Monday, June 30, 2014

Amos 2:6-10, 13-16, Psalm 50:16-23, Matthew 8:18-22


Amos 2:6-10, 13-16, Psalm 50:16-23, Matthew 8:18-22

Amos 2:6-10, 13-16

My Beloved, when we sin with impunity, when we shut our ears and are deaf to the cries of the poor as we trample them underfoot, when the lust of the flesh supersedes every other impulse; when our pastimes involve outdoing the other with the depravity of our sins and we hurtle headlong into the deadly abyss of illicit pleasure and desire, then Verses 13 - 16 warn that You will strike and the punishment will be swift and You will exact just retribution for the wages of sin is death.  Sinners defy God at their own peril. 

Psalm 50:16-23

My Beloved, in verse 22 You speak clearly about what will happen to one who deliberately and purposefully chooses evil over good.  You will tear them to pieces but those who offer thanksgiving and who walk in innocence in the way You have marked for us will be saved.  The evil doer will receive swift, just and fitting punishment but the children of the light You will keep close to You.

Matthew 8:18-22

My Beloved, You remind us that we cannot take the call to discipleship lightly.  It entails commitment and sacrifice.  Each receives a different call to serve according to Your will.  You know the heart of men for nothing is hidden from You.  The crowds pressed around You for only what they could get - their hearts remained from You and fromt he Kingdom that You came to establish.

The teacher who asked to follow You was warned that he would have to give up all creature comforts and embrace a life of austerity.  The disciple who made excuses when You invited him to follow You was advised that there was no turning back once he put his hand to the plough.

We must embrace the call to discipleship generously and without conditions only then is it pleasing and acceptable in Your sight.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Acts 12:1-11, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18, Psalm 34:2-9, Matthew 16:13-19



Acts 12:1-11, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18, Psalm 34:2-9, Matthew 16:13-19

Acts 12:1-11

My Beloved, we too are living in an age when many groups of people with influence persecute members of Your Body, the Church because it pleases the crowd.  The greater the persecution of Christians the greater the silence that deafens.  

King Herod represents all governments of all nations that accuse Your Church of being repressive and regressive because she does not condone the popular sins of the world.  She refuses to become an accomplice to lies and  half truths that call life death and sin virtue.  So like James the first Apostle to be martyred many of her members are killed in the most brutal ways imaginable and many like St. Peter are imprisoned and tortured for believing the Truth, walking in the Way and preaching Life.  But this we know that You are Emmanuel, God with us.  You have put angels in charge of us and even though we are imprisoned we are  freer than the sinner who is bound by sin.

Thank You Lord for calling us out of the darkness and mire of sin into  Your own marvelous light.

2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18

My Beloved, St Paul sums up perfectly the joy and conviction of every faithful Christian who has lived the faith with courage in season and out of season.  Who has not been ashamed or afraid of preaching the Gospel in the public arena by the witness of their life in word and deed.  They expect no reward on earth but they know a crown awaits them in heaven.

The certainty that You are at our side is always comforting.  The food You provide at every Eucharist gives us the grace and strength we need to persevere.  The knowledge that God Himself protects and guards us makes us invincible.  We are the children of the Father and the Kingdom of Heaven is ours.  We are pilgrims on earth our home is with You.

Psalm 34:2-9

Thank You my Beloved for putting angels in charge of us so we will always be safe from the enemy.  Thank You for the privilege of literally tasting Your goodness each time we receive You in the Holy Eucharist.  Thank You for the shelter that is ours in Your Sacred Heart.  This is why we exult as we praise and glorify You.  Thank You for delivering us from all our fears and anxieties.  You are indeed a great and glorious God!

Matthew 16:13-19

My Beloved, You appeared several time to the Eleven and to St. Paul as well as proof of Your Resurrection.  Strengthen our faith, melt our stubbornness of heart that we might carry out the mission entrusted to Peter and the Apostles and handed down to all Your disciples.

