Monday, January 7, 2019

1 John 3:22 ---4:6, Psalm 2:7-8, 10-12, Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25


Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom
and cured every disease among the people. Mt 4:23

1 John 3:22 ---4:6, Psalm 2:7-8, 10-12, 
Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25

1 John 3:22 ---4:6

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

We are reminded today by the disciple of love that we will receive whatever we ask of God if we keep His commandments and are pleasing to Him. It is the Father's will that we believe in You, the One, His only Son whom He sent into the world born of a woman, who is like us in all things save sin. Our salvation rests on this unfathomable truth that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son not to condemn the world but to save it. This is the Good News and this is what we are called to proclaim to the ends of the earth.

There are many false prophets in the world and the way to discern is through what they preach. Anyone who denies that You are both human and divine does not have the Spirit of God. The whole foundation of our faith rests on the fact that You came into the world in the flesh. You knew our flawed, weak, miserable, sinful human condition. You understand how we are buffeted on every side because of our flesh and its sinful tendencies and hence when we sin and come to You in repentance You have tender compassion and extend Your mercy and forgiveness to us.

We need never be afraid to come to You for Your power is greater than the forces of evil for they have been vanquished by Your passion, death and resurrection.

This is the truth that I have received and this is the truth I am called to proclaim by the witness of my life. Keep me faithful to my mission to the end. Amen.

Psalm 2:7-8, 10-12

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

I belong to You just as the whole world belongs to You. The Father has given You authority in heaven and on earth. Through perfect obedience and humility, You conquered the forces of darkness and the whole world and the heavens are illumined by Your Light.

Every knee no matter how great or powerful they may be considered in the world will bow before You and every living being will confess to the glory of the Father that You are the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, and the Savior of the world.

Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

You have begun Your public ministry fulfilling the second stage of Your Father's will for You. The first thirty years are lived in silence, in humility, and obedience to Your Mother Mary and Joseph Your foster father and protector. John the Baptist has been baptizing so far a baptism of repentance but now the news has come to You that he has been arrested. The Way of the Cross continues to cast its shadow on You. First John, next it will be You. It has begun.

You are always aware that the prophecies must be fulfilled as foretold centuries ago in Scriptures and so You go to the land of the Gentiles. Everyone is given an opportunity to know You but how can they come to know You if we who do, do not go and proclaim You to the world?

The Way to the Kingdom is through repentance. If we confess our sins and are sorry we are forgiven, we are healed, we are renewed, we are refreshed, we are strengthened, we are made whole. There is no sin so great that the power of the Cross and the Blood of the Lamb cannot wash away.

In those days Beloved, we are told that You went around Galilee teaching, preaching, proclaiming the Good News and forgiving every kind of disease and pain both spiritual and physical and great crowds from all the neighbouring lands followed You. This same authority is given to Your disciples and to us and You said that we will be able to do even greater things because You go to the Father.  

I believe Lord, help my unbelief.

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