Thursday, June 8, 2023



Our Saviour Jesus Christ abolished death
and he has proclaimed life through the Good News. 2 TIM 1:10

TOBIT 6:10-11,7:1,9-14,8:4-9 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

The beautiful story of Tobit reveals to us how marvelously God takes charge of our lives and walks with those who keep His commands. It is the story of a father who raised his only son to be good and God-fearing, and as he grew into manhood he was a blessing to his parents. In our present culture godless parents raising a godless child or children even those claiming to be Catholic and Christian, can learn much about the bountiful blessings that are heaped upon those who are faithful to the Law of God and obey them.

You O Lord our God honor every prayer of the righteous. You move heaven and earth and will send angels to assist us when we are in need of special help. Nothing is too difficult for You.

The faith of the young Tobias' who married Sarah despite knowing the unfortunate fate of all her seven husbands nevertheless insists on having her as his bride. His prayer before the Lord on their wedding night is a prayer that every bridegroom should pray. The world would be a happier place if they did.

Here is a poke in the eye to those who affront God when they insist that You had brothers and sisters and have the temerity to suggest that Your Virgin Mother, Mary, had other children with Joseph. It was the culture then and is the culture in many countries to call kinsmen brothers and sisters. So it is in this instance when the angel Raphael says to Tobias, ‘Tonight we shall be staying with Raguel, who is a kinsman of yours. He has a daughter called Sarah, but apart from Sarah he has no other son or daughter.’ And when Raguel sees Tobias he says to his wife Edna, ‘How like my brother Tobit this young man is!’  If we go by their logic and refuse to apply good, old, common sense then we will conclude that Tobias and Sarah are brother and sister as that's how he refers to both of them in his beautiful prayer to the Lord. Marriage would be so much more beautiful if husbands and wives made of themselves a total gift of self-giving to each other, regarding each other as they would a sister or brother, and not as bodies to be used but to be revered. 

Tobias rose from the bed, and said to Sarah, ‘Get up, my sister! You and I must pray and petition our Lord to win his grace and his protection.’ She stood up, and they began praying for protection, and this was how he began:

‘You are blessed, O God of our fathers;
blessed, too, is your name
for ever and ever.
Let the heavens bless you
and all things you have made
for evermore.
It was you who created Adam,
you who created Eve his wife
to be his help and support;
and from these two the human race was born.
It was you who said,
“It is not good that the man should be alone;
let us make him a helpmate like himself.”
And so I do not take my sister
for any lustful motive;
I do it in singleness of heart.
Be kind enough to have pity on her and on me
and bring us to old age together.’
And together they said, ‘Amen, Amen’, and lay down for the night.

Miracles are the norm when we live in the shadow of Your love, Beloved.

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