Monday, January 14, 2019

Hebrews 1:1-6, Psalm 97:1- 2B, 6-7C, 9, Mark 1:14-20


The Kingdom of God is at hand;
repent and believe in the Gospel. Mk 1:15

Hebrews 1:1-6, Psalm 97:1- 2B, 6-7C, 9, Mark 1:14-20

Hebrews 1:1-6

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

You are the Eternal Word of God and all that is came to be when God uttered this Word of Love, Life, Light, and Truth.

You have made the invisible Face of God visible to us when You became incarnate of the Virgin Mary. You are God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God. 

We receive Your fullness each time we receive You in the Holy Eucharist and for a while, we are one with the Triune God. What a grace! What a privilege!

Because of Your perfect obedience and humility in laying down Your life for us as willed by the Father, You have been given a Name that is above all other names. Angels adore You, demons tremble before You, and we, Your unworthy people, owe our lives and hope of eternal joy with God in the Kingdom of Heaven, to You.

Psalm 97:1- 2B, 6-7C, 9

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

Long before Your incarnation, the psalmist was inspired by the Holy Spirit to sing praises of You whom God exalted high above all creatures and created things. 

All worship, all honor, all praise, all love, all thanksgiving are due to You for what You have done for us in saving us from eternal damnation and eternal separation from our God.

Grant, Holy Spirit of the Father and the Son, that I may never fail to sing His praises in this life so when it comes to a close I will unite my praises to that of the angels and saints in eternity. Amen.

Mark 1:14-20

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

John's ministry and mission to prepare the way for You had come to an end and now You are here to make known to the world the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven and how we can get there.

It is time to pick Your closest companions whom You will form and prepare to carry on the work of evangelising after You. The work of spreading the Good News never ends; it goes on from one generation handing it over to the next, faithfully, until You come again.

You are constantly passing by and inviting us to leave all that is familiar and follow You. Simon and Andrew are busy at their trade of fishing but when You say to them, "Come after me and I will make You fishers of men." The leave their nets behind and follow You. You also invite the sons of Zebedee James, and John who were with their father mending their nets, to follow You, and they do so immediately.

My most Beloved Jesus, all my life You will invite me to a closer relationship with Yourself, each time I will be asked to deny myself the things that prevent me from drawing nearer to You. It will be a struggle. In those moments my Lord, grant me the graces I need to say yes always; for nothing I give up can be compared to the joy of following You more closely every day. Amen.

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