Thursday, March 10, 2016

Exodus 32:7-14, Psalm 106:19-23, John 5:31-47


Exodus 32:7-14, Psalm 106:19-23, John 5:31-47

Exodus 32:7-14

My Beloved, I have pitched a tent for You in my heart. It is Your dwelling place. Here my Beloved I can approach You night or day. You speak to me and listen to me Moses spoke to God face to face; we do too in a way that is so much more personal and intimate for we are one -You in me and I in You. You have put angels in charge of me lest I dash my foot against a stone and stumble. I have found favor with You I know this because You have given me Your Holy Spirit as my Paraclete, my Guide, my Advocate, who helps me to pray, praise and cry out to God calling Him Abba, Abouna, Father. You have made a Covenant to walk with me, live in me, take me by the hand and lead me from this life to the next. I fear nothing for You My Lord are with me always

Psalm 106:19-23

My Beloved, my Lord and my God, how often in my life I have sinned dreadfully and You would have done right in just wiping me off the face of the earth but you didn’t. No matter how far away I wandered from You and wallowed in sin, finding pleasure in sinful pastimes and even leading others to sin, yet You did not punish me as I deserved. You did not abandon me but You waited patiently continuing to bless me. You did not hesitate to to do whatever was necessary to bring me back and wake me up from my spiritual slumber. You sought me and having found me You bandaged my wounds, healed me, strengthened me and to this day You watch over me as tenderly as mother hen watches over her chicks. Thank You! Thank You for standing in the breech and making intercession for me unceasingly before Your Father.

John 5:31-47

My Beloved, how passionately You spoke to those whose hearts and minds were closed to the Truth who stood among them, walked with them, preached in their synagogues and in the temple working the most awesome miracles. You revealed that the power of God was with You, in You. One with Your Father and the Holy Spirit You are God You made it abundantly clear to them that in rejecting You they rejected the One who sent You. They put their faith in the Law of Moses and in the prophets but they were too blind to see that everything they read in Scripture pointed out to You if only they had eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to accept and be saved.

Even today my Beloved, all those who do believe in You are persecuted, discriminated against, mocked at and derided by those who believe that they are wise and do not need God. Pride has always been the barrier that comes between God and man. The only way to know You is to have the heart of a child who trusts its parents in all things. Unless we become like little children we will never enter the Kingdom of God.

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