Wednesday, March 19, 2014

2 Samuel 7:4-5a, 12-14a & 16, Psalm 89:2-5, 27 & 29, Romans 4:13, 16-18 & 22, Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a



2 Samuel 7:4-5a, 12-14a & 16, Psalm 89:2-5, 27 & 29, 
Romans 4:13, 16-18 & 22, Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a

2 Samuel 7:4-5a, 12-14a & 16

 My Beloved, my Lord and my God, the promise made to David that most beautiful promise made to him found its fulfillment in You and in the most exemplary Holy Family in Nazareth.  God made His dwelling place among men in a most humble abode, yet no earthly palace was more glorious a place than that little home.  God walked among men in human form and heaven came down to earth when You were born of the Virgin.  St. Joseph was appointed to be Your foster dad and to provide with the work of his hands for You and for her, his most chase spouse.

You reign in heaven, You reigned on earth, You reigned on the Cross and You will come again and all will acclaim and proclaim Your Lordship.  Maranatha Lord Jesus! Maranatha!

Psalm 89:2-5, 27 & 29

My Beloved, in this Psalm once again we read how God will establish His reign through a descendant of David.  You are faithful and Your Word is true.  It stands firm forever.  You Father God are our Rock of safety, our comfort, our deliverer, You are our hope on which we stand firm.  All Your promises are true, they are God's Yes and Amen through You.  The Father's love for You my Beloved not only endures forever, but it encompasses us as well for we are members of Your body.

Romans 4:13, 16-18 & 22

Everything my Beloved begins in faith.  God spoke to Abraham, he believed and put all his hope and trust in God and was obedient to him.  All is faith and this faith made possible only through the grace of God.  We merit nothing on the strength of our works for of themselves they are just filthy rags before God.

When all seemed hopeless yet Abraham believed.  His heart was breaking and yet he was obedient believing in God's promises to him.  Through his faith, he won God's favor not only for himself but for all people for all time.

Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a

Dear St. Joseph, guardian of Jesus and Mary.  I entrust all the children in my family to your intercession with Jesus.  Surely He who obeyed you on earth will hasten to grant your petitions for those who approach you in love.

St. Joseph, pray for us.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Daniel 9:4b-10, Psalm 79:8-9, 13 & 13, Luke 6:36:38


Daniel 9:4b-10, Psalm 79:8-9, 13 & 13, Luke 6:36:38

 Daniel 9:4b-10

My Beloved, if You punish us for our transgressions, our disobedience, our lack of love for You and our neighbor, it is only because You wish to bring us to repentance and contrition.  You love us even when we turn away from You in sin.  You long for the sinner's return and we know that heaven rejoices even when one sinner is restored to his place ni God's family.

Forgive me O Lord for the times I have sinned and deliberately walked away from Your love.  Grant me Your grace not only to desire to be all You want me to be but to will by my citations.  

Thank You.

Psalm 79:8-9, 13 & 13

Beloved, do not let the sins of those who have gone before us be remembered against us.  In Your mercy forgive us for we have placed all our hope and trust in Your, our Savior and Lord.

My Beloved, sin has destroyed us and made us sick and weak in our heart, mind, soul and spirit.  Make haste Beloved and heal us lest we die. Set us free from the bondage of our sins so we may sing Your praises all our days.

Luke 6:36:38

 My Beloved, only in the measure that I am merciful and forgiving will I in turn be shown mercy and forgiveness.  Your words are clear.  How often I have occupied Your place on the throne of Mercy and judged harshly, uncharitably and without compassion yet You have been unfailingly merciful, tender and gentle in judging me.  Forgive me Lord and help me to leave all judgment to You who are the righteous Judge of all.  Help me to be generous as You are generous and You will reward me as only You my God of love can for you cannot be outdone in generosity.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Genesis 12:1-41, Psalm 33:4-5, 18-19, 20 & 22, 2Timothy 1:8b-10, Matthew 17:1-9


Genesis 12:1-41, Psalm 33:4-5, 18-19, 20 & 22, 2Timothy 1:8b-10, Matthew 17:1-9

Genesis 12:1-41

My Beloved, Abraham was 75 years old when he received God's call to leave all that was dear and familiar behind and go to a place that God would give him. He was called to step into the unknown and travel to a place he would never see as it was to be an inheritance for his descendants.  Yet Abraham obeyed and did what God asked him to do.

Unlike Abraham I cling to things, to people, the the past and the present.  I hate letting go.  It is only in perfect obedience to Your call and faithfulness to the mission given to us that Your promises to us will be fulfilled.  Help me Lord! Give me a trusting, childlike heart and a obedient, humble and gentle spirit.

Psalm 33:4-5, 18-19, 20 & 22

My Beloved, we are called to be a people of praise as we recall all the marvellous things You have done for us.  Our hearts must rejoice and give thanks always because You are our God and we are Your people.  You spoke and all that is or ever, was or came to be.  Your Word is true and we can confidently place all our hope and trust in Your word which stands firm, is unchanging and everlasting.  Lay Your love upon us Lord, let it imbue our whole being and our spirit and we in turn with Your help, will look to You with hope, faith and trust all our days.

