fall.
They would teach the Son of God to read, write He who had planted the stars in the firmament and had given each of them a name. His father would teach him his trade of carpentry - working on wood on which He would someday be enthroned and thus liberate the world. They were to name the Baby - Jesus, One who saves.

May our response always be grateful and praise filled thank you  Lord!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Genesis 49:2, 8-10, Psalm 72:1-4, 8 & 17, Matthew 1:1-17


Genesis 49:2, 8-10, Psalm 72:1-4, 8 & 17, 
Matthew 1:1-17

Genesis 49:2, 8-10

My Beloved, the tribe of Judah is the one chosen by God to bring forth a ruler who would triumph over their enemies.  Many centuries later and after the great King David, was to come another, the greatest King the world will ever know  The Lion of Judah who would conquer and reign victoriously over all people and all nations.

Your Kingdom is everlasting, Your rule, dominion and authority eternal.  All will submit to You and obey You for all that is belongs to Your, it is Your inheritance and can never be taken away from You.

Psalm 72:1-4, 8 & 17

My Beloved, from the hint of a new King and a new reign, we now have a clearer vision of the kind of King You will be and the nature of Your rule.  As God was preparing the world for Your coming in time, He spoke through the prophets about Your coming so the world could look for You with longing and waiting for Your arrival with joyful expectation.  You would be a King like no other.  You would grant justice to the poor and the oppressed.  You would break the chains of slavery setting all men free from their fears.  People everywhere will praise You, nations will obey You and the whole world will glory in Your rule.

Matthew 1:1-17

My Beloved, as Matthew traces Your genealogy right from Abraham the great man of faith because of his wholehearted response to God's call to leave behind all that he had known,  all that was familiar and go to a strange land which God had reserved for him and his descendants.  They would be a people formed by God called by God and who responded in faith to a land chosen by Him. From among them one tribe in particular would be chosen to bring forth the One who was to reveal to the world the Person, the Nature and the Heart of God.

In Your genealogy are listed kings, women, sinners and pagans indicating that You came for all and to save all. No one is  outside Your power to redeem.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Zephaniah 1-2, 9-13, Psalm 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19 & 19 Matthew 21:28-32


Zephaniah 1-2, 9-13, Psalm 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19 & 19
Matthew 21:28-32

Zephaniah 1-2, 9-13

My Beloved, as long as it is today and we are alive, You invite us in love to fellowship with You and to know, love and obey You must always be our response to Your invitation. Yet, like the people chosen by God we are indifferent; we are too busy with out own plans in which there is no place or time reserved for You and for Truth.

Those who were invited chose not to respond so You visited those who once worshipped false gods and they turned eagerly and joyfully to the Living God. Your Word has gone to the ends of the earth and today people from every nation offer You joyful praise.

You have removed our sins, You have forgotten our offences and You have cleansed us and given us Your Holy Spirit.  You have shown us that God dislikes the proud and the haughty but the poor, meek and humble of heart ascend the holy mountain where You dwell and there You give them food and rest, peace and joy as they make their home in You.

Psalm 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19 & 19

My Beloved, to live in love is to live in joy.  Praise lifts up the soul it is the stairways to heaven.  May my mouth always be filled with it and my lips utter it.  I have nothing of my own to boast of.  All I have You have given me.  I have received new life, a new heart and a new spirit.I have God as my Father  and You for my Brother and my Friend.  The Holy Spirit is my Advocate.  I desire no other for You supply all need always.

You take away our shame no matter how grave our past sins when we asked for forgiveness You removed the burden of our guilt and set us free.  We have no God but You O God and when we call to You in distress, You make haste to helps us. We ought never to  envy the the wicked every when though they appear to prosperous for You have turned Your Face away from them and Your judgement will be fierce for they did not receive You at the time of Your visitation. But those who trust You can count on Your help always.  Before our cry has left our lips, You will hear and answer.   

Thank You for being my comfort in the times of my brokenness and grief.  Thank You for lifting me up and consoling me  Thank You for redeeming me. Thank You for my eternal destiny in You.