We are called to go out into the world strengthened by You in the Holy Eucharist and we are called to proclaim the Good News of salvation.  We are called to be light and salt in the world.  We are called to teach, preach, counsel, lay hands, pray and heal.  We are called to by Your sign in the world.  We have received Your Holy Spirit in baptism and we have been commissioned by Him in Confirmation.  Now, as we go out in Your Name help us to be bold and fill us with courage to shine Your Light of Truth in the world.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Isaiah 61:9-11, 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8, Luke 2:41-52



Isaiah 61:9-11, 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8, Luke 2:41-52

Isaiah 61:9-11 

My Beloved, today the  Church celebrates the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Your Mama, Mother of the God and Mother of the Church.  We, the adopted children of God and children of Mary are known among all the nations because of what she has done in providing You with Your Body.  In saying 'Yes" to the plan of God she became the instrument by which all who are grafted on to Your Body through baptism are saved.  To do the will of God, was her delight and because she considered herself God's lowly little handmaid, He blessed this fair creature as no human being has been blessed.  

She is privileged to enjoy the first fruits of Your redemption because through the merit won for her by You she was clothed in the garments of salvation and was born free from the stain of original sin.  The Father adorned her richly with every brilliant jewel of virtue.  She is the garden of the Lord in which the Eternal Word of God came into her womb as a Seed.  From her has sprung the Son of Justice and Peace who redeemed the world and everything in it.

Thank You Mama!

1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8

My Beloved, when Hannah first expressed her joy in the Lord with the Magnificat it was prompted by great joy of what God had done for her  as a person.  She was barren, she was humiliated and though well-loved by her husband it was not enough, she longed for a child who would take away the stigma of being childless and the shame she suffered in public and in private.  She pleased with God night and day with rivers of tears and great lamentation and God had pity on her and blessed with with a son whom she promptly offered in the service of the Lord as soon as he was weaned.  God who cannot be outdone in generosity blessed him and Samuel became one of the greatest prophets of the time. 

Mary too sang this extraordinary hymn of exultation but when she did it took on a whole new and extraordinary meaning because she was chosen by God to bring forth a Son who would not  take away her shame for she was sinless but who would take away the sin of the world.  He would destroy death and crush the head of evil.  God invited this little virgin girl and raised her up as no human being ever was or ever will be raised.

She understood that God does not call the proud, the arrogant, the boastful, the self-sufficient, the self-willed, the self-indulgent. Rather, He chooses those who gladly and willingly embrace His will for their lives and are prepared to give up everything for Him ever their lives.  And again, God in turn who cannot be outdone in generosity gives in full  and measure, brimful, shaken together and running over.  This is why the Church offers Mary the most extravagant praises because the more we praise the more we praise God for it was He who fashioned this beautiful Rose of Sharon, the pure Lily of the Valley and our bright Morning Star

Luke 2:41-52

My Beloved, the events described here are ordinary at first glance.  The day began normally, as was the custom each Mary and Joseph were going up to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of the Passover.  This year You were to go with them since You were 12 years of age and on the threshold of Manhood.   Until then life in the little home of Nazareth was uneventful.  You were known as the son of Mary and Joseph the Carpenter.

After the festival and after one day of journeying back home both Mary and Joseph who had assumed You were with the other discovered that You were not.  Scripture says, " The boy Jesus remained in Jerusalem and His parents did not know it.  This only proves how normal Your life was until this moment of time. 

One can only imagine their anguish  when they discovered that You were not to be found among their relatives and friends.   In sorrow they spent three days looking for You only to find You still in the Temple where it seems You had calmly stayed behind. They found You in the middle of scholarly discourse with the Teachers listening to them and asking such astute questions that they were amazed.

