Saturday, March 12, 2016

Wisdom 2:1,12-22, Psalm 34:17-21,23, John 7:1-2,10,25-30


Wisdom 2:1,12-22, Psalm 34:17-21,23, John 7:1-2,10,25-30

Wisdom 2:1, 12-22

My Beloved, long before You came into the world, the writer of these words in the book of Wisdom prophesized exactly how the Pharisees, Scribes, and teachers of the law, together with the temple authorities, priests, chief priest, and high priest will collude to capture You, try You, convict You on false charges, torture You, and finally put You to death. Everything You said and did, all that You taught, the miracles You performed all testified that You were who You said You were – the Son of the Living God. No one could have done what You did unless He came from God. 

Their lives were far from all that God desired as God's chosen people they ought to have been  after the heart and mind. But instead they lusted after power and scrupulously kept the letter of the law while failing miserably in upholding its spirit. They condemned You because You criticized them calling them hypocrites and whited sepulchers and they hated You for undermining their authority before the people whom they had so long manipulated. They conspired to kill You because You showed them up for what they truly were. You ridiculed the way in which they interpreted the Law. They hated You with a vicious hatred and nothing short of putting You to death would satisfy them. They deemed it better that One Man should die rather than their whole way of life come to an end. God certainly has the last laugh for in committing Deicide they became instrumental in the fulfillment of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind.

When we look at the world today Beloved, there is no need to get discouraged for You are able to make all things work for good. Through death You brought new life, through defeat You won the greatest victory.  You are and always will be a Sign of contradiction.

Psalm 34:17-21,23

My Beloved, verse 23
prophesized that You will redeem the life of Your servants and no one who put their trust in You will die. Thank you for the comforting message of these verses. You hear the cry of the righteous, You rescue us from all out troubles. You are close to the broken-hearted, those in mourning, those who are grief stricken, those who are distraught with anxiety because their troubles are overwhelming – yet because they love You they will be delivered from all their difficulties. This is the oath You have sworn and have sealed in Your Blood. No one will approach to harm those who are marked with the Cross – the Sign of our deliverance.

John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
My Beloved, You were prudent not foolhardy. You were sensible in being cautious and did not risk Your life unnecessarily by deliberately courting danger. Aware that Your enemies wanted to kill You in Jerusalem, You remained in Galilee where it was safe and continued Your mission. For Your hour had not arrived.
Here is a good lesson for us too. We too need to exercise restraint and good sense and not act irresponsibly and rashly. You did what needed to be done unobtrusively in this instance. You did go to the temple in Jerusalem but remained hidden from the authorities and then finding the right moment stood before the crowd and spoke to them about God and Your relationship with Him. There You were despite the best efforts of Your enemies to restrain You; speaking boldly and confounding the people by Your Presence among them and they began to wonder if You were truly the Messiah.

Once again You testify before the people who You are and who sent You and that You and the Father were not two Persons but One God. You knew Him and had come from Him. The authorities were furious but were unable to do a thing to arrest You because You would decide when that awful yet wondrous hour for the salvation of the world would arrive.

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