2Timothy 1:8b-10

My Beloved, I have been given a mission by virtue of my baptism and I am reminded to do my share in laboring for souls in Your vineyard.  You have said the harvest is great but those who labor are few.  If You call us You will strengthen and equip us, all You need is a willing heart and an obedient spirit.  Grant me these O Lord that I may hear and answer Your call gladly and generously.  You save me for eternal death, You strengthen me through the Sacraments, You have called my name and You help me to become holy.  You my Beloved destroyed our most feared enemy death and You have given us hope, life, light and immortality through the Good News of Your Gospel.  Thank You.  I must make this Gospel known to others.  This is my mission.

Matthew 17:1-9

My Beloved, only if we are able to ascend the high mountain can we find You.  Setting aside all that weighs us down, we are called to rise up to You on the wings of love.  You make Yourself visible to those who are prepared to follow You on the narrow way.  We must make time for intimiate union with You, we must allow Your life to touch and transform us.  And after we encounter You, we must allow Your life to touch us and transform us and when we return to the routine of our daily lives we in turn must touch the lives of those we encounter so they too can know You and experience Your love.

Stay with us Lord and help us!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Esther 4:17, Psalm 138:1-3, 7-8, Matthew 7:7-12


Esther 4:17, Psalm 138:1-3, 7-8, Matthew 7:7-12


Esther 4:17

My Beloved, in times of distress I know You will come to help me and so in complete confidence I ask You to grant me the grace and strength I need each day to battle with the enemy who more often than not is myself.  I have a tendency towards evil.  I am weak and I find pride and self-righteousness get the better of me time and time again.  You know Lord how I struggle and how sorry I am when I fail.  Strengthen me with Your Holy Spirit. 

You are my refuge, I turn to You with all the confidence of a child for I know that You my God will never fail me.  I desire to be Your disciple, teach me, instruct me so I in turn may shine the Light of Your live in the world.

Psalm 138:1-3, 7-8

My Lord and my God, my Beloved and my King.  How good it is to know that You who are God are so unfailingly good, kind, merciful, loving and compassionate to me Your poor little nothing.  Prone to sin, weak as a newborn lamb who cannot lift her head without Your help, who wails at the least discomfort, You have answered me when I called.  In truouble You rescued me, in grief You comforted me, in sorrow You wept with me,  in joy You revelled with me.
How wonderful it is my God to walk beside You and to feel Your comforting Presence in me, with me around me.  I will praise You, bless You, adore and worship You and offer You  thanksgiving all the days of my life.  I want to live for You and You alone all my days.

Matthew 7:7-12

My Beloved, You are a God of love.  You invite me to call Your Father my Abba as well.  The Holy Spirit is my Life and I have received every good and perfect gift from the hand of the Lord God Almighty.  In return You ask me to always remember verse 12 in which You say, "So, do to others whatever you would that others do to you"  In this way I can always be pleasing to You my own true God.  I adore You.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Jonah 3:1-10, Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19, Luke 11:29-32


Jonah 3:1-10, Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19, Luke 11:29-32

Jonah 3:1-10

My Beloved, like Jonah I too have a mission which is to hear the Word of God and with courage to obey it. I must go where God sends me and speak God's message boldly yet gently without compromising the truth.  The people of Nineveh including the king took the message to heart, acknowledged their sins fasted and repented and God who is our loving Father saved their land.  Most importantly He saved their souls from destruction.

When God sees a humble, contrite heart, He will relent, forgive, bless and restore to life anew.

Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19

My Beloved, I am sorry I have sinned.  Pride got in the way and I offended You, forgive me. I come to You with a repentant heart, I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of forgiveness. Wipe away my sins with Your Blood and put Your Holy Spirit in me so I may walk in Truth, Life Light and Love.  Thank You!

Luke 11:29-32

The Son of Man is a sign for this generation and all generations for He is the Son of God and far greater than Solomon or Jonah.  He is the One sent by the Father and the will of the Father is that we acknowledge that Christ, the Anointed One, His Son, the Beloved is our joy and our peace come from obedience to Him.  

Jesus, my Lord and my God I adore You, I love You and I worship You.  Stay with me all my days, grant me Your Holy Spirit so I may please You and when the time comes to return my breath to You from whence it came, come for me Beloved and take me home to Yourself.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Isaiah 55:10-11, Psalm 34:4-7, 16-19, Matthew 6:17-15


Isaiah 55:10-11, Psalm 34:4-7, 16-19, Matthew 6:17-15


Isaiah 55:10-11

My Beloved I thank You for the assurance of Your Word today that what You have set out to do You will complete.  You have redeemed the world by Your Passion, Death and glorious Resurrection and all are saved in and through You.  This work of redemption is ongoing and I have to do my part to bring it to completion by the witness of my life. 

Grant me the grace I need O Lord today and everyday.

Psalm 34:4-7, 16-19

 I thank You my Beloved for Your loving assurance yet again that You are a God who saves.  You wipe away our tears and our fears and so we rejoice as we raise our hearts and voices in praise and thanksgiving to You who are our Lord and our God now and forever.