Again Scripture records, "His parents were very surprised." They would be since You had never displayed anything that was out of the ordinary until then. Mary's cry of anguish and reproach was as much on her behalf and of St. Joseph's.  You were His boy and he suffered as much as Mary did if not more for he was aware of the great responsibility and honor God had granted him to make him guardian of the Son of God.  "Son,  why have You done this to us?" Your reply pierced her heart as sharply and wounded her as truly as a real sword would have done.  You gave her a little taste of what was to come so she would have time to prepare herself.  "Why were you looking for Me? Do you not know that I must be in my Father's house?"  I am certain dear St. Joseph knew that from that moment onwards this Boy whom he had cared for, protected and nurtured was a Man and from this time on like St. John the Baptist, he too would decrease.  He was God's good, faithful and just servant.  Neither Mary nor Joseph understood Your response.  But Scripture goes on to say that You went down with them and continued to be subject to them. As for Your Mama, she kept all these things in her heart, while You increased in wisdom, age and in divine and human favor.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Deuteronomy 7:6-11, 1 John 4:7-16, Psalm 103:1-4, 6-8 & 10, Matthew 11:25-30



Deuteronomy 7:6-11, 1 John 4:7-16, Psalm 103:1-4, 6-8 & 10, 
Matthew 11:25-30

Deuteronomy 7:6-11

My Beloved, my Lord and my God I know these verses were spoken by God to the chosen people of Israel.  They were in exile and He led led them out of captivity to freedom with great signs and wonders. God made an everlasting Covenant with them claiming them for Himself not because they merited it but because He loved them.

Today my Beloved as the Church celebrates the Feast of Your Sacred Heart, that Heart that blazes with love for us, I claim each of these beautiful promises as Your personal pledge of Love for me. I know I am the least deserving of such love and such marvelous assurances of blessing but it is precisely for this reason that I dare. You have a tender love for those who are the least and can do nothing on their own. I depend on You for every breath I breathe. I know without You I would perish and so I claim each of these gracious and wonderful promises of love to me who has consecrated my poor, sinful heart as well as my mind, body and spirit to You. 

1 John 4:7-16

My Beloved, St. John the beloved disciple who stands for all beloved disciples including me, speaks of love because he knew Love Incarnate personally. It was Love that called Him, he lived with Love, he witnessed the love of the God of Love on a daily basis for three years. He was aware that all that Love did in word and in deed were prompted by infinite love because His nature is Love - a nature He shared with the Father and the Holy Spirit. 

He assures us that when we love we too share in the divine love of the Triune God and Love comes to us and makes His home in us. My Beloved, God of Love, I can profess my undying love for You until I am blue in the face but if I do not love my neighbor then the love I confess for You is a lie. 

First comes love for God in response to His love me and filled with this love, I pour it out to everyone whose life I touch each day, only then will I be born of God and He will be my Father, You will be my Brother, Spouse and Friend and the Holy Spirit will dwell in me and make it possible for me to dwell in Love and act in love in all circumstances. 

Psalm 103:1-4, 6-8 & 10

My Beloved, who better than I can testify that You did not treat me as I deserved according to the gravity and multitude of my sins and transgressions and punished me rightly for them? Instead, You drew me gently and tenderly to Yourself. You wooed me, You showed me great kindness and compassion. You touched me when I was heartbroken and You consoled me. You gave me a little taste of heaven to encourage me. You assured me that with You alone I could be truly happy and fulfilled. You taught me and opened my mind to understanding and finally, You claimed me for Yourself.

I thank You, I praise You, I bless You now and eternally.

Matthew 11:25-30

Your yoke Beloved of my soul is love. You invite me to be united with You so You can place this sweet yoke on me too and I will discover how good life is when I walk in tandem with You.

"Come to me all you who are weary with carrying heavy load, burdened with worldly cares, disturbed by frequent lapses into sin because of the frailty of the flesh. Come let me share Your life . Keep Your gaze fixed on Me and imitate Me and You will learn the infinite value of gentleness, kindness and humility. You will learn from me how genuine love for your neighbor covers a multitude of sins. All I have has been given to Me by my Father and this I share with You as my co-heir my little spouse, my sister and my friend."

