Saturday, March 26, 2016

Genesis 1:1—2:2, Romans 6:3-11, Psalm 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12-14, 24-25, Luke 24:1-12


Genesis 1:1—2:2, Romans 6:3-11, Psalm 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12-14, 24-25,
Luke 24:1-12

Genesis 1:1—2:2

My Beloved, from the opening verses in Genesis we see how God takes the initiative in creating out of nothing. The first words in the first chapter states, “In the beginning, when God began to create the heavens and the earth, the earth had no form and was void, darkness was over the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.” From the opening verses we see that God is a community of Three Person – God as Creator initiates creation, God as the Spirit hovers over the formless, dark void, and the Word of God issuing forth from Him brings into being all that God creates.

God said and so it was. It is God who made and it was God who declared that all He created was good it was very good indeed and to the man whom He created in His image and likeness He gave stewardship of the beautiful world He created.

My Beloved, God had no need for us He was complete in the Trinity of Persons - the Father, the Son and the Spirit but God desired to create the world and give this beautiful world in love to man and woman. He created the world as a gift of love to us and He created us in love so we could enjoy His gift, love Him in return for our joy consists in loving God and in loving each other.

Romans 6:3-11

My Beloved, Baptism in the sole means given to us by God by which we become members of Your Body. We are united to You having been plunged into Your death by the waters of Baptism we are raised to new life by Your resurrection just as You were raised from the dead by the Glory of the Father. We walk in newness of life and we have a share in Your resurrection.

You crucified our sins, nailing them to the Cross with You and You destroyed its power over us who have been washed in the waters of Baptism. Sin no longer rules us, it is no longer our master – we have only one Master, You – Our Lord and Savior who redeemed us. You My Beloved can never die again but having tasted death one, You ensured that we can walk in the freedom of the children of God, that same freedom that God intended for us when He first created us. We each face a choice every day of our lives to die to sin and to stay alive in You. Thank You Beloved, for the grace received through the Holy Spirit to choose life.

Psalm 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12-14, 24-25

My Beloved, Father God and Holy Spirit thank You for this beautiful world that You have created and given to us. Thank You for the seasons, thank You for the variety in creation. For all that lives and moves, for all that blooms and bears flower and fruit, for all animals and their young, for all insects the lovely butterfly, the glowing fire fly. Thank You for the sun that lights up our days, for the gentle light of the moon that silvers the earth with its light at night, and for the myriad, mysterious stars that twinkle on a dark, moonless sky. Thank You for the variety of birds and for their song.

Most of all my Beloved thank You for creating me. Thank You for the many blessings You have showered on me from the moment of my conception and the blessings You will continue to grant me until my time here on earth is done. Thank You for the hope of heaven – a hope that You won for me on the Cross. Thank You Lord.

Luke 24:1-12

My Beloved, verse 12 says that Peter went home amazed. Everything happened exactly as You had said it would and yet Peter went home amazed. You said You would die, You said Peter would deny You before the cock crew, You said one of them would betray You. You even told them that You would be mocked, scourged, spat upon and finally put to death and You also told them that death would have no hold over You; You would rise again on the third day and yet Peter went home wondering. They refused to believe the testimony of the women and even after seeing the empty tomb Peter was puzzled.

We too are like Peter my Lord. Despite all our experience of Your goodness, Your kindness, Your faithfulness we still wonder if God will remain true to His Word and to His promises. We know that we are sinners and so we find it difficult to fathom the goodness of God who just loves us constantly and unconditionally. Grant me the grace my Lord to understand that God’s love for me is irrevocable because You are the Covenantal love that binds me to You and in You to the Father and the Spirit.

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