Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Isaiah 55:10-11, Psalm 34:4-5, 6-7, 16-19, Matthew 6:7-15


Isaiah 55:10-11, Psalm  34:4-5, 6-7, 16-19, Matthew 6:7-15

Isaiah 55:10-11

My Beloved, You are the Eternal God, One with the Father through whom all things were created and from whom we receive all that is good. Thank You for the seed and thank You for the sower that has made it possible to establish Your Kingdom on earth ensuring that we receive the Bread of Life. Thank You for Your assurance that every word that issues from You will accomplish all that it has been sent to do and will not return back to You without doing all that You have promised. I believe, I hope and I trust in Your Word – may I never be ashamed, reluctant or self-conscious in proclaiming it.

Psalm 34:4-5, 6-7, 16-19

My Beloved, You are close to those who belong to You. No harm can come to them. When the faithful cry out to You for help You make haste to rescue them. Those who have experienced Your great and ever present love glorify You with all their hearts and sing You praise, extolling Your goodness and Your love. You fight our battles. You provide all the strength and grace we need to endure and to be victorious. When we call You answer. When we fall You pick us up. You put angels in charge of us to watch over us always and to guard us against the attacks of the enemy. You console and heal. Those who belong to You need never fear the terror of darkness for they walk in Your Light.

Matthew 6:7-15

My Beloved, You have taught us to pray effectively so I prayers will be heard. Prayer is not just asking for what we need for our God is our Father and so provides for us. What is important is that we recognize that the One whom You have asked us to address as Father is God Himself. The One and only God who gives us everything we require to live happy lives. To Him alone is all praise and worship due always. We are His children and He is our God and He desires that we also love each other because we all belong to Him. In order to lead fruitful lives we must let go of all grudges that we hold against each other, forgiving from the heart if we desire to be forgiven. And we must recognize that our happiness comes from seeking and doing His will always.

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