Monday, January 23, 2017

Hebrews 9:15, 24-28, Psalm 98:1-6, Mark 3:22-30


Our Savior Jesus Christ has destroyed death
and brought life to light through the Gospel 2 Tim 1:10

Hebrews 9:15, 24-28, Psalm 98:1-6, Mark 3:22-30

Hebrews 9:15, 24-28

My soul's beloved, You have forged a new covenant with the God of Love, Your Father, that through the shedding of Your Blood, and the death You suffered on our behalf, the very gates of heaven that was forever closed to us are now opened. You have entered in glory and are seated at the right hand of God the Almighty Father and there You make ceaseless intercession for all who believe. Having suffered in expiation for the sins of the whole world, You have now been given authority, dominion, and power. You offer to the Father an eternal Sacrifice on our behalf making atonement for sin.The wages of sin is death and death is what we inherited from our first parents. But through the one, holy, perfect, and acceptable Sacrifice of the Son of God who became a willing Victim for our sins, our death no longer  condemns us to eternal darkness. You take away the sins of the world and our death does now makes it possible to enter into Your Life. Salvation is ours - we now have a future, a hope and an eternal destiny in the Kingdom of God.

Psalm 98:1-6

My soul's beloved, it would be a terrible thing if we forgot what You have done for us and how You saved us. Without You we were condemned to a life of eternal darkness after death. But God who is the God of Love was moved to pity and compassion and sought to save us. Knowing that only one who is sinless could make expiation for the sins of the world, God sent You into the world to become sin and suffer the consequences of sin which is death, in order that we might be redeemed and receive new life. We ought to be constantly singing songs of joy celebrating the victory You won for us and letting the whole world know the lengths that God went in order to save us. It is right, fitting, and just that we shout out from the rooftops so the whole world knows that we are saved and redeemed by Your Sacrifice. We must be mindful of God's faithfulness, kindness, compassion, mercy and tender love always and we must be witnesses to God's love so all may come to know You and be saved so that Your Sacrifice will not be in vain. 

Mark 3:22-30

My soul's beloved, if the scribes had admitted that all the miracles You performed were through the power of God then they would have to believe that You were sent from Him. However, You did not fit their concept of the Messiah and so they not only rejected You, but they ascribed all the wonderful miracles You performed to the powers of the devil. They were prepared to say the most outrageous things in order to justify their rejection of You. 

You did not accept defeat at their hands, nor did You condemn them but You gave them an opportunity to understand how foolish their reasoning was. Just as the powers of darkness work together to bring about our ruin so do must we believe in You unite in  the power of the Holy Spirit to bring about the Kingdom of God on earth. It would seem that the world was never more divided and polarized as it is today. Evil and good are at war with each other and evil seems to be gaining in strength yet, this is a lie for You have won the victory, You have crushed the head of Satan and we are redeemed no matter how bleak the world looks right now. The remnant will grow strong and bear fruit for the battle belongs to God and He has won.

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