Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ezekiel 9:1-7, 18-22, Psalm 113:1-6, Matthew 18:15-20


Ezekiel 9:1-7, 18-22, Psalm 113:1-6, Matthew 18:15-20

Ezekiel 9:1-7, 18-22

My Beloved, over and over we see repeated in salvation history how the people of God were punished severely for worshiping pagan gods, adopting pagan practices and forgetting that they were God's people, chosen by Him, who had revealed Himself beyond a shadow of doubt that He was not only God but their God and they His people who had worked mightily in their favor.

Now, however God abandons His temple.  The stench of immorality and idolatry has become too much to bear and the people will have to suffer the wrath of God once more.  However, just as the blood of the lamb on the lintels and door post saved God's chosen in the past, once again those who repent would have a cross traced on their foreheads and they would be spared.  None were saved except those marked with a cross and God's presence departed from the place where He had dwelt among His people since the time of Solomon who built the temple and went resided with His people who were in exile.

Will this be our history as well my Beloved?  No, for You paid the full price of our redemption and we are now marked by the Sign of Victory - the Cross on which You were raised, making expiation for our sins and the sins of the whole world.

Thank You my Lord and my God! 

Psalm 113:1-6

My Beloved, all glory, honor, praise and majesty belongs to You.  Raised high above all the nations, You are exalted, adored and worshiped.  A sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving is offered to You each day in every part of the world and all in heaven and on earth bow before You and You stoop over us to bless us.  Thank You!

Matthew 18:15-20

My Beloved, when we gather in Your Name to offer our Sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving in memory of You to the Father, You are present in our midst.  Together with You, we offer a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving in memory of You to the Father You are present in our midst.  Together with You we offer the sacrifice of our own lives  in union with Your eternal sacrifice for our salvation and once more God becomes Emmanuel.  We have Your Word that anything we ask the Father as we come together in worship will be given to us - the first being the salvation of the whole world already brought about on the Cross but yet to be accepted by all.  

Thank You for the power given to Your anointed the Bishop Rome Successor of Peter and the Bishops to rule and govern in Your Name and with Your power in unity with the Holy Spirit, making it possible for the,m to Your Church with authority received directly from You.

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