Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Genesis 49:2, 8-10, Psalm 72:1-4, 8 & 17, Matthew 1:1-17


Genesis 49:2, 8-10, Psalm 72:1-4, 8 & 17, 
Matthew 1:1-17

Genesis 49:2, 8-10

My Beloved, the tribe of Judah is the one chosen by God to bring forth a ruler who would triumph over their enemies.  Many centuries later and after the great King David, was to come another, the greatest King the world will ever know  The Lion of Judah who would conquer and reign victoriously over all people and all nations.

Your Kingdom is everlasting, Your rule, dominion and authority eternal.  All will submit to You and obey You for all that is belongs to Your, it is Your inheritance and can never be taken away from You.

Psalm 72:1-4, 8 & 17

My Beloved, from the hint of a new King and a new reign, we now have a clearer vision of the kind of King You will be and the nature of Your rule.  As God was preparing the world for Your coming in time, He spoke through the prophets about Your coming so the world could look for You with longing and waiting for Your arrival with joyful expectation.  You would be a King like no other.  You would grant justice to the poor and the oppressed.  You would break the chains of slavery setting all men free from their fears.  People everywhere will praise You, nations will obey You and the whole world will glory in Your rule.

Matthew 1:1-17

My Beloved, as Matthew traces Your genealogy right from Abraham the great man of faith because of his wholehearted response to God's call to leave behind all that he had known,  all that was familiar and go to a strange land which God had reserved for him and his descendants.  They would be a people formed by God called by God and who responded in faith to a land chosen by Him. From among them one tribe in particular would be chosen to bring forth the One who was to reveal to the world the Person, the Nature and the Heart of God.

In Your genealogy are listed kings, women, sinners and pagans indicating that You came for all and to save all. No one is  outside Your power to redeem.

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