Thursday, September 7, 2017

Colossians 1:9-14, Psalm 98:2-6, Luke 5:1-11


Come after me, says the Lord,
and I will make you fishers of men. Mt. 4:19

Colossians 1:9-14, Psalm 98:2-6, Luke 5:1-11

Colossians 1:9-14

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

St. Paul who once hated the fledgling Church so viciously that he was prepared to drag its members all the way from Syria to Jerusalem so they could be punished and even put to death because he saw them as a threat to the Jewish faith is now an ardent believer of Truth.

He encountered You on the road to Damascus and from that moment on he believed in You just as ardently as he once opposed You and Your followers. He was privileged to spend time with Your Apostles, disciples, those who knew You, lived with You, walked with You, heard You speak, teach, pray, and perform the mighty works of God and he believed. Called to be an Apostle to the gentiles he worked zealously to make You  known and loved. Nothing was too hard, no persecution, threat or punishment even death could deter him from the mission he believed was laid upon him by You. It was a sweet burden from which he did not want relief. He had an unquenchable fire in his soul to  spread the marvelous Good News that saves us all. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, filled with the Holy Spirit, spurred on by the Holy Spirit he spoke beautifully, powerfully, about You and the love of the Father, and the work of the Holy Spirit in all who believed that he was able to win many souls for You and for the Kingdom of God.

Grant O my soul's beloved that I, a cradle Catholic, may have some of the ardor that set his soul on fire that I too may burn with zeal to make You known and loved as You desire to be known and loved so all may  come to the knowledge of Truth and be saved.

Psalm 98:2-6

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

The Church invites all whom Your mighty hand has saved to sing joyful praise to You always. You have released us from the snares of the enemy, You have made known to us the love of the Father, You have poured upon us Your Holy Spirit, You have made known to us the faithfulness of God's love, His tender mercy and compassion for us whom He knows by name for He created us in love and for an eternal destination.

All of creation praises our God and how much more must we men, women, and children everywhere, night and day, in every corner of the world so that from the rising of the sun to its setting we whom He loves so extravagantly, for whom He gave up His only Son, may offer Him unceasing joyful praise in every season and in every age until You come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and establish Your rule eternally. 

Luke 5:1-11

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

From the Boat of Simon Peter, on whom You built Your Church and against which no evil can prevail, we receive authentic teaching as given by You to the Apostles and handed down both in Scripture and in Sacred Tradition without taint or error. It is from the Bark of Peter that at Your command, the Church puts out into the deep and casts her nets to  for a catch so great that she and her ministers are amazed, she falls before You and confesses that it is Your Work, the work of the Holy Spirit that continues to touch the hearts and minds of men and women unceasingly and draws them home to Your Sacred Heart.

When we toil without You we labor in vain but with You and with the help that the Holy Spirit grants the Church and her members, our labor bears abundant fruit from a rich harvest that is ready, eager, and waiting to receive God's message of hope and love for a tired, sad, and sinful world.

Grant O Lord in my own small labor constantly to make You known, adored, worshiped and loved. Stay with me Lord.

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