Matthew 21:28-32

My Beloved, the way of goodness is the way to life.  We are constantly called to conversion and repentance and every time we listen and obey we receive grace to persevere and overcome our weaknesses and grow in perfection.  It is a lifelong process but those who are committed to follow Your will receive Your help.

Our whole life is a struggle.  We battle against temptation and if we did not have Your Holy Spirit and the grace received through the Sacraments, we would be lost.  All who put their trust in You and are faithful in carrying out the mission entrusted to each of us to go out into the world and  labor to bring in the harvest will receive a reward.  The sinner finds redemption more readily than the proud who believe they have no need for a Savior.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17, Psalm 25:4-9, Matthew 21:23-27


Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17, Psalm 25:4-9, 
Matthew 21:23-27

Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17
My Beloved, Israel was the nation and its people were the ones chosen and singled out by God. He planned their destiny, taught, guided and revealed through its' patriarchs and prophets of the plan to raise a king who would rule His people.  From the line of his descendants was to come the true King of Israel and the world.  One who would save people from every tribe and nation a King whose coming was foretold and whose birth was announced by the appearance of a new star in the sky.  
He comes to break the chains of sin and reveal to all people the Good News that God is Love, God is our Father and God would conquer, win the victory and reign in triumph with love through His Son who would reclaim what we had lost through sin.  He would save, redeem and restore God's people back to their Creator. 
Psalm 25:4-9
 My Beloved, Your Way is the Way of love and truth.  Instruct me, teach me and guide me Your Word is life grant me the grace to read it, listen to it, meditate on it and permit it to take root in my heart, grow, bear fruit and provide shade for the weary, the sad and the lost.  
You are my hope my Savior.  You have shown me mercy, compassion and unfailing love. Despite my sinful past, You did not reject me but You came in search of me. Give me a humble heart and fill me with Your Spirit so I in turn may do for others what You have so graciously done for me.  
Thank You my Lord! Continue to guide my steps all my days in the way of truth and love.
Matthew 21:23-27
My Beloved, one cannot compromise on the Truth - a thing is or it isn't yet, more often than not, we allow our right judgement to be influenced by people, money, position and power.  Sometimes we fog and muddy the truth because we fear the consequences of standing boldly and unafraid on the side of truth.
The chief priests and the teachers of the law felt threatened because they saw the difference between the way You taught and the the way they did.  They saw how people flocked to hear You and marveled at the difference in the way You taught and the way they did.  You spoke with a conviction and authority they lacked and they wanted to undermine You so they questioned You and demanded a response.  
You told them You would answer only if they would first answer Your question which they refused to do because they knew that whatever reply they would give it would show them up for the hypocrites they were. They answered with the lamest of lame excuses, "We do not know." 

Many times we too know the truth but we pretend we don't in order to stay on the side of those with influence and power. In doing so we rightly condemn ourselves because we refuse to talk on the side of Truth.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Isaiah 61:1-2, 10-11, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24, Luke 1:46-50, 53-54, John 1:6-8 19-28

 Isaiah 61:1-2, 10-11, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24, Luke 1:46-50, 53-54, 
John 1:6-8 19-28

I will rejoice greatly in the LORD, My soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. ISAIAH 61:10
Isaiah 61:1-2, 10-11 

My Beloved, by virtue of our Baptism Your Spirit has come upon us and anointed us as priest, prophet and king because we share in Your anointing.  I am called to bring the Good News in all its beauty and power to those who have not heard it yet – this is true poverty not knowing You.  I am called to have the same great and tender mercy that You have shown me.  I am called to help set people free from the things that hold them captive and in chains the freedom of  the children of the sons and daughter of God.  

I am called to announce that God has come in to the world and He is with us always. That God has liberated His people and the oppressed will receive justice. Those who mourn must be comforted and that You will wipe every tear.  I am called to rejoice that I have been chosen by You and because I have an eternal destiny. You have saved me cleansed me, adorned me, and You strengthen me every day by coming to me in every Eucharist as the Spouse of my soul. Someday You will come again to take me home to Yourself and I will never be separated from You.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
My Beloved, You have called me and the One who has called is God who is always faithful.  My response must be to rejoice always, pray unceasingly, give thanks with every breath I breathe for all God has done for me through You.  This is not only my purpose for being alive and my vocation but God wills it.