Thursday, June 26, 2014

2 Kings 24:8-17, Psalm 79:1-5, 8-9, Matthew 7:21-29



2 Kings 24:8-17, Psalm 79:1-5, 8-9, Matthew 7:21-29

2 Kings 24:8-17 

My Beloved, here we read that the 18 year old king treated  the Lord badly.  He dishonored God and the accumulated sins of of both king and people was so great that the hand of God was raised against the nations in anger.

My Beloved, it is far, far better to repent while we still have time instead of sinning with impunity as if God does not exist and what is worse is knowing He exists but living as if He does not.  The most productive people were taken into exile and the wealth of the nation was stolen all who remained were the poor.  But You have said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit  for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs." You can do great things with those who are poor, humble, little, for their hope faith and trust lie in You.

Psalm 79:1-5, 8-9

My Beloved, these verses make it clear that the wages of sin is death. The people sinned, they worshiped false gods and gave themselves up to all sorts of evil and pagan practices and were punished severely.  Only when they repented did God relent and restore what was lost.  

When the appointed time had come, the Father sent You into the world. We continue to sin gravely and to worship before idols, we continue the evil and ungodly practices of extolling death in one form or the other and suffocating and smothering life.  But now the Father looks at the price You paid to cancel our debt by taking upon Yourself our punishments and our guilt.  It was His plan to give us a Savior such as You and when we cry out for mercy He forgives for Your sake and restores to us all that we lost.

Thank You!

Matthew 7:21-29

My Beloved, You warn us that we have to do far more than pay lip service in living out our faith in the world.  It is not in the number of Rosaries or novenas we pray or the Holy Masses attended that will open the gates of heaven to us.  Rather, we are called to listen to Your word, we are to be filled with Your Spirit.  We have to accept and obey fully all that the Church teaches. We are called to carry Your light within us and transmit it to the world.  We are called to be salt that adds flavor to the lives of those around us.  If we do this then we would be building our House on Rock - we would be grafted into Your Body, the Church which You founded on Peter who is its Rock and You its Cornerstone.  No power on earth or under the earth can come against it.  It stands forever for it has Truth as its foundation and bulwark.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

2 Kings 22:8-13, 33:1-3, Psalm 119:33-37 & 40, Matthew 7:15-20


2 Kings 22:8-13, 33:1-3, Psalm 119:33-37 & 40, Matthew 7:15-20

Remain at my side my Beloved so my heart can rest in You
2 Kings 22:8-13, 33:1-3
My Beloved, Eternal Unchangeable, Everliving Word of the Father You dwell in fullness in Your Holy Church, You are never far from us for we the Church are in You and You are in us. God desires that we obey His commandments the first is to love Him above all and before all with all our heart, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as well as we love ourselves.  The Law of Love is written in the hearts of all who belong to You, when we keep obey this Law You abide in us and we abide in You.

Psalm 119:33-37 & 40

My Beloved, You did more than explain Your commandments, You lived it out by laying down Your life in love to save us from eternal death.   You gave us understanding when You said there is no greater love than one a man lays down his life for his friend.  Your Holy Spirit abides in me and guides me in the way of Truth, my joy and my peace come from obedience to the Truth.  

My Beloved, You know me well and You know that all I confess of myself is true.  I am weak, selfish, sinful, lazy, self-willed, self-indulgent, self-righteous often, and prideful too this is why You need to remain at my side so my heart can rest in You, be strengthened and directed by You.  

Your life-giving Word empowers and enlightens my spirit so I can do all things according to Your will.  Renew my life my Beloved as my souls feasts on You and is nourished by You in the Eucharist.

Matthew 7:15-20

My Beloved, You tell us that the the one sure way to discern if something is good or bad is to look its fruit.  A good tree bears good and a bad tree bad fruit.  It is asinine to expect a positive outcome when we or anyone does what is wrong.  When we rid our lives of sin, when we are grafted on to You, when the life giving sap of Your Spirit courses through us, the fruit we produce will be good fruit that will last.

