Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ephesians 5:21-33, Psalm 128:1-5, Luke 13:18-21


---- Mine, no one who comes to Me leaves empty handed.  Ask anything you wish and I will give it to you.

My Beloved, grant me the desire, a hunger and a thirst to read and to understand and express with clarity all that I read.  Thank You Lord.

My Beloved,we are called to be obedient in various ways and in different situations.  Obedience to all legitimate authority is ultimately obedience to You.  It is a loving and cheerful surrender, it is a yielding of the will to the Beloved.  The Church, Your Bride is adorned with every grace and virtue.  She receives gifts that she uses wisely for the good of her children.  The Church is Your Body and You love her and care for her to the extent that You even lay down Your life for her.  You saved her, You feed her, You empower her and You will stop at nothing to ensure she is safe, happy and above all loved.  In turn, she submits to You in love.  In this is her joy.

Marital, spousal human love is meant to reflect the same love that You have for Your Bride, the Church.

 My Beloved, as a wife and a mother You have given me gifts that I am to use wisely in nurturing my loved ones.  All the resposibilities of husband and wife can either be taken lightly and ignored or they can be a sacred duty, trust and obligation.  Every Catholic home must image the Holy Home at Nazareth.

My Beloved, a mustard seed, small as it is holds within itself the total potential to grow into a tree.  A tree which when fully grown is able to shelter in its branches the birds of the air.  But first it must be buried in the ground, it must die in order that it may become what it was meant to be.

This is the Gospel principle bury your self in himility, die to yourself and become what God created you to be - a daughter/son and a co-heir.

When yeast is kneaded into the flour the whole batch rises.  So it must be with every baptized Christian.  Our life must enter every aspect of humanity and become a force for all that is good and true.  This is our mission especially in this Year of Faith.

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