Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday of the First Week of Advent


Behold, our Lord shall come with power;
he will enlighten the eyes of his servants.

ISAIAH 29:17-24
PSALM 27:1, 4, 13-14
MATTHEW 9:27-31

ISAIAH 29:17-24

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Your Word O Lord is always full of promise and hope. This is why we must know Scripture for it has the power to console, teach, correct, and impart wisdom. 

When we treasure the Word of the Eternal Father, we have You as our Treasure. Your Word is Life and Light not only does it makes us fruitful but it keeps us from straying from the path that leads to salvation. 

In this season of Advent, we are reminded over and over again how God lifts up the poor, the humble, the outcast, the crushed, the forgotten, those whom the world has forgotten. Speaking directly to the humble and to the proud He offers the poor hope and consolation and the haughty, the arrogant, the hard-hearted, and the boastful He promises an exacting judgment.  

Thank You, Lord, for the assurance that the children of God will behold Your Face in reverence and awe as they worship You. 

PSALM 27:1, 4, 13-14

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Those who walk in Your footsteps need never be afraid no matter what challenges they face.  You are our hope and our refuge. No harm can come to those who hide in You.

Thank You for the hope that all who remain faithful to the end, who abide by Your will, who are nourished by Your Word and Your Body and Blood, will behold Your glorious Face and find a dwelling place in the Kingdom of heaven.

Thank You, Beloved, for making Your rich mercy and grace available to me always through the Sacraments without which I would surely perish by the wayside.

MATTHEW 9:27-31

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Even if sin has blinded us we ought not to allow shame to prevent us from following You. We must know that we are frail and weak and will give in to temptation often. However,  we must have the humility to be aware of our concupiscence to sin and continue to follow You, crying out as the two blind men did, to have pity on us. We are called to persevere in faith, knowing that at a time of Your choosing, You will hear and answer us and give us all we need and more.

Today's Gospel reading reminds us that the measure of our faith will determine the measure in which we will receive. You are a God of the impossible and You can and will do the impossible for us only if we have the courage to expect it.

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