Thank You my Beloved for teaching  us how to discern good from evil.  The fruit produced will enable us to recognize what is good and reject what is evil.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Isaiah 49:1-6, Acts 13:22-26, Psalm 1-3, 13-15, Luke 1:57-66 & 80



Isaiah 49:1-6, Acts 13:22-26, Psalm 1-3, 13-15, Luke 1:57-66 & 80

Isaiah 49:1-6

My Beloved, the birth of Your cousin St. John the Baptist whose feast the Church celebrates today was also foretold by the prophet Isaiah.  He prophesied that John would receive his mission while still in his mother's womb.  Sacred Scripture speaks of the wonderful encounter of the Mother of God and the mother of the precursor of God as well as the encounter of the two babies still in the womb.  He leaped with joy in the Presence of the Most High and received the Holy Spirit.  He was to herald the coming of Him for whom the world had awaited since the dawn of creation.

Acts 13:22-26

My Beloved, the greatness of John of which You too have spoken is that he understood perfectly his role in the divine scheme of things.  He fulfilled all that God asked for him and even before Your arrival, he never once made himself to be what he clearly was not though the crowds ran after him.  Rather, he announced Your coming and with great humility confessed that he was not worthy even to untie Your sandals.  He also said that You must increase while he decreases.

My Beloved, humility is the most beautiful of all virtues without which all the other virtues lose their value..

Psalm 1-3, 13-15 

My Beloved, just as You chose John even before he was both I too have been known to God long before I was conceived.  He fashioned me.  He made me who I am.  He has a purpose for my life on earth and an eternity without end at its end.  He cares for me and He will fulfill all His plans for me if I will yield to Him in love, trust and joyful surrender.  

Here I am Beloved, do with me as You will!

Luke 1:57-66 & 80

My Beloved, every good and perfect comes from You and to You alone is all praise and thanksgiving due.  When Zechariah confirmed that the name given to him by God was John his tongue was set lose and he could speak.  He who was struck dumb and was rendered incapable of speech for nine months while his son was in his mother's womb could now speak and everyone knew that God has great plans for this child.

Verse 66 says,  that the people who were present understood that the hand of the hand of the Lord was with him and verse 80 tells us, that he was seen to be strong in the Spirit. Let Your hand be upon me my Lord and may Your Holy Spirit be my strength to help me while I am in the world not to be of the world.  AMEN!

Monday, June 23, 2014

2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15 & 18, Psalm 60:3-5, 12-14, Matthew 7:1-5


2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15 & 18, Psalm 60:3-5, 12-14, Matthew 7:1-5

2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15 & 18

My Beloved, instead of establishing the Kingdom of God wherever we go we pick up and practice the ways of pagans and hedonists.  We choose to follow the way of popular culture instead of following You who are the Way, the Truth and the Life.

My Beloved, within the Church we have the fullness of Truth which is preached and taught faithfully by the hierarchy but we choose not to listen  It is are easier to cave in and follow the crowd rather than the promptings of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us and in Your Church.  Everything in the mainstream culture, popularized by the godless, is followed with wide eyed eagerness even by those who are grafted to Your Body and who have received the Sacraments. They remain clueless about who they are and their true inheritance.  They mock and sneer at those in authority and all that remains is a faithful remnant that strive to be faithful with the help of Your grace.

Be merciful Lord and intervene and pull us back from the precipice over which we fear we may fall headlong and be destroyed.

Psalm 60:3-5, 12-14

My Beloved, please do not reject and abandon the world that is caught in a spiral of sin that is taking us steadily away from all that is true, good and beautiful.  Rather, have pity on Your poor people many who have been raise by parents who themselves have been raised in ignorance of You and Your law.  Give courage and wisdom to Your faithful servants so they can be the salt and light in the world and bring Your people back to Yourself.  You have already crushed and vanquished the enemy under Your heel.  You have already gained our victory let us claim it.

