Sunday, March 27, 2016

Acts 10:34, 37-43, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23, John 20:1-9



Acts 10:34, 37-43, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23, John 20:1-9

Acts 10:34, 37-43

My Beloved, I thank You for coming not only for the chosen people of God but for all people in every nation on earth. Here we see Peter preaching boldly, the same Peter who denied You not once but thrice and who was afraid to acknowledge You before a maid servant is now testifying to the world that You are God’s anointed, filled with the Holy Spirit and power who went about doing good, healing and preaching and who was put to death on a wooden cross. God raised You to life on the third day and he testifies that You, the risen Lord appeared to those who ate and drank with You. That You gave them their mission commanding them to preach and bear witness to the Good News that God appointed You as the only righteous Judge to judge the living and the dead. All that was said of You by the prophets was fulfilled and all who believe in You are forgiven of every sin in Your Name. This is Life and this is the message Sin no longer has victory over us for the Blood of the Lamb has the power to take away all sin.

1 Corinthians 5:6-8

My Beloved, thank You for instituting the new Passover and for providing us with the unleavened Bread which enables us to live pure lives. The Church calls for celebration because God has walked among us, has taken us by the hand, and has given us all we need through the Holy Spirit to pass from this life to the next where we will live with You in glory forever. 

Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23

My Beloved, we rejoice on this glorious Easter morning and we exult with joy at what the Lord has done for us. You are indeed a Sign of Contradiction to the nations. Death thought it had the last word but it contended against the Eternal Word, the Living Word, God’s only Son and was truly and thoroughly routed. You have crushed the head of Satan and have triumphed victoriously, gloriously, mightily and eternally. We give thanks to God our Father for His awesome plan of salvation that revealed His love for us – perfect love gave us a Savior such as Yourself who was prepared to leave Your glory behind and in obedience to the Father’s will to become humble even to death on the Cross. We rejoice Beloved and we are glad for the Season of Lent that has given us a greater appreciation of all that You accomplished for us by living, dying and rising again in glory. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

John 20:1-9

My Beloved, an empty tomb is our hope. On the night of Good Friday Your crucified Body was reverently placed in the sepulcher by Your sorrowful Mother – the disciple whom You loved, Mary of Magdala and other friends were present. The tomb was sealed upon the request of those who had committed Deicide. They believed that Your Body would be stolen and the disciples would claim that You had risen from the dead. Roman guards were kept appointed to keep watch through the night and everyone went home. Some bereft with grief and others content that they had finally got rid of the Man who threatened the status quo.

The grave could not hold You at the break of dawn on Easter morning Mary of Magdala came to the tomb and finding that the large stone blocking the entrance of the tomb was rolled away she ran to report to Peter and the disciple You loved that the tomb was empty. When they came to see for themselves they found the empty tomb, the linen cloths lying flat and the napkin which had covered Your sacred head was neatly rolled up and in place. It says that the disciple whom You loved saw and believed. For Scripture clearly said, that You must rise from the dead. Yet they did not fully comprehend what they had just witnessed. You rose from the dead just as You had said You would but they had yet to understand. We thank You for the witness of Peter and John my Lord for it is upon their testimony that we believe and believing we are saved.

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