Sunday, December 28, 2014

1 John 1:1-4, Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12, John 20:1:1-4


1 John 1:1-4, Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12, John 20:1:1-4

1 John 1:1-4

My Beloved, we do not believe in a legend or a myth we believe in a Person and we so on the testimony of reliable and trustworthy men who knew You.  They were witnesses to all that You said and did.  They lived with You, walked and talked with You.  They shared meals and laughter with You, they saw how intimate You were with Your Father, they saw how the Holy Spirit worked in You.

The beloved apostle was the disciple of John the Baptist but when he saw You and pointed to You saying, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world."  He left the Baptist and followed You.  When You turned to him and his companion and asked them what was it that they wanted and they desired to know where You lived You said, "Come and see."  They did and from that day forward John never left Your side.  He was only one of the 12 who was found at the foot of the Cross.

John was the one whom You loved most because he offered You a wholehearted, undivided response to Your love and was privileged to rest upon Your breast. This is the sweet resting place for all who desire to love You to the exclusion of all else.

You who existed from the beginning the apostles saw with their eyes, heard with their ears, touched with their hands. They knew that life emanated from Your and all who touched You received it; even the dead were raised to life at Your Word.

Eternal Life, Eternal Love, Eternal Truth - they testified and were prepared to suffer the most heinous and painful death to defend what was revealed to them and they did so that we may believe and believing may live in fellowship with them and with God and thus experience perfect joy.

Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12

My Beloved, You live, Your rule, You reign and because You do we rejoice  and not just we but the whole of creation exults with joy and all that lives praises You.  At Your Word mountains of sin and all obstacles to grace melt like wax.  Nothing that comes against You will succeed and those who place their hope and trust in You will never be disappointed for the God of Justice works mightily in their favor.

You are Light and those who walk with You will never walk in darkness.  Grant my Beloved that I may be a disciple like John who the beloved.

John 20:1:1-4

My Beloved, John always referred to himself as 'the disciple whom Jesus loved. 'If I want to identify myself as such I must be like him who on hearing the Good News of the empty tomb went to see for themselves if hat they heard was true.  A moment ago they were scared and grief stricken, now with hope rekindled they went out together to the tomb. John being young ran excitedly ahead and on reached the tomb only looked in but did not enter.

A true disciple will always wait for Peter and will follow him.  With Peter we will never be led astray from the path of Truth revealed in Your Person.Together with Peter we will see and on seeing we too will believe and believing we are saved.

Thank You my Beloved for showing us that no matter how far we run ahead, we must wait patiently to discern  whether Peter is with us and when  we know he is we can walk with perfect confidence and become one with the Truth revealed in You.

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