Sunday, April 17, 2016

Acts.13:14,43-52, Rev.7:9,14-17, Psalm 100:1,2,3,5, John 10:27-30


Acts.13:14,43-52, Rev.7:9,14-17, Psalm 100:1,2,3,5, John 10:27-30

Acts.13:14, 43-52

My soul’s beloved when we are confident that we are doing God’s work we will be filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Grant us the grace to use every opportunity presented to us to speak of the wonder of Your love. It is in the recounting of our own personal experience of  the marvels You have worked in us that we can attract others to You. Do not let fear or shyness hold us back instead let us speak boldly of how good You have been to us and how You make Yourself present to us in every aspect of our lives. This is what You say to us today, “I have set you as a light to the pagan nations, so that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.” Grant me the grace to shed Your light in my corner of the world.

Rev.7:9, 14-17

My soul’s beloved, grant that I may carry out the mission entrusted to me to make You known and loved. Let me not be afraid of persecution or even of the shedding of my blood for I have Your awesome assurance that I will be washed clean by the blood of the Lamb. I will  be  granted a place before Your throne so I can worship You. You will invite me into Your Kingdom and You will ensure that I will never know hunger and thirst again. In You I will know unending joy for You will wipe away all my tears.

Psalm 100:1,2,3,5

My soul’s beloved, I thank You for claiming me for yourself. Thank You for counting me among Your faithful. Thank You for Your loving plan for my life and for revealing that plan to me.  Thank You for using me and for strengthening me with Your Word when I get discouraged and tired. You are good. Your love is everlasting and you are faithful. I know that I can confidently place all my hope and trust in You for You never fail those who love You.

John 10:27-30

My soul’s beloved, thank You for this wonderful assurance today. I am Your sheep, I belong to Your fold and I will always recognize Your voice and will follow You. You assure me of eternal life. You will ensure that I will not perish nor will You permit anyone to steal me from Yourself for I have been purchased by Your Blood. Thank You for making me one with Yourself in being one with You, You make me one with Your Father.

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