Monday, January 2, 2017

1 John 2:22-28, Psalm 98:1-4, John 1:19-28


In times past, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets:
in these last days, he has spoken to us through his Son. -Heb 1:1-2

1 John  2:22-28, Psalm 98:1-4, John 1:19-28

1 John  2:22-28

My soul's beloved, it is always the Father's desire that we who  possess You possess also His fullness. He wants us to know You and all that He has done for us through You it is only when we truly comprehend the lengths that the Father went to save us we will realize how much He loves us and how much You love Him. Love for the Father and obedience to His will saved us who had no hope of ever being reconciled to God. The Father desires that we at least try to understand the awesome sacrifice that You were asked to make and You made it even though we didn't deserve it. You did it for Him and He did it for us. 

My Lord, the world keeps watering down the Gospel because they do no wish to live holy lives. To be holy is to keep from doing the things that have a detrimental effect on our souls and robs us of grace. But if we strive to be holy and pleasing to the Father He will help us to conquer our weaknesses and will give us His strength to lean on.  Thank You for the gift of faith. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for the Sacraments. With these my soul's beloved You ensure that we will make it safely from this life to life everlasting with You, the Father and the Holy Spirit. 

Psalm 98:1-4

My soul's beloved, You have won the victory over sin, the flesh, the world, and the devil. You are triumphant and we are victorious and triumphant in You. You have given us reason to sing new songs of praise to God for all He has accomplished through You. We are saved because You took upon Yourself the punishment, suffering and death that was ours. You are the Promise of the Father. You are the Covenant that He has made with us. He cannot see us but for You and He cannot help but be moved with tender compassion because He sees us covered in Your Blood. Thank You my most beloved, for faith, hope, and love.

John 1:19-28

My soul's beloved, it is good for us like John, to see ourselves for who we are.  People flocked to John to be baptized but he remained grounded. He never lost sight of the fact that his mission was to prepare the way for You. He was faithful to his mission. He shook people up from their lethargy. He confronted sinners and was unafraid to speak the truth even though it ultimately cost him his freedom and his life.

By virtue of our baptism we too have a mission. Like John help me to remain humble. To have courage. Not to be influenced by those who have wealth or power but to speak the truth no matter the cost. I am called to serve. Help me to serve in humility, to be obedient to Your will and to love as You love without counting the cost of loving completely.

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