If anyone loves me he will keep my word,
and my Father will love him,
and we shall come to him. JN 14:23
and my Father will love him,
and we shall come to him. JN 14:23
TOBIT 11:5-17 ©
My Soul's Beloved,
Today's First Reading is filled with much joy, hope, longing, healing, restoration, blessings, God's favor, and pure jubilation at the goodness and mercy of the Living God.
Anna watching by the road for her son's return reminds us of the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son. Recognizing him from a distance she announces his coming to Tobit, his father, then runs forward and throws her arms joyfully around his neck.
Tobias is a good son, a foreshadowing of the Son of Man, who accompanied by the angel brings healing to his father. Who carries out all his father's wishes faithfully and returns home to a glorious welcome. The Light returns to the Father's eyes when His Son comes home after accomplishing the Mission of Redemption that the Father sent Him to do.
Then his father fell on his neck and wept. He exclaimed, ‘I can see, my son, the light of my eyes!’ And this hymn of praise and thanksgiving could easily issue forth from Your Lips Beloved. For the Father permitted that You be scourged, given up into the hands of sinful men in order to save the whole of creation:
‘Blessed be God!
Blessed be his great name!
Blessed be all his holy angels!
Blessed be his great name forevermore!
For he had scourged me
and now has had pity on me
and I see my son Tobias.’
Blessed be his great name!
Blessed be all his holy angels!
Blessed be his great name forevermore!
For he had scourged me
and now has had pity on me
and I see my son Tobias.’
At every celebration of the Holy Mass, we joyfully unite our voice with Yours and all the celestial courts of angels and saints as together we joyfully bless God. We recount all the wonders that our God has done for us, how he left His Home and His Father's house and came to seek and save us who are also beloved of the Father.
Your journey ended with a resounding victory for You O Lord have triumphed gloriously over the world, the flesh, and the devil. We bless You O Lord, from the rising of the sun to its setting all creation rightly offers You praise, worship, adoration, and above all our undying love and our lives. Thank You for all You endured in order to save and redeem us.
We await Your Second Coming O Lord and Bridegroom of the Church where we will feast at the Wedding Banquet eternally. Maranatha! Lord Jesus, Maranatha!
PSALM 145(146):2,7-10 ©
My Soul's Beloved,
My Soul's Beloved,
It is right and fitting that we give You praise with every breath we breathe and for as long as we have breath in our bodies.
Thank You for the gift and the privilege of being Catholic. Thank You for the fullness of Truth that subsists in Your Church and for the life-giving Sacraments. Thank You for the Holy Eucharist and for the celebration of Holy Mass when Your salvific work of redemption is offered to the Father and the Holy Spirit makes it present. A time with heaven and earth meet. The treasuries of heaven are opened and grace upon grace is lavished upon those who celebrate these eternal mysteries worthily.
It is the Lord who keeps faith forever,
who is just to those who are oppressed.
It is he who gives bread to the hungry,
the Lord, who sets prisoners free.
It is he who gives bread to the hungry,
the Lord, who sets prisoners free.
The Lord will reign forever,
Zion’s God, from age to age.
MARK 12:35-37 ©
My Soul's Beloved,
The Good News of our salvation must be preached everywhere so that all who hear it receive the grace of believing in it and take great delight in all that You have accomplished by humbling Yourself in order to save and redeem the world.
We are obliged to be witnesses to the Truth which leads to Life. There is only one Way through which we can enter the gates of Heaven and that is through You, there is no other. It is the ardent desire of our Father to bring with us as many of His children so we can all rejoice eternally when we behold the beatific vision.
In the Presence of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in the presence of the Queen Mother who reigns with You, in the company of St. Joseph, the prophets, patriarchs, Apostles, and all the angels and saints we will sing an unending hymn of glory and praise to our God. It is incumbent upon us that we spend our lives ensuring that we bring with us by our example, our prayers, the offering of our sacrifices, and our sufferings many brothers and sisters to share with us the glories that God has in store for us. Grant us the grace, the desire, and the will to do so.
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