Romans 10:9-18, Psalm 19:8-11, Matthew 4:18-22
Romans 10:9-18
My Beloved, heart and mind must be in sync when we confess that You came into the world, was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, suffered, died and rose again according to Scripture and that You will come again to judge the living and the dead. Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom. It is a place where the Son of Justice reigns triumphantly.
All who call upon Your Name are saved but the sad truth is that there are many who do not know Your Name so how can they be saved? The is where we who are baptized and confirmed in the faith come in. We are called to be Your witnesses. We are commissioned and sent to go to the farthest ends of the earth to bring the Good News to all so everyone whom You have ransomed by Your Precious Blood can be saved. This is our mission and goal. Help us Lord!
Psalm 19:8-11
The Law of the Lord is perfect because it is the law of love. The command to love God and neighbor is life giving and His Word is the Word of God made Flesh. He is worthy of our trust. To know Him whom the Father has sent and to be filled with His Holy Spirit is all we need to be filled with His wisdom. If we are guided by His Spirit we will always be pleasing to Him.
God's judgment is based on love it is on these scales that we are seen as His children. His law is a light and easy burden, sweet as honey is sweet and more precious that God. Our God is a God who saves.
Matthew 4:18-22
My Beloved, You seek us out and You call us. Each is given an opportunity to respond to Your invitation. When You stop beside us and say, "Come, follow Me I will make you fishers of men." Not only do you take the initiative in welcoming us, You equip us to be witnesses and missionaries all You need is willing hear responsive to Your call. In willing, total and joyful surrender You can do anything through Your instruments this is why You assure us that we will do even greater things than You have done.
Andrew, Peter, James and John obeyed You promptly. They heard You call and at once, leaving everything behind they followed You.
Grant my Beloved, that my response may always be like theirs prompt, total and committed to my last breath.