Monday, April 13, 2020



This is the day the Lord has made
let us rejoice and be glad in it. PS 118:24

ACTS 2:14, 22-23

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

We see a transformed Peter and the Eleven proclaiming the Good News. Just the Eleven are here - the Eleven chosen by You. Let us never forget this fact. These were the ones to whom You gave the fullness of the priesthood at the Last Supper, and they in turn appointed and anointed those who would continue serving the Church You founded. So it will be until You come again to claim Your Bride. 

This is the Good News they proclaimed and this is the Good News that will be proclaimed to Jews and Gentiles alike,  

God raised this Jesus;
of this we are all witnesses.
Exalted at the right hand of God,
he poured forth the promise of the Holy Spirit
that he received from the Father, as you both see and hear.”

PSALM 16:1-2A, 5, 7-11

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Who do we have but You? You are our cup and portion, You are our refuge, we shelter in Your Sacred Heart.

Keep us safe in Your love Beloved, we place all our hope in You.

Thank You, for the joy of the Resurrection. We need not fear death for it is only in dying that we enter into glory to live with You forever. 

Thank You for showing us the Way that leads to life. Grant us the grace and the courage to walk in it to the end.

MATTHEW 28:8-15

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Mary Magdalene was more faithful than many of the disciples and her reward for faithful discipleship was the privilege of being the first to see You after Your Resurrection from the dead. But neither she nor Your beloved Mother was chosen to be an Apostle. This was reserved for the Twelve You chose and those whom they, in turn, would appoint for these were to be 'alter Christus' in the world. 

There is a powerful role that women play in the Church, to them are given gifts that are particular to their feminine nature and the Church is aware that she would be impoverished if these gifts were not recognized and used for they have a significant place in the life of the Church. 

And finally, there are powerful, evil forces at work within the Church and outside her Body, who for a price, are prepared to work against her and destroy her. Many false assumptions are made and trumpeted by teachers who preach inaccuracies based on their ignorance. Many of them are so stone-hearted that they refuse to set their prejudices and pride aside and seek the Truth in humility. 

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