The Spirit is poured upon me and I must allow Him to drench me with the life of God.  I must be attentive and obedient to the voice of the Church and I must not believe everything I read or hear for as You have warned even among the wheat the darnell is sown by the enemy.  I must be vigilant and cautious so I can avoid evil no matter where it may lurk.

You who are the God of Peace and the Prince of Peace will always assist in making me and keeping me holy and perfect until You come to claim me for Yourself.

Luke 1:46-50, 53-54
 My Beloved, like Your Mama who is also the Daughter of the Father and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, I too walk in the shadow of God's love. Mary's hymn of praise Must echo in my heart, life and soul as well.  Every breath I breathe must praise God and thank Him for showing me such tender love, mercy and compassion.  
He lifted me up from the gutter of sin, He washed me in Your Blood, He quenched my thirst with the life giving waters gushing from Your pierced side.  He has adorned me with graces through Your Spirit, He has granted me life, healing, pardon and salvation through You.  He has held out His hand to me in You.  He feeds me with Your Body and holds the cup of New Wine, Your precious Blood to my lips for He is merciful and loving.  
Thank You my Beloved for making all this possible through Mary's Yes and Your obedience to the will of Your Father.

John 1:6-8 19-28
 My Beloved, nothing of merit is accomplished if it is not inspired  by God.  It is God who appoints, God who chooses, God who sends.  God sent John the Baptist to be precursor to You to prepare the people, point out the way and identify You as the One for whom the world had waited for patiently all through salvation history and even since the creation of the world.

John was not the light - man has no light of his own.  You are the Light of the world and John introduced You as the Light of God.  We too are called to bear witness to You to receive Your light and to shed that light of truth around us so others may see by it.  John has no false notions about himself.  He  know who he was and how he fitted into God's plan as well as his role in it.  He had no ego, no false pride, he would lay claim to no false glory.  When question whether he was Elijah,the prophet or the Messiah he said not he was not.  He called himself a voice sent by God who was already among them.  one whose sandals he was not worthy to untie.

We are called to have the humility of John.  We are called to prepare the way for You who are already among us in the Eucharist, in our churches and tabernacles and most of all indwelling in us through Your Spirit.

Thank You Beloved for everyone who has pointed out the Way to You and thank You for calling me in turn to point You out to others.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Genesis 3:19-15 & 20, Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12, Psalm 98:1-4, Luke 1:26-38



Genesis 3:19-15 & 20, Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12, Psalm 98:1-4, Luke 1:26-38

Genesis 3:19-15 & 20

 My Beloved, God asks a series of questions in these verses - God called the man, "Where are you? God knew man had sinned and as soon as Adam heard the voice of God overcome with fear he hid. Sin and disobedience had immediately cast a wedge in his relationship with the God who had walked with him each evening in the Garden. "I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid." 

Sin strips us of our dignity as children of God and our shame makes us hide from the truth which  actually compounds and exacerbates our guilt. God desiring Adam to confess to the truth of the wrong he had done asks him, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree I ordered you not to eat?” Instead of owning up like a man to what he had done, he chose instead to blame the woman. The same woman for whom he had once praised God for giving her to him as his companion.  He whined that she gave him the fruit and he ate it.

Turning to the woman, aware of what her action would now cost Him, one can almost hear the anguished groan in God's voice as He said to her, "What have you done?" and the woman, finally knowing the magnitude of the sin tries weakly to defend herself by blaming the serpent.  Both the man and the  woman in this human drama have betrayed God and each  other.  Neither their love for God nor for each other could withstand the lure of sin.

God had it in His power to just wipe the slate clean and start over. He chose not to because He loved us and because He knew there was a way to mend what man had broken and in verse 15 we see a hint of God's awesome plan, "I will make you enemies, you and the woman, your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head and you will strike his heel.”

Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12

My Beloved, every spiritual grace and blessing that the God of infinite riches has to give is granted to us in You.  God always knew what it would cost Him to create us when He chose to give us the gift of free will.  Love is worth nothing unless the lover chooses to love the beloved freely and without coercion.  This is the way God our Father loves us.  He knew that our love would not stand the test.  He know the price He would have to pay to heal and restore what we had damaged irreparably. But who can fathom this love that our Father has for us sinful, weak, creatures who from eternity destined us in love to be His adopted daughters and sons through His beloved Son, choosing freely to give up His Son  to death so we could obtain life through Him.

