Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Acts 15:1-6, Psalm 122:1-5, John 15:1-8


Acts 15:1-6, Psalm 122:1-5, John 15:1-8

Acts 15:1-6

My Beloved, once again we see the Majisterium in action.  Each time a serious question arose in the early Church and there was a strong difference of opinion on an important matter, it was taken to the Apostles and elders.  After much deliberation and prayer a decision was taken that was binding on all.  

In a world of division, unity in the Church is a symbol of the Holy Trinity and the unity between You Beloved and Your Spouse the Church.  Division is the work of the devil, through division Satan enters and destroys.    The reason for the discord and disharmony can most often than not be traced to pride which is the hallmark of Lucifer and his minions.

Psalm 122:1-5

The house of God is the place where You my Beloved dwell among Your people.  Here You unite us in love with You, the Father and each other.  We gather here to praise, worship, adore and offer our thanks in grateful and humble acknowledgement of all You have done for us.  We come together to celebrate the greatest sacrifice of Love that wrought our salvation and redeemed a fallen world.  In the Eucharist, God feeds His people and strengthens them so they can go out into the world equipped with every grace and gift to live the Gospel.

John 15:1-8

My Beloved, You are the Vine and the Father is the Vine grower the Holy Spirit is the Sap.  We are all made one in You.  The Father who created us lovingly ensures that embedded in You and fed on the Sap of the Spirit, we bear good fruit that will last.  The Father uses all the circumstances in our lives to help us grow strong and healthy.  Apart from You we will be good for nothing except to be cast into the outer darkness where we will soon wither and die leaving no trace to indicate that we once existed.  Those who do not recognize Peter as the Head of the Church You founded and try to live outside the bark of Peter courts death.  Lopped off from Your Body the Sap of the Spirit will eventually dry up and it will be fit for nothing except to be thrown into the fire and be destroyed.

But if we remain in You and if the Words of Life remain in us, then it will delight our Father to give us all we ask, for, inspired by His Spirit we will ask for only that which will strengthen us and enable us to grow and bear fruit for the Kingdom of God.  A disciple is one who walks in Your footsteps and will ultimately reach the place prepared by the Father eternally.

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