Saturday, October 13, 2018

Galatians 3:22-29, Psalm 105:2-7, Luke 11:27-28


Blessed are those who hear the word of God
and observe it. Lk 11:28

Galatians 3:22-29, Psalm 105:2-7, Luke 11:27-28

Galatians 3:22-29

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

Faith in You sets us free for when we are baptized into You we are grafted into Your Body and become members of it. In You, we are free to be all that God has intended for us to be when He created us. The law makes us aware of sin and we are its prisoners but only in You are we made children of the Father, in You we become members of the household of God because You are our Brother, we can dare to call Your Dad, Abba as well. Thank You, Lord.

Psalm 105:2-7

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

We belong to You, we belong to God because we who believe in You are descendants of our father in faith, Abraham. This is why we must sing praise to You without ceasing just as the angels and saints in heaven do. We have a glorious destination which begins even while we still live here on earth. You are holy and You invite us to be holy like You. You called us into life with You so we can live with You forever.

Every day You invite us to seek You and be strengthened by You so we can accomplish all the work that we are called to do. To exercise faith, hope, and love in all we say, think and do. It is easy to be filled with faith and hope when we look back on our lives and recall how marvelously You have cared for us from the moment we were conceived. The Covenant made with Abraham is fulfilled in You and embraces all who believe in You for You alone save. 

Luke 11:27-28

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

When we look at You as merely a good human being, like the woman in the crowd did, we miss the whole point, for then we look at You as the flesh does. She was right in a way, the Woman who bore You and carried You, the Woman who nursed You at her breast was and is indeed blessed over all others; yet, it was not just in conceiving You and raising You that she was placed above all other creatures, rather it was because she was the perfect disciple. There is no human being who heard the Word of God and observed it as well and as perfectly as she did. This is why inspired by the Holy Spirit, she prophesied about herself in her hymn praise, "From henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."

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