Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ephesians 4:7-16, Psalm 122:1-5, Luke 13:1-9


Ephesians 4:7-16, Psalm 122:1-5, Luke 13:1-9

Ephesians 4:7-16

My Beloved, grace is that wonderful gift which makes all things possible.  You came into the world becoming one like us ad when You returned to glory You left behind a people who now were empowered to be anything that God desired them to be.  To some You gave the gift of becoming apostles, others prophets, still others preachers, healers, teachers.  Each one helps to build Your Body with You as our Head directing us, feeding us, sustaining us, encouraging us and filling us with the power of Your own Holy Spirit of Wisdom adnd Truth we can remain faithful to Your teaching and to revealed Truth.

Rooted in You, planted in You we will not be deceived by those who distort the Truth no matter how artfully they dress it up.  The Church that You founded You preserve and she can be trusted to speak only the Truth.

Psalm 122:1-5

My Beloved, to go to Your house, to dwell in the place where You reside if only for a while.  To experience Your Living Presence even if it is only a veiled Presence hidden behind the Host.  If we saw You in all Your glory we would be too awestruck to approach.  Your light which is ten times brighter than the sun would make it impossible to draw close to You.  But You desire that we come to You, to touch You, to taste You and to love You wholeheartedly, this is the reason why You who are God becomes mere Bread in order that we may live.  Thank You.  

Luke 13:1-9

My Beloved, no one is condemned by You or destroyed and abandoned by God.  You give us every grace we need to make it possible for us to bear fruit, to make the right choices and to choose life. You give us the Sacraments.  You died for us, You make us one in You.  You gave us the Church and the hierarchy and You gave the Church Your authority so she could care for the people You redeemed and ransomed.  You left nothing undone and we have no excuse not to bear fruit for Your glory and to be Your light in a world that seems to grow ever darker with sin and its rejection of You.  Help those of us Lord who have chosen You to draw  all people back to You through the gifts You have given us .  Together may we all love and serve You as we love and serve those around us.  Thank You Lord!


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