Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Isaiah 55:10-11, Psalm 34:4-7, 16-19, Matthew 6:7-15


One does not live on bread alone,
but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. Mt 4:4

Isaiah 55:10-11, Psalm 34:4-7, 16-19, Matthew 6:7-15

Isaiah 55:10-11

My soul's beloved, Your Word is Spirit Lord and Your Word is Life. You have said it and I believe it. I believe every  promise You have ever made to me because You are trustworthy. Thank You for the eternal Covenant that the Father has made with us through You the Word Incarnate. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who makes His dwelling place in us and leads us to all truth.

Psalm 34:4-7, 16-19

My soul''s beloved, how beautifully the psalmist expresses Your goodness, Your compassion, Your tenderness, Your kindness towards me. What great confidence it gives me to know how much You love me. Each time I called Your Name You hastened to help me, to deliver me from my troubles, to comfort me in my sorrow, to encourage me when I had no confidence in myself. You have filled me with joy because You have blessed me so abundantly unworthy though I know I am of Your favor towards me. You have forgiven me. You have saved me. Thank You for Your infinite and never changing love.

Matthew 6:7-15

My soul's beloved, how encouraging and comforting it is to know that our heavenly Father knows all my needs even before I make them known to Him. Thank You for teaching me the perfect prayer of trust and confidence in Him. I thank You for revealing to me my eternal destiny and for showing me how I can fulfill it. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who is my Paraclete, my Guide, my Comforter who will never leave me but will help me every step of the way to enter the Father's house. Thank You for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

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