Sunday, December 14, 2014

Isaiah 61:1-2, 10-11, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24, Luke 1:46-50, 53-54, John 1:6-8 19-28

 Isaiah 61:1-2, 10-11, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24, Luke 1:46-50, 53-54, 
John 1:6-8 19-28

I will rejoice greatly in the LORD, My soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. ISAIAH 61:10
Isaiah 61:1-2, 10-11 

My Beloved, by virtue of our Baptism Your Spirit has come upon us and anointed us as priest, prophet and king because we share in Your anointing.  I am called to bring the Good News in all its beauty and power to those who have not heard it yet – this is true poverty not knowing You.  I am called to have the same great and tender mercy that You have shown me.  I am called to help set people free from the things that hold them captive and in chains the freedom of  the children of the sons and daughter of God.  

I am called to announce that God has come in to the world and He is with us always. That God has liberated His people and the oppressed will receive justice. Those who mourn must be comforted and that You will wipe every tear.  I am called to rejoice that I have been chosen by You and because I have an eternal destiny. You have saved me cleansed me, adorned me, and You strengthen me every day by coming to me in every Eucharist as the Spouse of my soul. Someday You will come again to take me home to Yourself and I will never be separated from You.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
My Beloved, You have called me and the One who has called is God who is always faithful.  My response must be to rejoice always, pray unceasingly, give thanks with every breath I breathe for all God has done for me through You.  This is not only my purpose for being alive and my vocation but God wills it.

The Spirit is poured upon me and I must allow Him to drench me with the life of God.  I must be attentive and obedient to the voice of the Church and I must not believe everything I read or hear for as You have warned even among the wheat the darnell is sown by the enemy.  I must be vigilant and cautious so I can avoid evil no matter where it may lurk.

You who are the God of Peace and the Prince of Peace will always assist in making me and keeping me holy and perfect until You come to claim me for Yourself.

Luke 1:46-50, 53-54
 My Beloved, like Your Mama who is also the Daughter of the Father and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, I too walk in the shadow of God's love. Mary's hymn of praise Must echo in my heart, life and soul as well.  Every breath I breathe must praise God and thank Him for showing me such tender love, mercy and compassion.  
He lifted me up from the gutter of sin, He washed me in Your Blood, He quenched my thirst with the life giving waters gushing from Your pierced side.  He has adorned me with graces through Your Spirit, He has granted me life, healing, pardon and salvation through You.  He has held out His hand to me in You.  He feeds me with Your Body and holds the cup of New Wine, Your precious Blood to my lips for He is merciful and loving.  
Thank You my Beloved for making all this possible through Mary's Yes and Your obedience to the will of Your Father.

John 1:6-8 19-28
 My Beloved, nothing of merit is accomplished if it is not inspired  by God.  It is God who appoints, God who chooses, God who sends.  God sent John the Baptist to be precursor to You to prepare the people, point out the way and identify You as the One for whom the world had waited for patiently all through salvation history and even since the creation of the world.

John was not the light - man has no light of his own.  You are the Light of the world and John introduced You as the Light of God.  We too are called to bear witness to You to receive Your light and to shed that light of truth around us so others may see by it.  John has no false notions about himself.  He  know who he was and how he fitted into God's plan as well as his role in it.  He had no ego, no false pride, he would lay claim to no false glory.  When question whether he was Elijah,the prophet or the Messiah he said not he was not.  He called himself a voice sent by God who was already among them.  one whose sandals he was not worthy to untie.

We are called to have the humility of John.  We are called to prepare the way for You who are already among us in the Eucharist, in our churches and tabernacles and most of all indwelling in us through Your Spirit.

Thank You Beloved for everyone who has pointed out the Way to You and thank You for calling me in turn to point You out to others.

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