Monday, June 23, 2014

2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15 & 18, Psalm 60:3-5, 12-14, Matthew 7:1-5


2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15 & 18, Psalm 60:3-5, 12-14, Matthew 7:1-5

2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15 & 18

My Beloved, instead of establishing the Kingdom of God wherever we go we pick up and practice the ways of pagans and hedonists.  We choose to follow the way of popular culture instead of following You who are the Way, the Truth and the Life.

My Beloved, within the Church we have the fullness of Truth which is preached and taught faithfully by the hierarchy but we choose not to listen  It is are easier to cave in and follow the crowd rather than the promptings of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us and in Your Church.  Everything in the mainstream culture, popularized by the godless, is followed with wide eyed eagerness even by those who are grafted to Your Body and who have received the Sacraments. They remain clueless about who they are and their true inheritance.  They mock and sneer at those in authority and all that remains is a faithful remnant that strive to be faithful with the help of Your grace.

Be merciful Lord and intervene and pull us back from the precipice over which we fear we may fall headlong and be destroyed.

Psalm 60:3-5, 12-14

My Beloved, please do not reject and abandon the world that is caught in a spiral of sin that is taking us steadily away from all that is true, good and beautiful.  Rather, have pity on Your poor people many who have been raise by parents who themselves have been raised in ignorance of You and Your law.  Give courage and wisdom to Your faithful servants so they can be the salt and light in the world and bring Your people back to Yourself.  You have already crushed and vanquished the enemy under Your heel.  You have already gained our victory let us claim it.

Matthew 7:1-5

My Beloved, the reason You command us to judge no one is because there is no way we can know everything.  You have been appointed as the only righteous Judge by the Father because You are God and You know all things.  I am a sinner blinded by own faults and self-righteousness, sins, failures and prejudices and yet I dare to usurp the Judgement Seat.

Forgive my critical spirit Lord that sees every little imperfection in those around me and gleefully points them out while all the while ignorant of the fact that I condemn myself for my own lack of charity.

Help me my Beloved to correct my own faults and sinful impulses.  I am called to be holy and perfect as You are holy and perfect above all I am called to love. my neighbor as I love myself.

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