Satan never stood a chance against God's plan to save us.  He tried and lost big time for in You the Father won the greatest victory there ever was or will be when Mary said Yes and God became  Man restoring to us all we had lost and gave us even more than we ever deserved - a visible witness and demonstration of His awesome love.

Thank You Father, thank You Son, thank You Holy Spirit and Mama Mary thank you very much for saying yes.

Psalm 98:1-4

Although my Beloved we cannot comprehend why God saved us in the way that He did we will raise our voice in joyful praise in recognition of all that He has done for us.  Why He loves us and is faithful to us who betrayed Him, disobeyed Him and denied Him is unfathomable, but there is no doubt that He loves us in ways we cannot even begin to understand. He is faithful and loving because He is true to Himself and to His Nature which is love.

Let the whole world erupt in joyous praise to God for all He has done for us.


Luke 1:26-38

Eve and Mary, night and day, darkness and light, sadness and joy, weakness and strength, disobedience and obedience, pride and humility, death through Eve, life through Mary.  The contrasts between the old Eve and the new Eve are legion.

The children of Eve are born with the taint of original sin inherited from her and Adam.  The children of the new Eve are born of water, the Holy Spirit and fire through Baptism and reclaimed for God on a wooden beam, a crown of thorns, a scourge, 5 nails and a lance.

The new Eve believe God's promises though she did not fully understand. It was enough that God asked, she gave Him the only response that she always ever gave Him, "Yes."  With her "Yes" was restored all that we had lost through the "No" of our first parents.

Thank You Ma!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Isaiah 25:6-10, Psalm 23:1-6, Matthew 15:29-37


Isaiah 25:6-10, Psalm 23:1-6, Matthew 15:29-37
Isaiah 25:6-10

To the prophet Isaiah it was given to have a greater understanding of what You my Beloved would accomplish for all people in every nation.  By Your first coming, You brought salvation and hope to the world. You have make it possible for us to walk in righteousness and truth by the light of Your Word.  Through the Sacraments and most especially the Holy Eucharist we are given the food that angels envy for it is only given to us sinful though we are.  In this awesome Sacrament we become one with You and Your life becomes our own.

We wait in joyful hope and anticipation for Your Second Coming when You will take us to the place You have prepared for us and there our Lord and our God, "death will be no more. The Lord God will wipe away the tears from all cheeks and eyes; he will take away the humiliation of his people all over the world: for the Lord has spoken."  We will rejoice for there is no God like You our Lord, our God and our King.  Thank You for Your Church- in her every promise You have made is fulfilled.

 Psalm 23:1-6

Beloved, my Lord and my God, You are my Shepherd and I belong to Your flock.  You care for me both physically and spiritually and so I neither need nor want for anything.  You lead me to green pastures when I am weary and there give me rest. In life giving waters You bathe and cleanse me and You revive my soul with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  You anoint my head and consecrate me to Yourself and love, joy and peace are available in abundance. I can count on Your goodness, kindness and mercy to me and mine all the days of my life for I belong to Your household and in it is a place for me forever.

Matthew 15:29-37

My Beloved, You are never deaf to the cries of You people.  You came into the world precisely for this, to save us.  We had no hope before You came into the world and brought along with Yourself love, peace and justice.

You continue to invite all in our broken, sinful world to come to You.  Many refuse Your loving invitation and look for comfort in things that can never satisfy - the things of the world, the flesh and the devil.  But anyone who responds to Your invitation to ascend the mountain with You will be seated and feed and will be granted fullness of life in You.

Thank You!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Isaiah 11:1-10, Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13 & 17, Luke 10:21-24


Isaiah 11:1-10, Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13 & 17, Luke 10:21-24
Isaiah 11:1-10

My Lord and my Beloved, the prophet speaks of You and describes You rule in these verses.  You are the hope of the world, the Savior who will break the chains that oppress us and You will set us free.  You will rule with Justice and Truth.  The Spirit of God will dwell in You and the power of the Most High will be Yours to command  Your Word will strike and silence the enemy and You will ensure justice for those who have been crushed underfoot by the rich and powerful.

