Saturday, June 11, 2016

Acts 11:21-26, 13:1-3, Psalm 98:1-6, Matthew 10:7-13



Acts 11:21-26, 13:1-3, Psalm 98:1-6, Matthew 10:7-13

Acts 11:21-26, 13:1-3

My  soul’s beloved, of the twelve apostles not all are mentioned after the Resurrection. All took active part in the mission to go and spread the Good News to all nations but some had a more visible role to play than others. One of them was Barnabas. From what Scripture tells us we know that he was a good man, filled with the Holy Spirit and faith and large crowds came to know You through his preaching and teaching. Barnabas was chosen to seek out, find and work with that other great apostle, Paul and together they carried out Your mandate, working tirelessly to make known and establish the Kingdom of God on earth and bringing many to the knowledge of the Truth. The Holy Spirit had a special task for Barnabas and Paul and in obedience to the will of the Spirit, hands were laid on them and they were set apart to do the work for which You Yourself had called them to do.

I too have been called at my baptism, I have been anointed, hands were laid on me at my Confirmation and I have been set apart by the Holy Spirit to live out my faith and shed the light of Truth wherever I am. Help me to be faithful to my calling my soul’s beloved. Help me to keep my little light shining aloft and help me never to be afraid or discouraged but to remain faithful to the end  like Barnabas.

Psalm 98:1-6

My soul’s beloved ever since the Father sent You into the world and You in turn sent the twelve and they sent others in Your Name and so on until the present day and to the end of the age the mission You have entrusted to Your Church will continue. More and more will come to know You and love You because of those who have been faithful to Your call and to the mission. Every soul who comes to know You the true God who saved and redeemed the world, there is great rejoicing not only in the heavens but on earth as well. Praise rings from every nation to the true God and so it will be until the number chosen will be fulfilled and You will come again in triumph to claim the world You redeemed for Yourself.

Matthew 10:7-13

My soul’s beloved, You gave Your apostles a clear mandate and it has not changed. The Church received it from You and she in turn gives it to all who are baptized. If each one of us took our mission seriously confidant that the power Your gave them is given to us too then we will proclaim the Good News with power accompanied by many great signs and miracles. This is what You have promised and if we only had the courage to claim it we would do even greater works than You for You would grant this power to us through Your Holy Spirit. I speak for myself when I say that I am too much of a coward, a weakling, too insipid and wishy washy to take up this awesome challenge and to boldly claim what You desire to give.  Heal the sick, bring the dead back to life, cleanse the lepers and drive out demons. To be attached to nothing that the  world offers but to  cling to You alone for having You I have all things. To be satisfied with what I receive from those around me and to bless everyone with Your blessing of peace. Help me my Beloved to carry out all that You desire me too but first fill me with Your power and Your Holy Spirit to do all faithfully just as You command.

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