Thursday, November 24, 2016

Revelations 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9A, Psalm 100:1-5, Luke 21:20-28


Stand erect and raise your hands
for your redemption is at hand. Lk 21:28

Revelations 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9A, Psalm 100:1-5, Luke 21:20-28

Revelations 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9A

My soul's beloved, sin is in the blood, it taints both flesh and spirit with its evil and it destroys. Only the shedding of innocent blood can wash it away and render what was dead to life. The Son o God became the Son of Man in order to pay the price for the evil that sin has wrought. God created man for happiness and God created the world for us that we may be happy. But we have given sin a foothold and we have been deceived into believing that there is no such thin a divine law or natural law. We live lives that are contrary to all that is wise and good. We have closed our lives to life and feed on sterile fruit. The world celebrates sin and casts down innocence and purity of heart, mind and soul. 

How much longer Lord? How long will You be silent while the world seems to be destined for hell and damnation? But You have saved the world. You did pour out Your Blood, and we have hope.  The Blood of the Lamb covers the earth and all in it and all who are washed in Your Blood are saved. There are many who  because they believe  are also called to lay down their lives and their blood too calls out to You to grant mercy for You are a God of compassion, and love and the blood of martyrs will raise new believers in You. For by Your Blood and by their blood many will be saved and come to the knowledge of truth.

Psalm 100:1-5

My soul's beloved, and Bridegroom of my soul, You have called me from darkness into Your marvelous light.  You have invited me to the wedding feast and there I sit at the banquet table and dine on Bread made of the finest wheat and Wine from grapes sweeter than honey. Your provide food for my soul. You have taken me to Yourself. You have called me by name and made me Your Own. I belong to You. I am numbered among Your sheep. I am invited to take my place beside You and to worship You with songs of praise, worship, thanksgiving and adoration all the days that will be granted to me in this life and eternally before You in heaven.

Luke 21:20-28

My soul's beloved, it is easy to get frightened and become alarmed about all the things You say in today's Gospel. The world has always known violence because evil is given a free rein for a while. You have saved the world. You have redeemed it. You have sent Your Holy Spirit to help us to live holy live and to choose the right, the true, the noble, the good, the holy. All those who walk on the side of truth hear Your voice and abide by it. 

It would seem that all good is obliterated from the  earth but that is what evil desires us to believe. It is not true. As long as the Eucharist is celebrated on our altars, as long as You are present in our tabernacles, as long as You are present among us in the Blessed Sacrament we have hope. Our worship rises before  the highest heavens in fragrance pleasing to God and His ear hears our songs of praise, and our petitions. 

We have Your assurance that You will come again to claim the world and all in it that has been redeemed and sanctified by You. Evil will come to an end and death will be no more. Until then let us stand erect, have courage, be bold, and wait with hope for our salvation is closer now than it has ever been before.

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