Friday, June 27, 2014

Deuteronomy 7:6-11, 1 John 4:7-16, Psalm 103:1-4, 6-8 & 10, Matthew 11:25-30



Deuteronomy 7:6-11, 1 John 4:7-16, Psalm 103:1-4, 6-8 & 10, 
Matthew 11:25-30

Deuteronomy 7:6-11

My Beloved, my Lord and my God I know these verses were spoken by God to the chosen people of Israel.  They were in exile and He led led them out of captivity to freedom with great signs and wonders. God made an everlasting Covenant with them claiming them for Himself not because they merited it but because He loved them.

Today my Beloved as the Church celebrates the Feast of Your Sacred Heart, that Heart that blazes with love for us, I claim each of these beautiful promises as Your personal pledge of Love for me. I know I am the least deserving of such love and such marvelous assurances of blessing but it is precisely for this reason that I dare. You have a tender love for those who are the least and can do nothing on their own. I depend on You for every breath I breathe. I know without You I would perish and so I claim each of these gracious and wonderful promises of love to me who has consecrated my poor, sinful heart as well as my mind, body and spirit to You. 

1 John 4:7-16

My Beloved, St. John the beloved disciple who stands for all beloved disciples including me, speaks of love because he knew Love Incarnate personally. It was Love that called Him, he lived with Love, he witnessed the love of the God of Love on a daily basis for three years. He was aware that all that Love did in word and in deed were prompted by infinite love because His nature is Love - a nature He shared with the Father and the Holy Spirit. 

He assures us that when we love we too share in the divine love of the Triune God and Love comes to us and makes His home in us. My Beloved, God of Love, I can profess my undying love for You until I am blue in the face but if I do not love my neighbor then the love I confess for You is a lie. 

First comes love for God in response to His love me and filled with this love, I pour it out to everyone whose life I touch each day, only then will I be born of God and He will be my Father, You will be my Brother, Spouse and Friend and the Holy Spirit will dwell in me and make it possible for me to dwell in Love and act in love in all circumstances. 

Psalm 103:1-4, 6-8 & 10

My Beloved, who better than I can testify that You did not treat me as I deserved according to the gravity and multitude of my sins and transgressions and punished me rightly for them? Instead, You drew me gently and tenderly to Yourself. You wooed me, You showed me great kindness and compassion. You touched me when I was heartbroken and You consoled me. You gave me a little taste of heaven to encourage me. You assured me that with You alone I could be truly happy and fulfilled. You taught me and opened my mind to understanding and finally, You claimed me for Yourself.

I thank You, I praise You, I bless You now and eternally.

Matthew 11:25-30

Your yoke Beloved of my soul is love. You invite me to be united with You so You can place this sweet yoke on me too and I will discover how good life is when I walk in tandem with You.

"Come to me all you who are weary with carrying heavy load, burdened with worldly cares, disturbed by frequent lapses into sin because of the frailty of the flesh. Come let me share Your life . Keep Your gaze fixed on Me and imitate Me and You will learn the infinite value of gentleness, kindness and humility. You will learn from me how genuine love for your neighbor covers a multitude of sins. All I have has been given to Me by my Father and this I share with You as my co-heir my little spouse, my sister and my friend."

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