Matthew 7:1-5

My Beloved, the reason You command us to judge no one is because there is no way we can know everything.  You have been appointed as the only righteous Judge by the Father because You are God and You know all things.  I am a sinner blinded by own faults and self-righteousness, sins, failures and prejudices and yet I dare to usurp the Judgement Seat.

Forgive my critical spirit Lord that sees every little imperfection in those around me and gleefully points them out while all the while ignorant of the fact that I condemn myself for my own lack of charity.

Help me my Beloved to correct my own faults and sinful impulses.  I am called to be holy and perfect as You are holy and perfect above all I am called to love. my neighbor as I love myself.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

DEUTERONOMY 8:2-3, 14-16, 1 CORINTHIANS 10:16-17, PSALM 147:12-14 19-20, JOHN 6:51-58


DEUTERONOMY 8:2-3, 14-16, 1 CORINTHIANS 10:16-17, 
PSALM 147:12-14 19-20, JOHN 6:51-58

DEUTERONOMY 8:2-3, 14-16

My Beloved, God uses all the circumstances in our life to draw us closer to Himself and to the Truth.  In all our difficulties, if we do not experience Your Presence but only utter abandonment, this is the time of our testing.  You desire that we hunger and thirst for You alone.  You want us to know that it is You we desire and without You everything else is meaningless.  Just as You provided Your people in the desert with manna - food from heaven unlike anything their ancestors had ever seen, so too in these days, You give us Your own Body and Blood.  Without this food and drink we will perish.  It is You, O wondrous Eternal Word that is our food and drink.  Pride is anathema to You, keep me from having a prideful spirit rather, keep me small, little and humble only then can You accomplish Your will through me in whatever way You will.
1 CORINTHIANS 10:16-17

My Beloved, at every celebration of the Eucharist You take ordinary bread and wine, food  our physical body needs for nourishment and refreshment and at Your Word uttered through the mouth of the priest and in concert with the Holy Spirit, they are transubstatiated into Your Body and Blood while keeping their appearance as bread and wine.  You my Lord are present heart, mind, soul, mind, body and spirit.  God Himself desires that we eat You and drink You in order that we may be made one with You and with each other.  The Body of Christ with You as its Head - Your Church, Your Spouse, Your Bride.

PSALM 147:12-14 19-20

My Beloved, at every celebration of the most Holy Eucharist, we enter into the New Jerusalem, the Holy of Holies, Your Sanctuary which is the Church You have established and where it pleases You to dwell in the fullness of Truth.  You bless those who enter her and belong to her.  You grant them peace such as the world  cannot give.  You feed them with the finest wheat and Your Body and Your Word sustains them.  To those who believe You grant united with Yourself and the Father and the Holy Spirit and we are drawn into intimacy with God and intimacy that only the members of Your One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church enjoys.

JOHN 6:51-58

Verse 51
I am the living bread which has come from heaven; whoever eats of this bread will live forever. The bread I shall give is my flesh and I will give it for the life of the world.”

You are Truth and Truth is You.  If I believe this and I do, then I also believe every word You have spoken in the above verse to be true.  Many Jews did not believe this and many Christians do not believe it now.  They offer the same argument today as well, "How can this man give us flesh to eat?And once again You reiterate but even more forcefully, clearly and graphically, "Truly, I say to you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you" This is the condition to receiving new life for You have said, "The one who eats my flesh and drinks my blood live with eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day. My flesh is really food and my blood is drink.  Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood, live in me and I in them. Just as the Father, who is life, sent me and I have life from the Father, so whoever eats me will have life from me. This is the bread which came from heaven; unlike that of your ancestors, who ate and later died. Those who eat this bread will live forever.” Your Flesh is real food and Your Blood is real drink without it we will perish by the wayside with spiritual hunger.

We are incorporated into Your Body each time we receive You in Holy Communion.  The life we receive is the same life that You receive from Your Father and once again You affirm that those who eat this Bread will live forever.

Thank You my Beloved for the Gift of Yourself in the Eucharist.