Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ephesians 3:14-21, Psalm 33:1-2, 4-5. 11-12, 18-19, Luke 12:49-53


My Beloved, this is the prayer I have been praying for years, that the Triune God - my Father, my Brother and Spouse and my Councillor and Guide may make a home in my heart and there to dwell strengthen and sanctify me and make it a beautiful place for Him alone.

 PRAYER FOR TODAY: Eph :3:14-19
Abba Father in heaven,
As I come in Your Presence today,
And fall on my knees before You,
Grant me this petition I pray.

From the wealth of Your glory in heaven,
Dear Father I ask that You give,
Me power through Your Holy Spirit,
To be strong as long as I live.

I ask not for strength in my body
But strength in my inner self.
And of You My Lord and My Savior,
I have a favour to ask of as well.

In faith I ask You Lord Jesus,
To make Your home in my heart,
Then will my roots and foundation
Be deeply embedded in love.

So I, along with Your people,
Have the power to understand,
The breadth, length, the height, the depth of,
The wonderful love of my Lord.

Yes, my Lord and my Saviour,
May I know and be filled with Your love,
A love that can never be fully known,
And so have the nature of God.

Myra D’souza

My Beloved, praise is the natural expression of those who love You because You are O so worthy of praise.  Knowing You and loving You makes praise spill over from our hearts to our lips all the time.  You stir up in the heart a    love that is kindled by Your own.  In loving You we find meaning and purpose for our lives.  How good it is to know that the Eternal Word of God expressed by You is a word that can be trusted.  It is something we can hold on to in perfect confidence, certain that it will never let us down.

My Beloved, all that the Father has ordained to be accomplished in You will be fulfilled eventually for God our Father is a God of love, God the Son is a God of Love and God the Holy Spirit is a God of Love.  Love will win in the end, it will triumph and it will be victorious. Love never fails because God never fails.

I believe that Your eyes are always upon me as a mother's eyes are always on her baby.  You will keep me safe from the fowler's net and the traps laid by the enemy to snare me.  Thank You Lord.

My Beloved You came to cast the fire of Your love upon the earthIt is a cleansing fire that purifies all that is false and leaves only that which is true, good and beautiful.  The Holy Spirit's power is ours because You have poured it into our hears in super abundance.  We have died to our sins in You and we rise to glory and to new life in You.

To truly live the Beatitudes and the Gospel is to become a sign of contradiction in the world, a sign of hatred and division.  The Gospel is on the side of the poor, the weak, the outcast, the downtrodden, the sinner, the prostitute, the forgotten, the dregs, the sinner, the untouchable, the abused, the discriminated against, the utterly helpless human being who has become faceless, voiceless and invisible.  The world would rather sweep them out of sight and build shiny new machines that kill or that can travel into space.  They build huge mansions out of the sweat, blood and tears of the masses whom see as a resource to be exploited in every conceivable and inconceivable way.  

The wealth of the earth which is Your gift to all is squandered, guzzled and destroyed by a few.  When the day of reckoning comes Beloved the rich like Dives will beg for Lazarus to dip the tip of his fingers in water and cool his tongue but it will be much too late.

We make our choices on earth while we still can.  Save us Lord, have pity and save the world that the God of Love created in Love.

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