Matthew 6:17-15

Verse 8
Your Father knows what you need, even before you ask him.

O Loving Father, You know my needs even before I can make them known to You.  Beloved Abba thank You for Jesus Your Son.  You have revealed to us that You are a God of love and tender mercy and compassion by saving us through the willing and obedient Sacrifice of Your only beloved Son on the Cross in expiation for our sins.  Grant that I may listen to Him always in order that I may be pleasing to You all the days of my life.

May Your Kingdom come and may Your will be accomplished more fully in my life each day.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18, Psalm 19:8-10, 15 Matthew 25:31-46


Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18, Psalm 19:8-10, 15 Matthew 25:31-46

"Truly, I say to you: when­ever you did this to these little ones who are my brothers and sisters, you did it to me."

Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18

 My Beloved, help me to put into practice that which You call me to do.  To be holy as God as holy.  This is not possile on my own but with You in me I can be all that You desire me to be.

Verse 14
14 You shall not curse a deaf man nor put a stumbling block in the way of the blind; but you shall fear your God; I am Yahweh.

Often I lack patience with the spiritually deaf and I put stumbling blocks in the path of those spiritually blind by my shrill and harsh self righteousness forgetting that but for Your grace my Lord I would not have made the little progress I have made in the spiritual life.  It is You who have taken me by the hand and led me, grant me the same generosity of spirit to do likewise. 

Psalm 19:8-10, 15 

 The law of the Lord is perfect love it fills the soul with the Life of God.  You are the Word of God and You my Lord are trustworthy because Your Word is true, steadfast and a sure foundation on which we can plant ourselves firmly and put down roots so the sap of the Holy Spirit may flow in us and we may flourish.

It is perfect obedience to the will of God and His Word that we can be fully alive and truly happy.  To fear God is is to be aware of who god is and we we are - the Creator and the creature.  We are only because You caused us to be.  Beloved, may You find my desire to know You, love You serve You and follow You be pleasing in Your sight.

Matthew 25:31-46

My Beloved, we have been created in love and God has planned for each us a life lived in grace; loving God and loving neighbor.  We are reminded that we cannot say we love God if we are indifferent to our neighbor.  You, the Son of Man and the Son of God so completely identify Yourself with us that You consider every act of good or evil done to our neighbor as if it were do to You personally and we will be judged accordingly.

Give me a constant awareness of this truth in everything I say, do or think about everyone I encounter each day.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-7, Psalm 51:3-6, 12-13 & 17, Romans 5:12-19. Matthew 4:1-11


Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-7, Psalm 51:3-6, 12-13 & 17, Romans 5:12-19,  Matthew 4:1-11

Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-7

My Beloved, God created man and woman and breathed a soul into them.  He intended them to live in eternal joy with Him in paradise.  He gave the all they needed to be perfectly happy saying to them,“You may eat of every tree in the garden, 17 but of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you will not eat, for on the day you eat of it, you will die.”
 He made known to them the outcome should they disobey yet, sadly, despite walking with God each day and conversing with Him they did not know Him. They were so easily swayed by the tempter into believing that God and not he, the Devil, who has been a liar and a deceiver from the start. 

As soon as they were caught in their sin they were afraid and hid from their Creator and instead of acknowledging they had sinner and begged for forgiveness they made excuses by laying the blame elsewhere and not on themselves. 

How often I too make excuses for my lapses into sin.  God wants me to walk in the freedom  that belongs to His children but I prefer to wallow in my shame and use my own inadequate resources to cover my nakedness.  Forgive me Lord! Help me! I need You.

Psalm 51:3-6, 12-13 & 17

I have sinned O Lord, against You alone I have sinned.  I acknowledge my guilt.  Have pity on me O Lord because You know I am weak.  I come to You and beg You to forgive me.  Wash me, cleanse me, restore me, purify me, strengthen me and help me to avoid offending You again I in turn will praise You my Lord all the days of my life.

Romans 5:12-19

My Beloved, there is no compromising with sin - the wages of sin is death.  We were created for perfect union with God and with one another but when our first parents sinned the glory of God was lost to us all forever.  They passed on their wounded nature and spiritual death to all their descendants and we would have had no hope but for God's infinite, goodness, tenderness and mercy reaching out to save us restoring to us that which we had lost thorugh the disobedience of our first parents.  So magnanimous and stunningly generous would be the act of love that would save us that we would never doubt the tender mercy of the God of Love for His wayward children.  

He sent You my Beloved to pay pay the debt we owed with Your life.  You who are God and the only Son of God became Man in order to bear our sin, die to it and in doing so restore us to the life that we had lost.

Thank You Beloved for making a life of grace possible for me again.
Matthew 4:1-11

My Beloved, You have shown us how to live and ombat evil.  The Holy Spirit is Your Gift to us and He makes possible a life live in grace,.  Temptations can be overcome if we rely on the channels of grace You make available to us though the Sacraments.  We are not alone and we do not struggle on our own.  You are closer to us than our breath and You will never let us fall if we cry out to You to help and save us.

In this Season of Lent help me to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil.  I am weak Lord I need Your strength.  Help me!