Monday, December 3, 2018

Isaiah 2:1-5, Psalm 122:1-9, Matthew 8:5-11


Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier

Come and save us, LORD our God;
let your face shine upon us, that we may be saved. Ps 80:4

Isaiah 2:1-5, Psalm 122:1-9, Matthew 8:5-11

Isaiah 2:1-5

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

The Father sent You into the world to redeem and save us. You have established the Kingdom of God among us. You have shown us the Face of the Father and You have revealed to us the Father's unfathomable love for us. We have been made children of God by virtue of our Baptism for we have been grafted into Your Body.

You have established Your Church on earth and all are invited to ascend this holy mountain, the new Jerusalem, there to offer to the Father the only pleasing and acceptable Sacrifice once offered on Calvary.

You are the Living Word that issued forth from the mouth of God and it is this Word that the Holy Spirit empowers to carry out the will of God. Let Your Word so imbue my spirit, my Beloved, that it sustains me, strengthens me, feeds me, empowers me, and gives me life.

Your Word O Lord is Truth, consecrate me in the Truth. Amen.

Psalm 122:1-9

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

In Your House is joy and peace. All who go to worship You are filled with gladness for You feed us with the finest wheat and the sweetest honey. Your Word O Lord builds us up and unites us. We come to You Beloved to worship You as a community, as one body, to give You thanks for all You have done for us according to the will of the Father.

We live in a fallen and divided world, it is a world for which You shed Your precious Blood. Have mercy on us O Lord and grant that the salvation that You came to give to all may be received by all. You came to bring peace, may we who have received it carry that peace within us and share it with everyone we meet every day of our lives.   

Matthew 8:5-11

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

Lord, I am the servant lying in the home of the centurion paralyzed by fear and suffering dreadfully as I face this new phase in our lives. The centurion was a gentile, I feel like a stranger in a strange land. I feel like a foreigner. Having heard about You, he dared to approach You to plead not for himself but for the life of his servant. 

There are many praying for us Beloved, they know You please hear their prayers on our behalf and bring us healing and wholeness in spirit so we, in turn, might receive You and take You to others who have need of You as well.

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