How happy are the poor in spirit:
theirs is the kingdom of heaven. MT 5:3
TOBIT 12:1,5-15,20 ©
My Soul's Beloved,
If the entire Church took heed of the advice the Angel Raphael gave Tobit and Tobias and acted on it the Kingdom of God would truly be among us. Today, my Lord, may we who attend Holy Mass and hear these verses read to us, receive the grace to act on them. Let it become the rule of our lives guiding us safely as we sojourn through this valley of tears, choosing always the narrow way that leads to eternal life.
Tobit raised a good and godfearing son one whom his father could rightly be proud of. When his father suggested paying his guide and fellow traveller more than the agreed amount Tobias wanted to give him half of all they had brought back in gratitude for all that he had done for them. Too often we refuse to extend our hands generously giving to others not just what we owe but generously for You O Lord are always more generous to us than we deserve.
Revealing his real identity, the Angel Raphael exhorted them to praise God generously, and thank Him always for His great mercy and unfailing love.‘Bless God, utter his praise before all the living for all the favours he has given you. Bless and extol his name. Proclaim before all men the deeds of God as they deserve, and never tire of giving him thanks. It is right to keep the secret of a king, yet right to reveal and publish the works of God. Thank him worthily. Do what is good, and no evil can befall you.’
Life is short and it is far, far better to spend it doing good, living always in God's presence, praying constantly, practicing self-denial, and sharing generously what You have given us. We will be called to give an account of our stewardship and on that that if we have done all that God commands we will have no reason to be afraid to stand before You, our righteous Judge.
We are encouraged, Beloved, to know that You always hear our prayers especially when they are accompanied by tears and sighs too deep for words. You heard the heartfelt cry of Tobit and Sarah and You sent an Angel in answer to their prayers. You blessed them richly, with an abundance of blessings that they could never even imagine, for You are a God who delights in giving us all that is good.
Give me a kind, compassionate, loving, and generous spirit O Lord that does not hesitate in doing good no matter what it may cost us. Thank You, Lord.
(PSALM) TOBIT 13:2,6-8 ©
My Soul's Beloved,
By turns he punishes and pardons;
he sends men down to the depths of the underworld
and draws them up from supreme Destruction;
no one can escape his hand.
he sends men down to the depths of the underworld
and draws them up from supreme Destruction;
no one can escape his hand.
If you return to him
with all your heart and all your soul,
behaving honestly towards him,
then he will return to you
and hide his face from you no longer.
behaving honestly towards him,
then he will return to you
and hide his face from you no longer.
Consider how well he has treated you;
loudly give him thanks.
Bless the Lord of justice
and extol the King of the ages.
Bless the Lord of justice
and extol the King of the ages.
I for my part sing his praise
in the country of my exile;
I make his power and greatness known
to a nation that has sinned.
I make his power and greatness known
to a nation that has sinned.
Sinners, return to him;
let your conduct be upright before him;
perhaps he will be gracious to you
and take pity on you.
let your conduct be upright before him;
perhaps he will be gracious to you
and take pity on you.
MARK 12:38-44 ©
My Soul's Beloved,
It is easy to become enamored of and to desire the adulation of the world. To seek the best place, the most comfortable seat, to be elated when we are singled out and given a place of honor among our peers. We have no shame, feel compunction, when we jostle and elbow our way to the head of the queue heedless of those who came before us and are patiently waiting their turn. We are so caught up with our own selfish desires that we become blind to the needs of others let alone giving up our place in line so another more needy can take it.
We are all guilty of acting like the scribes that You warn Your hearers about. The world is full of the rich, the powerful, those in high places who steal with impunity for the widow, the orphan, the poor, those who have so very little barely enough to keep body and soul together. You warn us to beware of such behavior for our God will visit His wrath on us if we have no care for His little ones. The ones who are even more despicable and displeasing to You are those who make an ostentatious show of their piety while their hearts are filled with evil desires. To such as these You say that their sentence will be more exacting and severe.
As You and Your disciples sat down opposite the treasury and watched as the people came in to put their offerings into the treasury, You direct the attention of those who were with You to a poor widow who had come in. She had only two small coins and these she offered to the Lord. You commended her generous act saying, ‘I tell you solemnly, this poor widow has put more in than all who have contributed to the treasury; for they have all put in money they had over, but she from the little she had has put in everything she possessed, all she had to live on.’
Let us never suppose that what we give is too little or too much - You look at the desires of our heart and You will judge our disposition. We desire that we not just give out of our abundance but also share what we have so no one will be in want or go hungry.
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