Sunday, November 24, 2013

2 Samuel 5:1-3, Colossians 1:12-20, Psalm 122:1-5, Luke 23:35-43



2 Samuel 5:1-3, Colossians 1:12-20, Psalm 122:1-5, Luke 23:35-43

2 Samuel 5:1-3

My Beloved, like King David who was anointed to rule Israel, You too were anointed to rule the world.  Samuel anointed David with oil and the people promised allegiance to him, recognizing that he was one of them and they of him, - one people and one nation.

You were sent by the Father as Ruler over all the nations and over all people everywhere and in every age  You suffered rejection from Your own.  They refused to acknowledge You as their Messiah.  They plotted against You and when Your hour had come, they arrested You, scourged You crowned You with thorns and nailed You to a Cross and raised You on it above the earth.  in doing so they enthroned You and to this day and until the end of time You will rule the world from the Cross drawing everyone to Yourself. 

Colossians 1:12-20

Abouna, from the first moment when You created us in love, You intended us for heaven but we lost our inheritance through disobedience.  You did not give up on us although we deserved it instead You sent Your Son, Your only Son to restore to us what we had lost through sin.  You would not permit the powers of darkness to have the last word instead You sent the Eternal Word to redeem us grant us forgiveness and remission from all sin.

My Beloved, if we want to know God we can look at You for what was once Unseen, Unheard and Untouched became visible to us in Human Flesh.  As St. John testifies in 1 John 1:1 "What we have heard and have seen with our own eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, I mean the Word who is Life…"

All of creation is held in You and all creation rightly gives You praise and recognizes You as Ruler and King.  You are Head of the Body of Christ, Your Church.  it pleased the Father to ask the greatest of all sacrifices from You - the laying down of Your life in order that we could know beyond the shadow of a doubt to what lengths His immense love for us was  prepared to go to win us back to Himself.  He permitted You to be raised on the tree of the Cross so that through You all men could be drawn once again ti Him.  he established You forever at the King of Kings and Lord of Lords as whose Name all that ever was, is or shall be will fall prostrate before You and worship You who is worthy of all praise. 

Psalm 122:1-5

The House of the Lord is the place where God's Holy people assemble. It was born from His side pierced open by a lance and from which Blood and Water gushed forth.  In the Name of God, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church we offer sacrifice of praise, worship and thanksgiving.  We break and eat His Body and share in the Saving Cup of His Blood.  We are made one with Him, with God with with each other.  he the head, we the members of His Body.  he our King, we His people. he our Lord and our God to whom we offer adoration and worship always.

Luke 23:35-43

My Beloved, how easily You could have unloosed Yourself from the Cross and come down as the crowd mocked and challenged You to do.  But never worked a miracle on Your behalf You came to bring life to others.

You chose to stay on the Cross, scourged, crowned with thorns, flayed to the bone, laboring to breathe with each tortured breath as You struggled to get air into Your lungs.  Why?  To show us once and forever the extent to which Love was prepared to go in order to redeem us.  No one would dare to question Your love.  Like the good thief we too claim Your promise that we wills hare paradise with You as co-heirs and children of the Father through adoption.  Thank You Lord!

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