Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Hebrews 10:1-10, Psalm 40: 2, 4, 7-8, 10-11, Mark 3:31-35


Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth;
you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom. Mt 11:25

Hebrews 10:1-10, Psalm 40: 2, 4, 7-8, 10-11, Mark 3:31-35

Hebrews 10:1-10

My soul's beloved, ever since the foundations of the world, from the time God created us and desired us to have a glorious destiny Him we used the wonderful gift of our free will to follow the desires of the flesh. We turned away from all that He desired for us, eternal joy in His Presence. Even then He did not abandon us in anger but decided that He would save us. Slowly, patiently, He drew us back to Himself. He planned to restore all we had lost but first the terrible sin of our disobedience had to be atoned for. God began His work of salvation when He chose a man and through him He made a Covenant to bless him and his descendants. He gave them the Law which made them aware of their sins and He asked that they offer sacrifice of animals in atonement for their sins. The blood of the animals could never take away the punishment for sin but it paved the way for the perfect, once for all Sacrifice that was to do what all the bloods of animals could never accomplish.

He prepared a Body, He asked if You would come into the world, His only Son, and if You would offer Yourself as a holocaust for the sins of the whole world. There was not other way by which we could be saved but by the shedding of innocent blood, of a Lamb without the stain and blemish  of sin. The fragrance of this most pleasing Sacrifice would rise up the highest heaven until the end of time. This Sacrifice would repair the relationship that was broken and restore what was lost forever. Your said yes to the will of Your Father. By this yes and the yes of Mary we have been saved.

Psalm 40: 2, 4, 7-8, 10-11

My soul's beloved, long before You were born of Mary and conceived in her womb through the Holy Spirit, prophets and holy men through the ages spoke of the wonderful thing that God was about to do in order to save and redeem all humankind. After the sin of our first parents, the whole world waited in patient longing for the promises that God had made to be fulfilled. Perfect Love, perfect humility, perfect obedience made possible the greatest Sacrifice. God became Man so the Man could become the Lamb of perfect Sacrifice who would take away the sins of the whole world. Thank You for giving us new hope, a new song, and for putting songs of glad praise in our hearts and on our lips. Teach us to do Your will in all things so we may share in the awesome destiny that God has promised to all who believe in You and hope in You.

Mark 3:31-35

My soul's beloved, the gospel writers were inspired to narrate this incident even though many would misinterpret it. Not Your Church though. To her, has been given the authority to teach, preach, and interpret everything that has been said, done, or recorded about all that You did and taught here on earth. Through the fullness of the Holy Spirit given to her we know that this was a shout out to the whole world that no one has ever done the will of God as perfectly, as completely, as wholeheartedly as Your beloved Mother. From the moment of her conception to the moment she breathed her last breath here on earth no creature has ever been so perfectly aligned to the will of God than Mary. She is truly the disciple par excellence, she is our model in faith, and in imitating her, and staying close to her, she will guide us, her children, safely into Your arms and finally into the Kingdom. Thank You Father, for Mary, thank You Jesus for giving her to us as our Mother. Thank You Mary for your constant intercession on our behalf to Your Son. Thank You beloved, for the gift of Your Church, born of the Holy Spirit.

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