Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Acts 7:51-8:1a, Psalm 31:3cd,-4, 6-7b, 8a, 17, 21ab, John 6:30-35


Acts 7:51-8:1a, Psalm 31:3cd,-4, 6-7b, 8a, 17, 21ab, John 6:30-35

Acts 7:51-8:1a

 My Beloved, the self-righteous, proud, hard-hearted hypocrite is blind to the truth.  One such as this deludes himself into believing that only what he does has merit.  Stephen full of the Holy Spirit named each of the sins of God's people and as he listed them the anger of his accusers increased steadily until they became a rabid mob.  Finally, when he was given a vision of heaven and he told his enemies what he saw, they who believed that God was on their side, grabbed the innocent man and their vicious cruelty was not appeased until they stoned him to death.  yet, he died with words of forgiveness on his lips for he had learned well from His Master who taught us how to live and how to die.

Psalm 31:3cd,-4, 6-7b, 8a, 17, 21ab

 My Beloved, I belong to You and I have no reason to be afraid, anxious or distressed.  I have commended my whole life into Your keeping.  You are my rock, my refuge, my stronghold.  I have placed my trust in You and I shall not be disappointed.  You have loved us with an everlasting love and You cause Your Face to shine upon me because You love me.  I shelter n Your Presence and You keep me safe from the wiles and snares of the enemy.  Thank You.

John 6:30-35

At every celebration of the Holy Eucharist we have  signs of the miraculous - the Son of Man descends from heaven, receives our gifts of bread and wine and as we offer them to His Father, through Him the miracle of transubstantiation, they become His Body and Blood.  Our Father gives us this Bread - true Bread from heaven in order that we may receive strength for the journey to His Kingdom.  When we eat this Bread and drink the wine which are His Body and Blood, we receive life from the Bread of Life and we will never be hunger or thirst.  Believing  we are saved.

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