We will be set free from the bonds of sin that have long held us in chains.  Under Your rule all fear will vanish and everything that once held us in terror will not longer intimidate us.  You will rule with love and we will be anointed by Your Spirit and we will make our dwelling with You and You with  us.

Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13 & 17

There is no King like You O Lord, King of kings our Savior and our Redeemer.  To the world was revealed the abiding truths that we are brothers and sisters, all equal under God.  You gave us a new way of seeing ourselves and each other when You taught us to call God Father.  When You breathed on us Your Spirit so we might receive all the gifts He has to give and more than the gifts the Giver as our Paraclete, Helper and Guide.  You came into the world to show us the way back to the Father and to open the gates of heaven to us who abide in Your Truth and Love.

Your rule and Your reign over all is everlasting.  In You the poor find a Friend and a Brother, they will receive justice against the enemy and the oppressor.  Every life is precious for it has been purchased by Your Blood.

Thank You my Lord and my God for sending Your Son and the for the precious hope of His glorious return to claim us for Himself forever.

Luke 10:21-24

My Beloved, all that You have said of Yourself in these verses as You revealed all that God has done in and through You can now be said of the members of the Church You established for You have shared all that You have been given with us.  You have held nothing back.

We are even more privileged than other Christians because the Seed of the Kingdom that was planted in the heart of Your Church has grown and flourished and there is room for all.  Everyone is called and chosen to respond to Your invitation to find their home in her.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Isaiah 2:1-5, Psalm 122:1-9, Matthew 8:5-11


Isaiah 2:1-5, Psalm 122:1-9, Matthew 8:5-11
Isaiah 2:1-5

My Beloved, You are the great I AM.  First, Last and Forever.  The Alpha and the Omega, the Yes and Amen of God.  His Word -   Eternal, Living, Powerful containing in Itself all that God is and the Word is expressed in Love through the Holy Spirit.

Where can this Word be found - everywhere but dwells in it's fullness in the Church You founded.  It is set high up on the mountains so all people from every nation can see it and come if they so desire.  There You teach us the Way to the Father which is the path of holiness and righteousness.  To You is given authority, power and dominion to rule over all that is.  It is a rule of love and peace..  Justice and faithfulness, Mercy and tender compassion.

When we choose to walk in the Light of Your Love, we choose what God created us to have - You indwelling in us through Your Holy Spirit.

Psalm 122:1-9

Those who love the Church prosper.  Those who make their home in her enjoy peace.  Those who live in her are safe and secure for she is built on Rock with You my Beloved as her Cornerstone.  Her pillars and foundation are Truth and she is invincible.

If we strive to love as You love my Beloved, then we will take our mission to evangelize seriously because we will want everyone know You as we do and have what we possess - every good and perfect gift of the Holy Spirit given freely and in abundance through the Sacraments administered by Your Church.

Each time we go the House of the Lord it must be a celebration, a festival of joy for it is here that God feeds us with Himself and it is here we are truly one Body with God as our Head.

Matthew 8:5-11

Every human person from the first to the last is invited to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb all it takes is faith in the One whom God sent into the world to redeem it.  Faith is God's gift freely given to His children through the Sacrament of Baptism.

 The army captain knew quite that he was not worthy,  he was also aware that only God could do what he was asking Jesus to do - heal his paralyzed servant who was suffering terribly.  The captain was a compassionate man who cared for his servant.

 The faith of the captain was astounding, taking it a step further he asked Jesus to just give a command and his servant would be healed.  Jesus was visibly moved and commented to His followers, “I tell you, I have not found such faith in Israel.  I say to you, many will come from east and west and sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the feast in the kingdom of heaven."

 We are the followers of Christ yet our faith is often so weak so easily tested and found wanting when it is tried.

Little did the army captain know that through the Church's 2000 plus years history her members repeat those same beautiful words that so astounded Jesus before we receive Him in the Holy Eucharist, "Lord I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, say but the word and I will be healed."