"---- Mine, no more fear or doubt only a boundless confidence and trust in Me."
2 You
may have heard of the graces God bestowed on me for your sake. 3 By
a revelation he gave me the knowledge of his mysterious design, as I have
explained in a few words. 4 On
reading them you will have some idea of how I understand the mystery of Christ.
My Beloved, this is humility. St. Paul recognized that all the wonderful gifts given to him were only because You equipped him with them and they were given to him for the sole purpose of drawing souls to You. It was You who through Your Holy Spirit, enabled him to have a greater grasp of the mysteries of our faith in order that he could better explain them to his hearers. So too with all the saints who have searched the depths of God with the help of His Spirit and have shared the wealth of that knowledge with the members of Your Body. He stands right up there among all the spiritual giants in the Church whose intellect the Holy Spirit has anointed in order to explain the sacred mysteries to us.
It has been God's desire to reveal to us His sinful, weak wilful creatures that He is love. His entire revelation to us is this that He is love and the proof that Love is that He sent You into the world to be the means by which all who believe are saved. This is what St. Paul explains as brilliantly as it is possible to explain a mystery and we we are caught up in it as our minds are blown aways with its indescribable beauty and the immeasurable richness of its truth.
It pleases God to reveal these mysteries through His one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. The wisdom of God in the expression of His Word, has revealed how His plan of salvation is being worked out by every baptized Christian and is living a life of faith in the fullness of Truth and is being fed by the Holy Eucharist which is the source and summit of our lives exactly as God has ordained.
If we accept the place that God has reserved for us in this marvellous plan that is being unfolded to us in all its beauty, grandeur and mystery, He will grant us a spirit of boldness and confidence to walk right up to Him with childlike and expectant faith and receive as St. Paul, did all we need to be His witnesses all the time and everywhere.
Shyness, self-consciousness, timidity are traits that we have to overcome if we are to mature in the faith. Hiding behind these excuses reveals a lack of humility and obedience. When God calls us we step up and say, "Here I am Lord, I come to do Your will."
This must be my song as it was the song of every one who answered Your call beginning with Abraham, followed by the Apostles, the Fathers of the Church, the saints through the ages and until the end of time, when the Beloved will come again to claim His Bride.
God saves me, I trust in Him no more will be afraid to say, "Yes," to all He asks of me because He is my strength. I direct all my praise and thanksgiving to Him who saved me from the pit of death and has drawn me into the divine life of the Trinity where He provides every grace and blessing that I need to be His witness always and everywhere.
48.....................Much will be required of the one who has
been given much, and more will be asked of the one entrusted with more.
Verse 48 is a very sobering truth that You reveal to those whom You have called and who have responded to that call. Yes, You have equipped us but have we used the gifts You have given us? Have we hidden them lest we be required to move out of our comfort zone hoping someone else will step in and pick up the slack while we go about our business of caring for the things of the world rather than being occupied with the things of heaven?
Should the Master of the house return today will he find me serving honestly, faithfully, obediently, humbly, lovingly? Or will I use this time before He returns to become more and more entrenched in the preoccupations of the world, the flesh and the devil. The choice is mine.