Wednesday, September 20, 2017

1 Timothy 3:14-16, Psalm 111:1-6, Luke 7:31-35


Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life,
you have the words of everlasting life. Jn 6:63, 68

1 Timothy 3:14-16,  Psalm 111:1-6, Luke 7:31-35

1 Timothy 3:14-16

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

Thank You for the letters of St. Paul that are full of wisdom inspired by Your glorious Holy Spirit. Thank You for the zeal with which St. Paul preached the Good News of our salvation. Thank You for revealing this truth, that the Church which You founded, the Church of the living God, which is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic is the pillar and foundation of truth. She can neither deceive nor be deceived for she has as her Bridegroom, the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

You came into the world incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became Man, raised to life in the power of God death had no power over You. Your Name has been preached to the ends of the earth and we wait for Your coming in glory in the same way You were taken up in glory. You are our hope. In You we rejoice.

Psalm 111:1-6

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

You have put a song of praise in my heart. Thank You for the Sacraments, for Baptism which made me a child of God and grafted me into Your Body, the Church. Thank You for the work of salvation that saves all who believe in Your holy Name. Thank You for the work of redemption that gave us so glorious a Savior. Thank You for all creation that is sustained by the Word of God and the Breath of His Spirit. Thank You for being mindful of Your creatures and for becoming our Food and Drink in the Holy Eucharist. Thank You for being mindful of the Covenant of Love that You have made with us - an eternal Covenant and for the inheritance that is ours because the Father, in His goodness desires that we be made co-heirs with You to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Truly You are a great an awesome God and worthy of all praise.

Luke 7:31-35

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

There are the crowds and there are Your followers, Your disciples, Your Apostles, and those who belong to You inner circle. The crowds are made up of those who seek to have their ears tickled. They crave signs, they want to be titillated. They are perverse. They believe what is convenient and what does not cause them any discomfort. The crowd prefers stagnation to change that challenges.

We see it in the world today - a lack of discipline, a self-indulgence of the senses and a readiness to believe the lies that pander to their weaknesses. Sin is glorified. Good is made to appear evil and evil good. The time is upon us to choose the side that we will take. Will we take our place with You or against You. Are we prepared to lay down our life as You did for Truth or will be content to be carried with the surge of deceit and sin that lulls us into a false sense of well being.

There is a warning today to those who care to listen. Sinners and tax collectors who repent will be saved but those who trumpet the wisdom of the world will be destroyed. The Wisdom of God always prevails.

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